Episode 3

Running away


Warm… the sun feels warm as it hits my skin. It has been a fruitful vacation as I have enjoyed my summer holiday in peace. I have improved my strength by a margin of 0.2 by lifting the stones in the park near my house at night.

But I guess it wasn't enough for me to gain more strength as I found myself lacking nutrition.

I live with my aunt who treats me... a bit... better. But the nutrition I get is still lacking. I don't have a choice but to eat the 2 meals a day as it has always been what I always had ever since I was raised in this family.

But I never complained and never had the desire to ask for more either.

Last summer vacation I discovered that my aunt has decided to not support me in my schooling. She wanted me to attend a public high school so that she would not spend too much on me. I readily agreed with her as I know that this is already the way my life is.

But deep in my heart, I have already decided to change a few of their plans.

Today I would tell them that I am going to start working a part-time job which was offered to me by one of the old men from the plaza.

The old man named Park Myung offered an assistant job for me in his old clinic.

It all started in the last days of the summer vacation and the old people are doing martial arts exercises as usual. Then suddenly an old man collapses to the ground. Everyone was in panic and old man Park calmly walks towards the old man and tried to feel his pulse.

On the side, I stood watching the scene and felt that something was off. I use my nose to smell what is happening and discover the unnatural stink in the old man's breath. Then using my ears, I tried to listen to the function of his stomach.

As I have practiced diligently, I'm already familiar with what the natural and unnatural sound of a person's organ.

"His left heart vein is blocked. His heart is having a hard time pushing the blood out." I said on the side.

When old man Park heard my words, his eyes scrunch in suspicion but decided to listen to my words and press his ears on the old man's chest. Then suddenly his eyes lit up and look at me in amazement. Then he took some thin needles on his wrist and call for me to come closer.

"Guide me where to insert the needle." He just said and prepares the needle.

I felt a bit worried, but seeing the determined look on old man's Park's expression I didn't have a choice but to help guide him.

With a few adjustments, he was able to insert three needles and clear the blockage in the old man's heart. It was a miracle for everyone, and the fainted old man's life was saved.

And that's how I got the job.

"Aunt, uncle, I… I have something to say," I said in a low voice after breakfast.

When the three heard my words, they suddenly stopped and my aunt's eyes had a clear worried expression.

But I already decided that this is for the better, this is for myself so I need to get my act together and tell them what I wanted to say.

"I'm going to work part-time from now on to support myself in school. Don't worry about my food allowance and living expenses, I will take care of myself." I said and immediately heave a great sigh of relief.

However, I didn't expect that this would cause my aunt to be angry.

"What! You think you can live on your own and leave this house. You have no shame! We feed you! Send you to school, and clothe you… and this is how you repay us? I won't agree with this. You cannot leave this house. I will not agree for you to work outside. Work in this house until you can repay your debt from us in raising you." my aunt shouted.

I was stunned by her expression. I did not believe that she would not let me go just because she considered that I had a debt on them for raising me?

Her words made me feel angry for the first time in my life. However, I would agree with one thing about what she said. This family helped me grow… grow stronger at a faster rate.

Everything about my stats can make be considered as a grown man already. A healthy normal human being has a stat of 1 on all basic stats and has sense stats of 0.2 as normal. But because I was treated harshly in this house I grew my basic stats to 1 or more at an early age of 14 years old.

"Do you understand me, Adrian? You will not be leaving this house. If you do I will call the police and report you as someone who is running away from home. As your legal guardians we have the right to detain you." she shouted.

I just lowered my head and didn't reply, but my fists are already clenched.

"Hey! Do you understand…"

"You… you have taken away what is mine. What should be mine… My late parents left that insurance money for me. But you have taken it and spend it for yourself and left me with the scraps… I have long known about this, but I didn't say anything… Because we are family…" I said with a calm but tough voice.

"But all I wanted is for me to be able to at least fend for myself and buy my own stuff. I wore woman's clothes for crying out loud."

"Young man, be more respectful to your aunt. I will not tolerate your words." My uncle suddenly said as he glared at me.

"So what! You are living under our roof, so you follow our rules. If not then we will throw you out in the streets naked… do you understand!" my aunt shouted as she pointed her finger on my head.

"Heh, They said that you are a good student. But I guess you're as stupid as your parents… Dying and leaving a child. Why didn't they left this world with you?"

Upon hearing her words, I suddenly snapped. I truly wanted to punch my aunt, but the decency of a human being is still able to make me control myself. But that was the last straw, insulting my parents who were their benefactors for these many years. I would not tolerate it anymore.

With a lowered head I turn around and entered my room in silence.

"Ha! Do you think you can fight against me? Dream on! For angering me this much, I will take one of your meals. You can just eat once a day. See if that would not teach you a lesson for disobeying me. Che…" she shouted as she kicked the old door of my cramped room.

I didn't reply and just sit on my bed like a wooden block.

No tears escaped my eyes, and no regret can be seen on my face. I have already decided and no one can stop me.

I didn't eat for the whole day and just stayed in my room. My aunt would insult me and scold me and I would silently do my chores as usual, because I already know that this is the last.

That night, the family slept and I didn't get to eat my dinner.

My aunt stayed in the living room as if guarding her house against a thief. I guess she is thinking that I would escape tonight and she would block me.

However, I have my own ways.

I waited patiently until I can already sense her drowsiness. And when her eyes fell, I made my move.

With my keen senses, I soundlessly open the door in my room. I carefully crept through the kitchen and silently open the window.

However, I didn't expect something to happen at that time that made my heart skipped a beat…

Even though I can sense sound and feel the vibration in the air, I didn't expect the friction on the window to occur.


The loud sound of the window opening immediately startled my aunt who is sitting on a chair who is already dozing off to the dream world. Her eyes swept through the surroundings, and suspiciously stood up and walk carefully towards the kitchen which is near the living room.

My breathing was rugged as my heartbeat became faster. As her footsteps drew closer, I can feel her presence clearly.

Then suddenly she turns her head towards my room and slowly approaches the door.

As she extended her hands to open the door, worry and cold sweats can be seen on my face.

"Damn it! Will I get caught? If my aunt knew that I was escaping then everything would be over. She would tighten the security of the house, or even imprison me here." I thought to myself as my heart races fast.


Suddenly that sound seems to turn everything frozen, even my heart seems to have skipped a beat.