Reset - Part 2

"Now that we've finished breakfast and packed the essentials for our journey, how long will it take you to do what you need to do? Before we have to leave for the opening of a new mystic realm in District Five of New England," John asked after gazing at an alert that appeared on his multi-K.

"Hmm, I'd say give or take twenty minutes," Rin replied after giving it some thought, "So where exactly will you be sending me?"

"Company secret, but you'll know once you reach there and your time starts now," John smiled as he snapped his fingers and summoned a portal beneath Rin's feet.

"Nice move~," Rin said as he could only say before he was transported out of the apartment to a cave within the mountain ranges of Los Angeles.

A few minutes later…

"And so, it begins," Rin muttered to himself as he closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths before finally activating Heart Mantra, once he felt he was prepared enough for the next step.

Causing the energy within his vicinity to gather around him like moths attracted to a fire, which got thicker as time passed until it took on a physical form.

Shrouding him in a misty yet liquified form of energy, that subsequently cleansed his soul and strengthened his mind.

While steadily raising his cultivation as he fell into a state of deep meditation nothing existed except the sound of his heartbeat as it rose and fell. This led to a couple of system alerts going off, which Rose silenced as she did not want to disrupt Rin's cultivation.

10 minutes later…

[So, are you finally ready to begin this revolutionary journey?]

'Of course, why else would I choose to conduct a reset at this time!' Rin thought as he opened his eyes and absorbed the energy which still lingered around him.

[Good to know, however, do beware that once this process begins there is no going back So once again, are you sure you want to go through with this?]


[Well, then good luck and as a bonus, you will also be going through a Spiritual & Physical Upgrade, due to touching upon a fragment of the Law of Nothingness.]

[Do you want to use a Reset card? Yes, or no?]

"Yes!" shouted Rin internally as he steeled his heart and took a leap of faith, prompting a gold and silver card to appear in front of him. Before they combusted into flames and fused with his body simultaneously, resulting in a small explosion going off within Rin's body as all the strength he acquired until now vanished with a poof.

Followed by a burst of excruciating pain that spread throughout his body like lightning, nearly causing Rin to pass out as he could not tolerate the antagonizing pain. That suddenly erupted from the depths of his body, forcing him to bite his bottom lip to keep himself conscious as he could not afford to fail at such an important junction.

Yet that was only the beginning of his torture, as soon afterward his meridians began to expand and contract rhythmically as if someone was blowing up a balloon. Just as his blood started to burn, scorching his organs, and leaving him with countless internal injuries. While his skin turned ruby-red from the rupture of innumerable blood vessels like pop rocks.

However, throughout all this, Rin managed to hold on until the very end, even though there were moments when his consciousness began to blur and he almost failed. In the end, he managed to overcome this hurdle and earn the chance to further strengthen himself and create an almost perfect foundation.

But this was not the end of his transformation as just when Rin was about to give himself a pat on the back, something within him suddenly snapped and swiftly altered his physical and spiritual body.

Leading to a soothing and relaxing sensation engulfing his body as if he were soaking in a hot spring on a beautiful Tuesday afternoon. Just as his body began to break apart to a molecular level, exposing Rin's soul which was a pearl surrounded by a gray fog-like mist.

Which started to shine brightly like a star as a vague symbol appeared on its pristine surface, following the cleansing of Rin's molecular impurities that clogged his body's most essential functions.

Removing the limiter that once existed within his body and blessing him with the chance to develop a constitution that could rival Elizabeth's. Unbeknownst to Rin who was currently smiling like a fool as he allowed himself to immerse himself in this soothing sensation.

Not even aware of the changes that occurred in his body as it reassembled itself like Rubik's cube, step by step from the formation of cells to tissues to organs and finally organ systems.

Yet, just before the completion of Rin's heart, a mysterious drop of blue blood suddenly appeared and merged with his bloodline just as his heart began to pump blood throughout his body. Which had a golden tint to it as new skin wrapped around his newly built body, bringing an end to this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and the start of Rin's cultivation all over again.

10 minutes later...

After cultivating for a bit, Rin returned to his previous cultivation, Sky Chaser, albeit a bit stronger than his previous self.

[So how do you feel?]

'To be honest, I feel amazing even though I did nearly fail… fortunately, in the end, fortune favors the desperate but any who how have you been Rose?'

[That was more than luck, Rin… but I am doing all right, even though family can be a bit extra at times, however, that's family for you so would you like to see your stats?]

'Of course,' Rin replied as a status window manifested before him.


Current Host: Rin Okumura

Age: 10

Cultivation Realm: Sky Chaser [Level 0] EXP: 0/10,000

Strength: 34/100

Dexterity: 34/100

Intelligence: 34/100

Constitution: 34/100

Vitality: 34/100

Charisma: 20/20 [Max]

Affinity: Light [50%], Darkness [50%], Wind Tier 1 [0%], Earth Tier 1 [0%], Water Tier 1 [0%], and Fire Tier 1 [0%]

Laws: Nothingness [0.001%]

Bloodlines: Archangel [???] and [???]

Skills: Fire Manipulation, Gargantuan Drive, Heart Mantra, Immortal, Creation of the 9 Worlds, etc.

Soul Rank: [???]
