Episode 4

Hiding a missing person


"Mom, what are you doing this late at night?" a soft voice interrupted the silent but tense atmosphere.

Then a young girl walks out of her room while rubbing her eyes. The girl walks towards the kitchen and drinks a glass of water.

She then looks at her mom with a weird expression on her face and shook her head.

My heart is already at the end of my throat as I let my senses go and observe what my aunt is doing. She then walks towards the sofa and returns to her position while watching my room. When she did so I heave a sigh of relief as I carefully and silently walk away from the wall I was crouching on near the kitchen window.

"I will never be coming back to this place. I will find my own way in this world, learn more skills, and be independent…" I thought as I left.

Western area a few blocks away from the park

That night, I directly went to the small clinic of old man Park Myung which is a little distance away from the park which the old people usually do their exercise in the morning. When I reached the place I discover that the small clinic is still open.

Knock! Knock!

I listen and waited for the reply but found that no one is answering. Even with my sharp hearing, I found that no one is inside the clinic.

And so I knock again the second time.

This time heard some footsteps but from inside the clinic but from my back. A few meters away behind me, there are two men walking with stealthy steps. I was curious and a bit scared but I still gather my wits before me and waited. I was observing their breathing and their faint heartbeat which I can already hear.

But from what I can sense the two men seem to be relaxed and not tense at all.

I acted like it was nothing and turn around. I look at the window and once again knock on it.

"Hello! Is someone there?" I said in a voice that is not too loud and not too soft.

Suddenly I noticed the two began rushing towards my location. I was prepared for them for the whole time and immediately turn my gaze towards them.

It seems that what I did startle the two men than they became hesitant. Suddenly one of them seems to have a look of resoluteness in his eyes as he sent a fist towards my face. But to me who has attained a dexterity of 1.5, which means that my reflexes have more than half the speed advantage of a normal person, it is easy to catch the trajectory of his punch.

I carefully positioned my hands just like I have practiced every day since the vacation. Then with a swift movement, catches the arm of the guy, and using the force of his body lowered my stance and quickly lifted him up.


The loud sound of his body crashing to the ground seems to have startled the other guy. But he didn't back away, instead, he also attacked me. I was not the same person I was before. So I once again didn't cower before him.

My swift movement made the guy a bit confused as I maneuver my body to his side and gave him a sharp hand chop to the side of his neck.

I never learned how to control my strength, hence the guy fainted immediately.

With the two men on the ground I quickly ran to the side pretending to call someone. But how could I? I didn't even have a phone. But in my mind, the two didn't know that. So a panic expression immediately showed on the face of the man I threw to the ground.

He didn't think twice as he quickly carried his companion and ran away.

I watch them leave and heaves a sigh of relief after I saw them already out of sight.

Suddenly I saw old man Park Myung coming out of the door peaking carefully outside. When he saw no one he suddenly showed a happy expression on his old face.

Then he turns towards my direction.

"You lad is really something. Haha… I am glad that I hired you. Those thugs have been bothering me for a while now. But no worries, tomorrow I decided to leave this place and would rent another place for my clinic…" he said while walking towards me.

"Ah… so Elder is leaving… Then… then what about me? I mean my job as your assistant?"

"Huh? I thought you would come with me? You said you wanted to be a stay in assistant right?"

"Yes… yes elder." I happily replied.

That night I stayed with the old man and help him prepare for what to bring tomorrow. Although I didn't get to sleep my heartfelt at ease. I knew that with the old man's help I can learn more and will have my own freedom.

The next day…

I left with the old man and leave the old neighborhood I grew up with. I didn't have many fond memories of this place so it didn't bother me that much.

The Everdene residence

"Hey, we have a problem…"

"What do you mean?"

"That bastard is gone! He escaped!"

"What? How? I mean you were out here all night, how could he get out?"

"I don't know, maybe when I doze off a bit…"

"Then what should we do?"

"Let's not tell this to the authorities. If we do, then it will affect the support of the government. Let's just pretend that he is just staying at home inside his room."

"Will that work?"

"You worry too much, let me, your wife take care of this mess. However, if I find that brat I will cripple him and chain him in this house for his entire life."

It has been a few days since my transfer and old man Park Myung also let me be enrolled in the nearby high school called Mega-City G East High School or MCGEHS. I didn't what he did, but he was able to get my middle-school card and results without even my aunt or uncle knowing.

And so I will be starting my new life in this new school and I have also learned a lot of things from old man Park Myung. He is a really good teacher and has taught me a lot of techniques when it comes to medicine. However, I have only memorized what he has written and he told me to learn the rest. And so my days consist of studying and following Dr. Park as the people called him.

As days go by the school opening drew closer and my knowledge grew deeper. I also noticed that my wisdom has increased by 0.05 as I continue in applying what I have learned from the old man. I didn't waste my time as I also continuously practiced my martial arts and has become proficient in it.

Today is another day and old man Park Myung took me to a clothing shop. There two people greeted us and took my measurement. I am going to be a high school so old man Park Myung wanted to give me new clothes.

After that, we went to buy other things like shoes, school supplies, and more.

When I saw that I can have a new pen and a new pencil of my own, I was truly happy. I think it was the best gift that was given to me in my whole life. I was too happy that I stayed frozen looking at the few pen and pencils on the table after we went home.

I didn't notice it, but a few drops of tears have already fallen down my eyes as I could not hold the happiness I felt. All the pent up emotion I had in my heart came out like a gushing flood of water. I didn't what happened next but I felt a gentle arm hugging around my shoulder and slowly patting my back.

"It's okay, everything would be alright." The gentle voice of an old man slowly soothes my heart.

I felt like, each pat, of his gentle hands takes all the pain and bad memories I had in my life, away. At this moment old man Park Myung is the first person I have ever thanks throughout my whole life thus far. For me right at this time, nothing is more precious than the old man who is a complete stranger to me but treated me like his real son and only kin.

"Thank… thank you… You… you will always be… my benefactor. I… I… will never… forget this… kindness… for… the rest of my life… *sob *sob…" I tried saying in-between my sobs.

"Lad, when I first saw you, I have this feeling that we are going to have this connection. You have already accepted my teaching and I already considered you as my student. Be strong and be wise in all your doings… I will always be your support."

I have already learned about the old man's Park Myung family. Because of his lowly status, his wife left him taking their two children with her. He could not stop her as he is powerless to do so. But he persevered in his life when he became a doctor, he tried to find his children but it seems that his wife has already had a new family.

It has been many years, and he knew that his children had already grown up. However, he didn't know where they are.

After his retirement he spent his days healing others even for free and lived a free life.

But he didn't give up looking for his children. All he wanted is to know how they are and to at least see them once more before leaving this world. But it seems that destiny is a bit cruel to some people.

However, I think that I and the old man are fated to meet as both of us are looking for a true family. And family is what has right now. So I swear within the depth of my heart that I will do all I can to be a good student to the person I now called… my master.