Princess Maria!

After finishing everything that was waiting for him to watch, Kawamoto Ren stretches his arms and mumbles, "I think that I am hungry."

He glances at the clock on the wall. 12:46 AM. A perfect time to eat ramen with Sake*? Yes! With a wide grin on his face, he walks to the kitchen. After ten minutes, he returns to his living room with a bowl of ramen and a bottle of Sake. 

"Satisfying." He nods to himself after taking a sip. Rie is back. He can watch anime without any guilt now. But he doesn't like his current job. Being a consultant in a cybersecurity software company isn't working out for him. It's kind of boring. Maybe he should accept Kamiyama Kiyohira's offer. Rie is going to take charge of the gaming company. She called it a dowry that Kiyohira gave her. Since she's already been to prison, she's not afraid of showing her talents to the world anymore.