Prologue: Dead Before Sunrise - Part 2

Meanwhile, at the top of a skyscraper…

"Hmm, it seems she's already found me…" Christian muttered as he opened his eyes and watched the Sun's afterglow vanish and be replaced by the Moon's radiance on the horizon.

Painting the city in a milky reddish-orange dye that seemingly brought back memories of our time together. Memories I desperately wanted to forget... as they pertained to a time when life was much simpler and less chaotic when you were here.

'Sigh, but as they say, all good things must come to an end, yet just why did it have to happen the day before our wedding?' Christian thought as he still could not process what occurred that day as he glanced behind him, "So St. Vil now that you caught me are you going to read me, my Miranda Rights or must we embark on a game of cat and mouse yet again just like old times?"

"Hmm, usually I would Chris, however, I think a good game of cat and mouse could do wonders for this old body of mine. So please don't disappoint me," St. Vil stated with a smile as he glanced at Christian.

"Sigh, while I would love to play with you, St. Vil; time is of the essence, however, someone will be here shortly to play with you… so please don't die or else you'll owe me one, ciao~" Christian chuckled as he snapped his fingers and vanished away without a trace.

Blink. Blink

"… did this motherfucker just stand me up?" St. Vil muttered amusingly before vanishing as well to find a good spot to battle to his heart's content.

With this mysterious foe, Christian prepared for him as various entities from the higher realms awoken from their slumbers. Upon sensing the changes in the Laws of Heaven and Earth, alarming even the Federation which had been quiet these past few centuries to send a fleet of its finest soldiers to survey the situation.

Since even they couldn't ignore something of this magnitude that could only occur if two Reincarnated Divine Overlords clashed. Giving the various races a chance to gather information on the police force of the Cosmos.


"Hmm, now this is interesting… so someone is descending, I wonder who it could be this time? Will it be that bitch, Eveline again or that new flamboyant disciple of hers, Stella?" A bare-chested old man in his rocking chair pondered as he played with a blackish crystal in his hands, 'How truly fascinating...'


Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Mister Death something urgent occurred and requires your immediate attention!" The head housekeeper shouted after knocking on her master's door.


"What is it, Tomi?" Death asked upon opening his bedroom door slightly to see Tomi standing outside anxiously as he wore a black and gold bunny pajama set.

"Um, Mister Death it seems someone caused the Laws of Heaven and Earth to go haywire," The head housekeeper said as she peeked at her master's pajamas.

"Oh... hmm, now that is quite an issue so do you by any chance know where the disturbance originated from, Tomi?" Death asked as he disregarded his head housekeeper's gaze, 'It couldn't be what I am wearing right?' He thought, 'But I don't think that would even warrant such a stare… fuck just what did I do last night, hopefully, I didn't do what I think…'

"It seems to have originated from Multiverse Z: Sector 13 - Planet Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy, sir!"

"Sigh, so it is happening, huh? Welp, I guess I can only play along and hope for the best." Death muttered as he zoned out for a bit before facing Tomi, "Thanks for the heads up so may you please ready the troops for standby as it seems someone's trying to start a war!" 

Ordered Death as he changed his clothes in a flash of miasma before gazing at a small pond of Nether. Which was located at the farthest corner of his bedroom and was strikingly pitch-black today, unlike its usual dark green color.

"Will do, sir!"

Meanwhile, as Death was organizing his troops; the various mid-tier Universal Organizations across the Cosmos sent their scouts to gather information and lock down Sector 13 so that the anomaly wouldn't escape. Within an Array of Heaven and Earth, which consisted of over six hundred miniature barriers powered by the heart of a Peak Celestial Dragon Titan.


"So, what brings you to this part of the Universe traveler?" A cloaked figure said in a British accent as he suddenly appeared behind St. Vil.

"Now this is a surprise I wasn't expecting so what brings the infamous prince of Hell, Lucifer Nightstar to my humble abode." St. Vil asked as he took out his trusty short sword White Fang from his multi-K.

"Nothing much I'm just here to pay a debt I own to an old friend before he passes away… so to make a long story short, it's time for you to die, St. Vil." Lucifer blatantly stated as he unsheathed his katana Black Star and summoned his domain.

Conjuring a barren land filled with nothing but crimson-blue flames, a sky dyed in blood, and the bones of previous foes defeated that seemed to sing tales of their past glory. Yet, amidst all this St. Vil just stood calmly as he witnessed how seriously Lucifer took this fight.

"Oh, and here I thought you came here for some popcorn!" St. Vil chuckled to ease the tension as he got ready for the fight of his life.

"Sigh, while impressive this act of yours won't last forever as this is no duel, but a battle to the death St. Vil so please do take this seriously," Lucifer said as he began walking toward his target just as a faint Demonic figure drenched in blood materialized behind him, wielding a bloody great sword in its hand as a pair of illusionary pitch-black wings grew from its body.

'So, the tales were true, huh? The first ancestor of the Devil race was a Fallen Demon,' St. Vil evaluated as he remembered the contents of an ancient record, he read in the past.

"Welp, I guess I can only fight after all," St. Vil muttered as he suddenly grabbed ahold of White Fang and swung it ten times in one fluid motion. Creating an inescapable net of sword energy, eliminating the number of chances Lucifer could take to escape unscathed.

Yet, that wasn't the end of it as just when Lucifer was about to counterattack St. Vil suddenly disappeared leaving behind a clone as he silently appeared behind Lucifer. Aiming to kill him in one fell swoop as quickly as possible, however, things did not go as planned as during the moment St. Vil was about to stab Lucifer.

He blinked away in a flash leaving behind an afterimage as he appeared behind St. Vil and without hesitation slashed off all his limbs with one full swing of his katana. 

'Sigh, it seems I have grown rust after all these years…' St. Vil thought before shouting, "Regenerate and Shockwave!!!"

Not letting the loss of his limbs affect him as a shockwave emitted from his body blasting Lucifer away giving him some time for his limbs to regrow.

"Hmm, nice reaction you got there, pal but it's time to end this! So please do not disappoint me," Lucifer smiled as he stood up and brushed the dust off his clothes as he began muttering a mantra.