Episode 2

My life starts with a bang Part 2



"Where am I? This place?... Oh, I'm still on the ground. It seems that I fainted…" I muttered.

Looking at the top right corner of my eyes I saw that my endurance to by 0.1. I didn't know how many times those guys hit me, but my body felt painful all over especially my face and stomach.

Without any option as it is already getting dark, I pick myself up and sluggishly walk home while dragging my aching body.

When I got home nobody bothers me as I entered my small and cramp room and slumped on my small makeshift bed.

I didn't know what happened next, but I fell asleep.

It's like I haven't slept for a very long time and this night was the most relaxing night of my life.

My body began to feel really at ease as I entered my dreamland.

The next day

I woke up feeling refreshed, but I noticed that something is wrong. My clothes have been changed and it seems that my body has been cleaned. I clearly remember that I lost consciousness last night and wasn't able to get up.

"How did I change my shorts even my underwear? This is not logical. What happened?" I muttered after checking my clothes.

Suddenly I saw the time and felt a bit anxious.

It's already 5 a.m. and I have to prepare breakfast for everyone.

I jumped out of bed and quickly went to the kitchen. Luckily I was the first to wake up. If not, my aunt would be screaming at me at the end of her throat.

After an hour, Adrian finished making breakfast and also finished bathing. He has even prepared his school uniform. Then the door in the main room opened and his aunt walks out with her disheveled hair and still sleepy eyes.

Upon noticing the delicious smelling food on the table, she showed a smiling expression.

"Good! I noticed that you didn't eat dinner last night, what happened? Are you starting to go out with friends? I'm telling you this. I will not tolerate you going out at night. If I catch you hanging with anyone outside I will throw you out of this house, understand?!" she suddenly scolded.

"Yes, auntie. I won't do that." I replied.

I'm already used to this, as every day of my life since I was born, her nagging voice would always echo in my brain. This is the reason why I'm already numb to her nagging and sermons.

"Hey, you two lazy head! Wake up! Time to go and work!" she suddenly shouted behind her.

When she didn't hear any reply she banged the two doors, gaining complaints to the two inside each room.

This is what my morning is like. And I am already used to it.

When my cousin and uncle went out of the room, my aunt is already eating breakfast as I stood in the kitchen preparing to serve the two.

Suddenly I noticed my cousin looking at me with an astonished expression. But then she turns her gaze and silently eats breakfast.

The day in school after that was uneventful as I continue to grow and improve myself little by little.

In a blink of an eye, I have already finished Grade school and am now going to enter high school in the next school year.

I wanted to spend my vacation doing something that can be of use to increase my stats more because my stats have grown since then.

Health: 100

Life: 14/100

Charisma: 0.5

Endurance: green bar: 1.2

Strength: green bar: 1

Dexterity: green bar: 1

Wisdom: green bar: 1

Intelligence: green bar: 2.1

Senses stats:

Hearing: 0.5

Smell: 0.5

Touch: 0.5

Sight: 0.5

Taste: 0.5

I have noticed these days that my sense stats seem to have stopped growing. But I am already contented with what I can do with them. My hearing can cover my whole school classroom, and I can hear everyone. My smell is already too sensitive, luckily I can control it, if not I would be fainting to death in smelling those disgusting odor in my class. And my touch is the most amazing one because I can feel the vibration in the air and become very sensitive. My sight is still normal, though I can zoom in and clearly see anything at a distance of 5 meters even at night. And last is my taste buds, I truly have a great taste buds now. I can roughly know what the ingredients of anything I eat.

"I wanted to learn how to fight. The last time I was beaten and fainted is something that must not happen again. At least I must know how to defend myself." I muttered as I sat on my bed.

Suddenly I remembered that in the park outside my house, there are those elderly people who would always do those moves like they were dancing. So I thought that if I can learn those, maybe I can also learn how to fight.

With that in mind, I got off my bed and ran outside.

It was early in the morning, and many children are playing in the park since it's the first day of school vacation.

I saw many played sports and some are just chatting on the side.

I roamed my gaze and found my target.

On one corner of the park, a group of people are starting to congregate.

"I guess they have not started yet," I muttered as I excitedly ran to the place.

As soon as I reached the place, the group has already formed a line. Lucky for me it was the only time that they will start their routine.

As the old people began to show their forms I stood on the side while watching them. My brain has already recorded every action they are taking to every minute detail.

Since I have 2.1 in intelligence, my mind is like a camera recorder that records every minute detail of their actions. After 30 minutes I have already digested everything in my mind. However, the question is if I can execute them with my body.

Sometimes, what you have inside your mind takes a lot of effort for your body to follow. But my dexterity is still low, hence I have to persevere and improve it.

Adrian followed the group with his awkward and stiff movements. But after some time he gradually improves. Days went by and he can now execute the moves done by the old people. He can already even grasp the essence of each position and how to execute it perfectly.

One day

"Young man, you're here again. I've been watching you for two weeks and I can see that you have a gift for martial arts. I think you should pursue it and train properly." an old man said as he approached Adrian.

Upon hearing the old man, I was a bit hesitant. This is because learning martial arts needs money. And I don't have any money.

Seeing the reluctance and indecisive expression on Adrian's face, the old man suddenly understood what is happening. He carefully assessed the young man in front of him and noticed his clothes are a bit… different.

So he just shook his head and didn't push further.

Today I noticed that the group of old people didn't do any exercises. Instead, an old man is standing in the middle. This old man is the same old man that approached me.

Then I saw it with my own eyes, the same movement, but there is something different. The movements that the old man is showing contain power and speed. It's like he is fighting against many enemies while he regains his form and technique.

"HA!" shouted the old man in the end.

Then his gaze suddenly turns to Adrian who looks like he was in a daze.

"This young man is truly gifted if he can emulate such movements perfectly." The old man muttered.

"HA!" the old man shouted as he went to stance.

Then he noticed that Adrian is following and a smile appears on his wizened face.

The vacation time is almost over, and I learned a lot from spending my morning in the park. I have noticed a great leap in my dexterity which has now turned to 1.5 points.

After learning those moves I found my body really light and my flexibility improved by leaps and bounds. I knew that if I will face those same guys again, I would not be at a disadvantage. I can truly beat them with ease.

The days are truly good to me, as I continue to live my life doing my boring routine and new ones. And then something hits me, I suddenly realized how can I improve my strength which is the only stats that haven't increased since then.

With a glint of determination in his eyes, Adrian once again went out of his room and excitedly did what he could to improve another of his stats.

Health: 100

Life: 14/100

Charisma: 0.5

Endurance: green bar: 1.2

Strength: green bar: 1

Dexterity: green bar: 1.5

Wisdom: green bar: 1

Intelligence: green bar: 2.1

Senses stats:

Hearing: 0.5

Smell: 0.5

Touch: 0.5

Sight: 0.5

Taste: 0.5