She was my lover in my former life

 "Stop calling me a dog." Incensed, Yuta hollers at him.

Yuki's mother rubs her forehead. They are too loud. Her father will wake up if they keep screaming. She wrinkles her nose and blurts out, "Yuki, go back in the house and clean up. I can't bring myself to look at you."

The boy stares at his mother. He straightens his back. His small face becomes expressionless. He looks at Yuta and chins up. "I am letting you go today because your parents helped my mother. If you come at me again, I won't go easy."

Yuta snorts. "Brat, you won't go easy on me? Look at your wrist. Does it not hurt? I will break it next time. You can forget about playing the violin for the rest of your life."

The boy raises his hand and looks at his wrist. His mother pales when she sees it swollen and red.

"It's not broken if you can still move it," Yuta mutters, disappointed by the boy's reaction.