Promise me that you won't tell her

 "Lover in your past life?" Kiyohira's face turns blank. He doesn't know what he expected. If his son remembers his past life, then he met that child in his past life. Still, it doesn't make sense. Why would Yuta hate Maddox? "Which era were you born in? Was Maddox enemy in your past life?"

Was Yuki a girl in his past life? Is that why Yuta called her a girl? Kiyohira's head is hurting. Yuki is a boy in this life. Why would his son beat up his lover from his past life? Yuki might have scratched Yuta once, but Yuta did a lot more to that poor child. Did they have a bad breakup in their past lives?

Yuta sighs. His father is confused. "Father, what if I tell you that there was a life in which you didn't know about my existence at all, and I was raised by a disgusting man who made me believe that the Interpol killed my mother? Would you believe me?"