Prologue: Dead Before Sunrise - Part 1

[What is life without death and death without life, if we were created from Ki or life energy, the very same energy that gave us the ability to live and breathe? Then would Death, would it be the decay of new and old souls or is it the end of your shitty and pathetic life...]

"Hmm, interesting premise however every life has value regardless of what path they may have chosen," A young man in a black velvet suede suit wearing a pair of moccasins commented as he took a sip of whiskey. After, reading an excerpt from Christian J. Grim's new book, Life After Death. 

When a voice suddenly disturbed his train of thought, "Not really… as nowadays who cares about the billions or trillions of lives lost every day across the universe for reasons beyond our time," A newcomer replied with a smile as he stepped into the bar, wearing a Naruto t-shirt with ripped black jeans and vans.

"Tsk, but still, that doesn't give you the right to subject people to your stupid ideology about life." The young man rebutted with a sneer as he glared at this week's, New York Times Best Selling Author.

'Seriously couldn't you have found something a little more presentable to wear, Christian?!' The young man wondered as he shook his head and downed the rest of his glass.

"Hmm, so my ideology is stupid, huh St. Vil. Yet half the universe wouldn't give two fucks if you were to die today," Christian replied as he sat beside him.

"It isn't stupid alright; however, it is a bit subjective," St. Vil claimed while side-eyeing the hell out of Christian, 'But I guess you could care less about what people think about your work as today is supposedly the day of your death.'

Snap. Snap.

"Hey, nincompoop so what did you think about it?" Christian asked after snapping his fingers twice to get St. Vil's attention which did the work.

"Hmm, sorry about that what were you saying?"

"I was asking you what you thought about the book, daydreamer?" Christian smiled.

"Oh… well, nothing much besides the fact that you have a twisted outlook on life and that you're really annoying you know that, Christian."

"Who would have thought it'd take you 15 years to figure that out, St. Vil; so, how are you and V doing are y'all still on bad terms?"

"Sigh, it's complicated but it's definitely gotten better this past year."

"That's good to hear so, you got any questions for me, or can we cut this short and go our separate ways now?" 

"So, you still plan to usurp the throne, huh? After all that has happened between you, Elizabeth, and Stella, even after failing eight consecutive times and undergoing numerous true reincarnations, Christian?" St. Vil asked with a hint of curiosity as most would have given up after the third try.

"Yes, as it is my destiny and fate to be the destroyer of the Cosmos, or so my father told me all those years ago. So, goodbye, St. Vil, and I hope you can give a running start just like old times," Christian chuckled as he got up and glanced at Astro's Playground one last time before disappearing.

'Sigh and so it begins yet again…' St. Vil thought as he glanced at his watch and configured a timer for 30 minutes, 30 seconds, and 30 milliseconds before hitting start.

"Yawn, so do you think he'll manage to survive this time around, St. Vil?" One of the bartenders of Astro's Playground asked to pass the time. Nearly succumbing to the desire to sleep due to how slow the day was going.

"Who knows Devin, however, if he does then I guess the prophecy was right and we may just be able to truly leave this prison one day."

"Hopefully, he does or else this will all be for naught once again."

"You can say that again," replied St. Vil as he got up and stretched a bit, before leaving as well to go partake in the manhunt for Christian. 


"Hey Kyle, did you watch the new episode of Attack VX?" A skater asked his friend as he crouched down to tie his shoes."

"Naw dude but I did catch up on Sailor Moon finally!"

"Bro you can't be serious?!" Jason asked as he stopped and glanced at Kyle with visible disappointment.

"What's wrong with Sailor Moon it's a classic man!" Kyle shouted as he thought everyone liked the heroic princess.

"Ay, can y'all please quiet down over there don't you see we're trying to appreciate the scenery over here!" An old timer hollered as spit flew everywhere with each word he said.

"Damn these kids nowadays, did their parents not teach them better than this? Sigh and these are supposed to be the leaders of our tomorrow, what a waste of our tax pay…" A stout woman muttered with contempt.

"Hey Mommy, why are those people shouting over there?" A child asked with curiosity as she pulled her mother's dress and pointed at the old man and the skaters.

"Who knows darling, however, we shouldn't concern ourselves with their issues as Cold Stone is waiting for us. So, let us hurry before all the ice cream is gone," The mother said as she held her daughter's hand as they walked toward.

"Okay, but can I pretty please get Cold Stone's new chocolate cupcake ice cream? MOMMY, it looks so good online, please!!!" The child begged with a puppy face and eyes that just screamed cuteness as she wore a plain white T-shirt with blue button-down jeans and an Off-White jean jacket.

"Okay, okay Cupcake I'll get you the flavor, but you must promise me that you won't tell your father once we return home okay." The mother said as she winked at her beloved daughter.

"I can do that, but you must pinky promise me, you'll buy me the ice cream regardless of what happens," Jade said as she stopped and held out her pinky finger.

"I Isabella Moon, pinky promise I'll buy Jade Cold Stone's new chocolate cupcake ice cream flavor. No matter what happens, however, first you got to reach there before me," Isabella stated as she solemnly swore before jogging lightly toward Cold Stone.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Jade giggled as she ran after her mother.

"No can-do honey, but I'll be sure to eat all the ice cream!" Isabella giggled as she glanced at Jade and sped up a bit before slowly down so Jade could catch up.

Leading to a game of cat and mouse, as neither wanted to give up and allow the other to win. But in the end, it seemed like…

"Mommy, Mommy if you don't catch up, I'll win!!!" exclaimed Jade playfully as she stopped and waited for her mother to catch up, before making the final play.

"Well, we'll see about that, Cupcake!" She shouted as she stopped playing fair and leaped toward the metal handle of the door. However, she was off by a couple of inches, so Jade won fair and square scoring herself one Chocolate Cupcake Ice Cream from Cold Stone.

5 minutes later…

"Thank you, Mommy!" Jade shouted upon taking a bite of her ice cream and hugging her mother.

"No problem, honey I wish Aunt Lisa was here as else with us," Isabella said a bit saddened at how fast life can give and take something away from us without even a heads-up.

"I wish she were here as well, but I'm sure wherever she may be… she'll at least be happy knowing we got some amazing ice cream on her behalf." Jade smiled causing her surroundings to brighten up like the blooming of a flower.

"She most certainly would have, Jade." Isabelle smiled as she glanced at the sky which was starting to get dark.