Transcendence - Part 3

Fortunately, its Heavenly Tribulation was about to end if it could endure just one more strike; but even if it failed, it earned the respect and admiration of countless people in attendance. Who watched in anticipation that the Kitsune might survive the 99th strike, which would surely be the strongest.

A number that represents the end yet the beginning of a new life…

And upon that note, the final clash to decide Life and Death began as the thunderstorm rumbled like a beast awakening from its slumber. Causing the thunderstorm to grow smaller as it concentrated all its energy into one final strike to kill this tenacious cockroach.

That dared to test its patience as it conjured a mass of rainbow-colored lightning that merged to form a dragon-like entity. Which could be seen smiling as it licked its lips in delight at the meal before it is eye's. 

Before it opened its mouth and began to gather all the energy within a mile's radius into an orb of mass proportions that crackled with energy like lightning before its descent.


Meanwhile, on the rooftop of the monastery where the abbot and his disciples sat in silence, awaiting the outcome of their dear friend…

Rin leaned on his father in boredom while the latter kept his gaze focused on Kitsune's Transcendence as his son conversed with Rose to clear up his doubts about Transcendence.

'So, what exactly is Transcendence, Rose? Like I get it is a chasm a cultivator must cross if they want to continue their journey to Immortality but besides that, what is the point of it?'

[Well, for most it is to pursue higher cultivation and simply grow stronger, so they may be able to attain freedom one day. An elusive concept that not even the mightiest of beings have failed to achieve. But to answer your question, Transcendence is a process that a cultivator undertakes once they have reached the Peak of True God to break free of their mortal restraints and become a Godking. 

An entity with the power to destroy a planet, whose power stems from their comprehension of Laws and Concepts. However, that is beside the point as Transcendence can be split into three phases known as Body, Soul, and Mind. During this, a cultivator must survive a Heavenly Tribulation of ninety-nine lightning bolts from a thunderstorm that spans a radius of about 36-108 miles and that is about it for phase 1.]

'But wait if a cultivator is just supposed to endure ninety-nine lightning bolts, then why did the Kitsune transform into an egg, Rose?'

[Good question, well, to be honest, it's to break free of the limitations placed upon their bloodline by the Heavens. Now after a cultivator survives the 99th strike, a beam of purplish-golden energy suddenly descends from the sky and enters the cultivator's body which refines their physique and bloodline whilst helping them shed their mortal shell.

Before they begin phase 2, during which a cultivator gains the power to summon their astral projection to the real world and must inscribe the laws and concepts they cultivate onto their soul. Which is extremely fragile at this time and could lead to irreversible injuries if they mess up or use too much force.

However, once they manage to engrave the laws and concepts they cultivate onto their soul, a cultivator could be seen as an official Godking, even though they will be seen as the weakest type of their realm.

Considering that most cultivators do not know that there is a third phase called mind… that is about all I can tell Rin until you become a Peak True God yourself. Also, I think it would be best if you just saw it for yourself instead of asking me.]

'Hmm… maybe but still thanks for the info, Rose! It was much appreciated,' Rin replied as he returned his attention to the thunderstorm before having to cover his ears as the dragon finally released the orb.


Which flew across the sky like a divine arrow released from the hands of Apollo as it pierced the darkness returning light to the land. Announcing the end of a Peak True God's life following the victorious smile that graced the rainbow dragon's face.

Before it vanished along with the thunderstorm that once covered the skies of the Himalayan Mountains as they left behind a crater. Where a mighty Kitsune once stood valiantly before its death; yet just as everyone was about to leave and return home…

Ba-Dump. Ba-Dump. Ba-Dump! Ba-Dump!! Ba-Dump!!!

A faint heartbeat erupted from the center of the crater as the sound of an egg cracking, followed suit afterward like a proclamation that "I've survived to see another day, bitch!"

Until it grew so loud that the remaining eggshells shattered, releasing a gigantic astral projection of a Kitsune with flaming goldish white runic fur as illusionary clouds and chains swirling around it like the planets in the solar system.

Simultaneously as that happened Rose sat up in her bedroom before swiftly tapping something on the holographic screen that appeared in front of her.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

[Rin I would advise, you to memorize those symbols as they would be a major help when you start cultivating those respective laws.]

'But how as they are way too complex for the current me to memorize?' Rin asked with wonder as just by looking at them he got a headache.

[Just shut up and concentrate as I will take care of the rest since its astral form holds the primordial embryo of Yin and Yang!]

'When have you put it like that, I guess I can only try,' Rin said as he took a deep breath before staring intensely at the markings on the Kitsune's soul as if he were trying to burn them into his mind.

Which was harder than he initially thought but after a while it got easier as a strange energy seeped into his eyes. Allowing him to enter an extreme state of awareness, where the world's Laws came alive right before his very eyes as a transparent nine-petaled rose began to bloom within Rin's pupils.

'Rose, just what is happening and why am starting to see chains slithering all over my body and strange marks flashing beneath my skin?!'

[Just concentrate on the task at hand before you lose this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity forever, Rin! And please do not panic as I might have to…]

'Huh? Rose did you~'


'… okay,' Rin replied as he scanned the Kitsune's astral projection from head to toe, imprinting every symbol he came across into his memory. 

Before passing out, a couple of minutes later after memorizing everything upon the Kitsune's astral projection. Due to his mind collapsing from the sheer amount of information entering his mind without end.

[Luckily, we managed to succeed in the end, Rin... Congratulations…]

[Rin. Rin. RIN!!!]

[Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Just what did I do? Wait… wait, father, I did not mean~]