You came to save me with a bottle of urine

Ren can't do much to escape. When he asked questions, the crazy woman stuffed his mouth with his sock and covered his eyes with a blindfold. He can't even tell her that he has to pee. How long can he hold it? He doesn't want to soil his pants in front of a woman. Did no one notice that he's gone? Someone save him from this crazy hacker.

The night has passed without any attempt on her life. Nina grips the steering wheel. Should she go or not? Rie's phone isn't connecting. Where the hell did she go to? If Rie doesn't take her call, she has no choice.

She glares at Ren. If he's useless, she will kill him and dump his body in the dumpster. 

Feeling her intense glare, Ren quivers in his seat. He presses his thighs together and bends forward. At the moment, he's not afraid of death. His stomach is about to burst. She notices his strange actions. Why is he shaking like that?