Episode 5

High School


Mega-City G East High School, early morning

I woke up today in a happy mood and prepares myself to go on my first day in High School. I felt so excited that I even hum while doing my chores and preparing myself for school. Everything in my life has been going smoothly so far and my grateful heart has swell with joy.

"Hey, are you ready for school? Hehe… You look dashing in your school uniform." Old man Park Myung teases me as he tilted down his glasses with a smile on his wizen face.

"Hehe… Thank you, master. I'm going then!" I said as I waved my hand and walked out of the small hut.

The school is not too far from where I lived. I only had to walk for about 15 to 20 minutes and I will arrive at the gates of the school.

As I walked I can see the busy streets with many people busily walking and going to their work. The cars on the street are a bit congested as the flow of traffic thickens.

Walking is already a part of my life ever since I started going to school. So this is not new to me anymore. However, this time I'm wearing something new, not any handed down clothes from a girl. This time, no weird looks are on me and I am happy for once while walking to school.

But what surprises me is that on the streets, there are people who wear the clothes I had before. And so now, I'm one of those people who are giving them a weird look on my face.

"I guess this is how those people at that time feel when I was wearing such clothes… it felt uncomfortable and weird… Sigh…" I thought as I shook my head and turn my gaze somewhere else.

Not long later I arrive in front of a large black wrought iron steel gate.

At the top of that steel gate a large post which is made of stainless steel, and the letters MCGEHS are embedded on it.

Many students are already coming inside the school and some are even having friendly banters. It seems that those people are schoolmates from last school year and had excitedly met each other to once again started a new school year.

I too wanted to have such memories, but it seems that I hadn't had much luck from my previous school.

As I was about to walk in, I saw many students trying to call out for some of those who are entering the gate.

"Hey, you! Do you want to join our club?..."

"Oh, this is your lucky day! We are recruiting members for our club…"

"I know you… why don't you join our club?"

This ruckus and outcry are going on inside the school after a student enters the gate. As I too entered, I too was one of those students who are called and is being invited.

Suddenly, two large youth blocks my path. They are wearing the same school uniform as I have but on their foreheads is a piece of torn white cloth with black ink words written on it.

'EHS Karate club'

I felt a bit curious about this club as it seems to be related to martial arts. But by looking at the faces of the two students they don't seem to look like good people.

As I have grown up in a not so nice environment, I have learned and discover how to tell a rotten egg if I see one.

With one look I can almost already analyze what a person wanted to do. And with my heightened senses, I was also able to even smell something different on their bodies. First, these two students have some lingering scent of prohibited drugs within their bodies. It seems that they have used it, and the smoky scent on their clothes is still there even after spraying some strong cologne or deodorant on their bodies and clothes.

Second, the veins in their eyes are telling me that the two just spent the whole night playing with some unknown women. This could not be smelled from their body, but the veins in their eyes can tell me what I needed to know. Ever since I became an apprentice of Dr. Park, I have learned a lot about the anatomy of a human being and even animals. And the old doctor has praised me for my talent in seeing the diseases of a person only by looking at their eyes.

And so I already had an unfavorable expression of the two students. But still, I cannot show it on my face, so I just gave them a perfunctory polite smile like I always do.

"Hey, you… You have to join our club." One of them said as he blocks my way.

"Yeah, we can give you a lot of privilege if you join. You know what I mean…" the other one said as he threw a wink at me.

I was a bit perplexed as I didn't know how to decline their offer. But still, I have to say no to them as I didn't want to join such a club with such members.

"I'm… I'm sorry, seniors… I'm just new in school, so I…" I said as I tried to think of an excuse.

However, the two seem to be determined to make me enter their club as one of them suddenly puts his arms on my shoulder then whispers.

"Dude, don't be like that… Accept it while we are asking politely. You don't want to get hurt, do you?"

I immediately wore a serious expression on my face upon hearing this. It is my first day in school and a new beginning for me. I didn't want to do something that would make me stand out. But it seems that something that is meant to happen would really happen even if you don't want it to.

I suddenly clench my fist as I deliberated in my mind if I wanted to run away or be steadfast in my decision to say no. But that decision was suddenly made for me by a voice that interrupted my thoughts.

The voice seems to belong to a girl but is a bit deeper than that of an ordinary girl. However, as I listened carefully I discovered that hers was a beautiful dulcet voice.

"You ass are doing this, this early in the morning? Do you want to get beaten up?" she said with a cold and rising tone.

I turned my gaze towards the girl and saw her wearing her school uniform in a weird way. Although in school girls should wear a blue skirt & black shoes, she wears her P.E. jogger pants under her skirt and instead of black shoes, she puts on rubber shoes.

The girl looks like a delinquent at one glance, and I also discovered that her face is covered with thick makeup, making her look the part.

But seeing her eyes, I was a bit confused. That is because, even though she looks like that, she actually smells nice and clean. Her veins are clear and her system is also clean and healthy, though I have to check on that further to confirm. But my point is that this girl is not a delinquent. But from her looks, she seems to be faking it or is just showing a façade.

But her appearance is my way out so I didn't mind.

After hearing her words, the two students who wanted to harass me suddenly took a step back. From the look on their eyes and the sound of their heartbeat, it seems that they are… afraid.

"The two of you better scram, before I lose my patience." The girl said with a fierce gaze.

I even felt the coldness of her gaze piercing through my bones.

"What a scary girl… I should not get close to her." I unconsciously thought.

After hearing her warning the two suddenly ran as if they have seen a ghost. They didn't even dare to look back.

"Humph, cowards…" she sneered as she continues walking towards the school.

I just bowed my head when she passes by but received no reply, but it's fine.

I soon too, walked towards a building and then to the faculty and staff office. I greeted my homeroom teacher after finding him sitting behind his desk.

He is a middle-aged man with a clean-cut hairdo and a typical Asian face.

His name is teacher Sun Xialong.

I politely greeted him. His attitude was neither servile nor overbearing it was just casual and relax.

I followed behind him and we enter the classroom. As I saw the classroom that is going to be where I am studying for one year, I felt a mixture of emotions deep within my heart.

I knew that this would be the true beginning of a new day for me. I had promised myself to work hard and repay what Dr. Park has done for me. That I would repay his kindness by studying hard in high school and enter college. After that, I would become a doctor just like him and will take good care of him for the rest of his life.

As I was thinking so, I noticed the students looking at me as teacher Sun has already called for my introduction.

I felt a bit nervous and excited as I open my mouth while not looking at the eyes of the students in front of me.

"I'm Adrian Chung my previous school is in the north. I'm glad to be your classmate. Please take good care of me."

I felt like I have nailed the introduction and didn't make any mistakes, so I was happy. When I turned my gaze to the students I immediately noticed someone. From the way she looks and her attitude in sitting, I immediately recognize her.

It was the delinquent girl I saw at the entrance. I didn't want to think about it, but suddenly I reflexively ask in my mind… am I grateful or afraid?