Episode 1

My life starts with a bang


From the first day I was born, I have noticed that there is something wrong with the way I look at things in life. Since the first day I opened my eyes I can see it in the upper right corner of my vision. As I grew up it becomes a normal thing for me and was never bothered with it.

I was born in a really big city called Megacity G. However, I am not aware of what is outside of the city, all I know is that the city is really big full of tall buildings.

After my birth, my parents died and left me a one-month-old child. They named me Adrian Chung. At least before leaving, they gave me a name.

Then I was raised and adopted by my father's sister's family, my aunt's name is Oliva Chung Everdene. At last, I can have a new family, a happy life, and I will grow up to be a healthy and good child, that was what you expected to hear, right?

But that was only in fairy tales.

With the living condition in the city getting harder and harder as the days go by. I guess the family just wanted to save money so they skimp on my milk. Instead, they directly feed me solid food. At first, it causes much discomfort in my body. But as time goes by… I got over it.

A few years later…

I am now supposed to be in primary school at the age of three, but my aunt decided to just homeschool me. She taught me how to read and write and learn about the basic words, then left me alone in the house to learn for myself. But it seems that this style of teaching is good for me. I started reading simple books as my aunt taught me. It seems that I can remember anything I see.

On the upper right corner of my eyes, I can see some changes but for now, I know not what they mean.

A few years later, I was admitted to 1st grade as it seems that the teachers found my so-called intelligence is a bit higher than other average children. Hence I skipped the rest and jumps directly to grade 1.

My life in school was great. I would always wear the precious clothes from my older cousin. And I am so grateful for her, for giving me the chance to wear her clothes.

But it seems that they are a bit uncomfortable.

I notice that the children and the teachers in the class look at me with weird gazes. But I didn't mind. All I wanted is to learn. I learned how to read and now understand the things I am seeing at the right upper corner of my view.

I can see Health, Life, charisma, endurance, strength, dexterity, wisdom, and intelligence. Health, Life, and Charisma are represented by numbers. While the rest are green bars with numbers at the end. When I entered grade 1, this is what I can see.

Health: 100

Life: 6/100

Charisma: 0.1

Endurance: green bar: 0.2

Strength: green bar: 0.2

Dexterity: green bar: 0.3

Wisdom: green bar: 0.2

Intelligence: green bar: 1

Then I noticed that every time I do something the green bars would decrease and if I am tired or hurt they would turn red. The only way for the bars to turn green and be full again is to sleep, eat, or take a short rest.

Since I became aware of this, I was really interested in exploring these things. I played, I studied, and I did what every child would do. And I found them really helpful in increasing the numbers.

One day, I was running in the playground and a boy struck me. I was hit really hard in my stomach and felt the pain coursing all over my tiny body. From there I saw my Health dropped by 2 points. After standing up and recovering myself, my stomach still feels the pain and I was taken to the nurse's office.

They treated the pain away and Health came back to full 100 points. But I noticed that my endurance went up by 0.01 points.

I was happy at the same time sad. I didn't want to feel the same pain just to get 0.01 points. But I didn't stop and continue exploring my own body and slowly develop myself.

At home, I began to do labors which my aunt said will be helpful for me. By now I already understand that my aunt truly didn't care. However, I still need them, so I persevere.

Washing the dishes, cleaning the house, washing all of my and their clothes, and getting scolded and hit every now and then is what constituted my everyday life. These menial things are somewhat offensive to others but for me, I accepted everything. Because it helps me improve, it added to my points.

In my growth, I now noticed that my body is unlike any other children. When I reached the 6th grade, the difference can already be seen. My physique may look ordinary, but underneath my old worn out handed down clothes lays a body that every boy could ever wish for.

And now I can see that the perseverance I had has borne fruits. My stats now look like this.

Health: 100

Life: 12/100

Charisma: 0.5

Endurance: green bar: 1

Strength: green bar: 1

Dexterity: green bar: 1

Wisdom: green bar: 1

Intelligence: green bar: 1.5

If I am not wrong, after six years I now have the normal body statistics of a normal 20-year-old young man. But it seems that my stats stopped growing after that. The menial tasks are not working anymore and are not helping me to grow.

But still, I do them for the sake of my future plans.

When I finished grade school and wanted to study in middle school. My aunt and uncle suddenly had an argument. They are fighting because they don't want to spend more money, and there I discover that they are actually receiving money from the government for me, from my parents. But I can't make up the rest of the conversation.

In my desire to listen more, I concentrated and suddenly saw a blinking red light at the top left corner of my eyes. The icon looks like a human head, and when I think of it, it showed some numbers and information.

Five senses enhancement. Initiated…

Senses training begins.

Sense stats:

Hearing: 0.1

Smell: 0.1

Touch: 0.1

Sight: 0.1

Taste: 0.1

I was stunned upon seeing the new stats at the top left corner of my sight. And so, I tried to listen to the conversation in the other room. As I concentrated more, I notice a small value began increasing with my hearing stats as it grew 0.01.

This made me smile and feel happy. But a bit concerned because I discovered that my aunt and uncle are actually just using me to get money from the government.

Now I am curious about what my parent did for a living when they were alive.

Nothing really important happened after that and my life continues to drift as I did the menial things in life. But of course, I have a new task now, and that is to enhance my senses.

The key to this is concentration. I needed to concentrate to gain something for my senses. If not, then everything is for naught.

And soon the time flew by and I grew up to be a somewhat attractive looking 14-year-old young man. My senses have now improved and I have discovered a new world within my realm of sense.

But I discovered something about my stats. It seems that my charisma has not improved since then. I wanted to make it grow, but it seems I can't. No matter how I tried I can't seem to gain any friends except for one person.

Denis Gamboa.

Ever since childhood, we were buddies. Oh, by the way, he was the child that hit my stomach when we were kids.

But since then, we became friends.

Many people find me weird, but Denis finds me funny and amusing. He was the top of our class while I would only trail to the middle scores. This is because I didn't want to stand out since I am already aware of my circumstances in life.

Heck, for crying out loud, I'm wearing handed down female clothes from my older cousin. Some students even considered me to be gay. But I'm not. I'm a straight guy of course.

Sigh… I guess time really flew by as now I am about to enter the last two years of my youth days.

One day, I was walking home just as usual when I saw two students kicking someone on the ground. And in my view, I saw that it was one of my classmates.

My mind suddenly panicked as I think of what to do. I hesitated for a moment because I don't want to expose my own strength. But is I didn't help, my classmate would be beaten up. Clenching my two fists I walked resolutely towards the two students wearing a high school uniform.

By the way, only high school students get to wear uniforms.

I called out to them.

"Hey! Stop that!" I shouted.

The two took a glance at my direction and upon seeing my clothes they almost died laughing.

"What can a faggot do? Do you want to fight us? Oh… oh… is this guy your boyfriend? Hahaha…"

The two mocked me.

I didn't hesitate anymore while feeling annoyed. I walked in front of them and push the closest boy.

I guess I pushed too hard because I saw him tumble and hit the other boy.

Seeing this I heave a sigh of relief. I thought that everything was over.

But I was wrong.

The two suddenly stood up and dashed towards me.

I never experienced fighting with someone before. So I didn't know what to do. Suddenly I felt a powerful blow which almost knocks the daylight out of mind as I found myself rolling to the ground. This was followed by a series of kicks and punches.

While writhing in pain, I saw at the top right corner of my already closed eyes my stats changed.

Health: 80

Life: 14/100

Charisma: 0.5

Endurance: dropping green bar: 1.02

Strength: green bar: 1

Dexterity: green bar: 1

Wisdom: green bar: 1

Intelligence: green bar: 2

My Health and Endurance are dropping, but the number in my endurance suddenly increased. It seems that every painful hit I get gives me 0.01 points. I wanted to be happy, but I didn't know what happened next as I passed out.