An intense desire to copulate with him

Yamashina Chiyo stares at the glass filled with beer. Though her gaze is fixed on the foam in the glass, her mind is filled with thoughts of Kawamoto Ren.

She had never been infected by love before, and she was never interested in having a relationship either. But her head is filled with Kawamoto Ren's face after he came out of the shower. The water was dripping from his ridiculous blue hair and he looked at her with his lively brown eyes. 

Chiyo grabs the glass and gulps the beer down in one breath. 

Imada Masao watches her slam down the glass and huff. She turns her head toward him and asks with a calm voice that doesn't match the rage in her eyes. "So, this anime character is a girl who was a duck once?"

"It was based on the story of an ugly duckling and swan lake." He scratches his chin, creasing his forehead. He has never seen her like this before. "Did someone give you that t-shirt as a gift?"