Transcendence - Part 2


Unexpectedly right after Stargate spat them out you could hear the growls of monsters in the distance as Adam waited patiently for his son to adjust to the aftereffects of using a Stargate. 

Which usually causes first-timers and even veterans to feel dizzy or worse nausea, but Rin just took it like a champion and shrugged it off as he gave his father a thumbs up.

This caused Adam to smile unknowingly before they began walking down the mountain to the city.

'Rose, do you by any chance know where we are?' Rin asked as he knew his father would not tell him if he asked.

[I would say the Himalayan Mountains of Asia.]

'Hmm… but why would he bring me here of all places?' Rin thought as he tried to recall if there was any significant event that was supposed to occur around this time. 

[Maybe because it is the annual Golden Ascension of the Shaolin Temple, which occurs once every thousand years during which the current Guardian Beast of the Monastery undergoes transcendence. Before it chooses a young Shaolin monk to inherit its power before its ascension.]

'Hmm, and here I thought you didn't like the lower realms, Rose.'

[Tsk, I do not but it is good to know your surroundings and the local traditions of foreign planets and realms as you may never know, how that tiny piece of irrelevant information could one day save your life.]

'And that's why I have you, Rose as my guide and #1 Support!'

[Aww, thanks but sweet words cannot save you upon a battlefield of blind men.]


20 minutes later...


"Dad, just what exactly are we doing here?" Rin asked after they entered the city and saw fireworks shot into the sky as Flood Dragons and Firebirds danced in the sky like nimble ballet dancers.

As merchants and travelers from all over the globe could be seen laughing, drinking, and singing together like old friends who had not seen each other in years. Transforming this once secluded, peaceful, and quiet city into a flea market of sorts as vendors lined the streets selling rare cuisines and trinkets from every corner of the world. 

The one closest to them sold exotic kebobs and meat buns while another sold sparkling rocks, which had 50% of them containing something valuable or nothing at all.

"Sigh, well to be honest, we're here to see an old friend of mine's guardian beast ascend to one of the higher realms in the Cosmos. Before we travel to America, where you'll meet your Uncle John for the first time and undergo some training with him while I take care of some business." 

Adam stated as they navigated their way through the city until they stopped before a torii gate that had "Ninth Dao of the Sky," engraved upon it and bowed their heads. Before continuing their journey into the monastery, where they stumbled upon a gigantic whitish-orange nine-tailed kitsune.

Sleeping peacefully on a stage about 50 meters in length and width yet, before Rin could ask his dad if he could approach said beast. The Abbot suddenly greeted them as a few monks trailed behind him.

"Adam, my good friend, why didn't you tell us you were coming?! I would have made reservations for you and given our little friend here, a warm welcome filled with delicious food and beautiful women." The Abbot winked at Rin as he hugged Adam.

"Sigh, while I would have loved to catch up while drinking some tea and eating sweets, this is but a brief stop before we set off again. However, next time I assure you, Tim, I'll inform you of my visit." Adam said with a smile as he returned the hug.

"Hello, are you the one supposed to be undergoing Transcendence?" Rin asked the sleeping Kitsune curiously after managing to sneak away from his father and the abbot, who was a bit startled. Someone was brave enough to disturb its rest as it raised its eye and glanced at Rin with its foxlike golden eyes.

"Why yes, it is, child!" The Kitsune replied as it gazed at the little man with curiosity, 'Hmm, for a kid nearly abandoned by fate he has an exceptional aura unlike any I've ever seen before.'

"Oh, so what exactly is Transcendence?" Rin asked as he gazed at the Kitsune with hope and anticipation it might know.

"You'll know shortly, kid just keep a close eye on me… when it begins as you might just gain some benefits from it," The Kitsune chuckled as it stood up and stretched a bit, before glancing at the sky with defiance as the aura of a Peak True God spread throughout the land. 

Sending Rin gently back to his father's side as it silenced the celebration causing everyone to stop and glance at the sky. Which began to darken out of nowhere as time seemed to reverse as day became night and vice versa while the Sun rose in the east and the Moon rose from the west.

Until they both simultaneously combined after reaching their peak, shrouding the Himalayan Mountains in eternal darkness before the sun's light broke free and shined upon the Kitsune.

Which began to shine like a firefly in the darkness as it raised its head toward the sky and growled as a declaration. It was ready to begin its transcendence just as its fur began to glow like stars in the midnight sky as markings of Yin and Yang appeared all over its body. 

Along with nine flaming orbs that began to revolve around its neck as its tails gleamed like nine murderous spears ready for battle. However, all that seemed to disappear as a massive thunderstorm gradually manifested above the Himalayan Mountains.


That began to unleash lightning bolts without end as it struck the Kitsune, slowly converting it into a white oval-shaped egg covered in black and golden tattoos. Yet soon after its transformation, another lightning bolt struck it leaving behind a faint scorch mark on the egg. 

Announcing the start of phase two as with every lightning bolt cast upon the kitsune, they progressively got bigger and more potent as time passed as they transitioned from yellow to green, red, blue, etc.

Until it was but a blackened and scorched egg, that had visible cracks along its once pristine shell after, surviving the onslaught of ninety-eight lightning strikes. That did not leave it no room to recuperate or even plan a defensive measure, resulting in it having to rely on sheer willpower to survive its Heavenly Tribulation.

Fortunately, its Heavenly Tribulation was about to end if it could endure just one more strike; but even if it failed, it earned the respect and admiration of countless people in attendance. Who watched in anticipation that the Kitsune might survive the 99th strike, which would surely be the strongest.

A number that represents the end yet the beginning of a new life…