Five Years later...

'Um, Rose are you sure this is correct?' Rin asked as had to double-check to make sure he was not hallucinating.

[Even though this is a prototype, I can assure you all information displayed is 100% correct, Rin!]

'Okay, so could you please explain how I gained 50 attribute points and a mysterious bloodline?'

[Well, for one when a person undergoes a Spiritual & Physical Upgrade for the first time, all their attributes are strengthened by a value of 1-10. Now for the mysterious bloodline, you are just going to have to uncover that for yourself as it is above my clearance, sadly.]

'Sigh, so another mystery added to the list, huh?'

[It seems so, Rin…]

'Hopefully, in the long~'


"Damn nephew, I ain't know you swung that way, Haha! But could you please put on some clothes as we are running a tad bit late?" John laughed as he appeared before Rin. 

"Huh! Wait, Uncle, it is not like that... I was just..." Rin said hurriedly as he tried to clarify the embarrassing situation his uncle stumbled on, after feeling a breeze tickle his genitalia.

"Stop right there, Rin as the mystic realm is due to open in less than seven minutes! So here," John shouted after glancing at the time on his multi-K and giving his nephew a set of clothes drenched in pee and goat blood. 

"B-B…but Uncle I was just... forget it you wouldn't understand even if I told," Rin stated while quickly changing into the set of clothes John handed him.

'Bro… truly this got to be a lie?!' Rin thought as he quickly sealed his sense of smell, upon nearly fainting from the stench.

"That's more like it so are you ready to embark into enemy territory, conquer dangerous mystic realms, and rob some dragons… I mean train to kill dragons, a couple of Gods, and a warlock, if we have time?!" John asked Rin with an enticing smile that spoke of a perilous and adventurous tale of an uncle and his nephew as they take the world by storm.

"Sure, why not as you are my caretaker and teacher for the next few years," replied Rin before asking a question, "But why exactly do I have to wear this if we're going to a mystic realm?"

"Oh, well to be honest, I heard a rumor that the inhabitants of the mystic realm are comprised of goats… so why not make them a memento that I am sure they will love as all is fair in love and war!"

"Uncle John, please do tell me this a joke and you aren't thinking of killing your poor ten-year-old nephew?"

"Sigh… and here, I thought you'd be different Rin yet in the end, you're just like the rest a chicken."

"Who's a chicken, John as I know you can't be talking about me!? so come on let us go conquer this new mystic realm!" Rin exclaimed as he glanced at his uncle with a fire burning in his eyes.

"Well, well I guess I was wrong after all," John grinned as he snapped his fingers and teleported them both to the heart of District Five within England. One of the five continents of Earth along with Asia, America, Unity, and No Man's Land.

This marked the start of a crazy and startling journey that involved an outcast and an eccentric child as they overcame one deathly encounter after another. While exploring treacherous lands, creating old and new enemies, making unlikely alliances, and living every day as if it were their last.


5 years later...

In the depths of an ancient forest, where humans were forbidden from entering this sacred land, due to a treaty made between Unity and No Man's Land. There existed two rascals who sought to desecrate this land as they hunted down a horde of Jade Elephants.

A top-tier Demonic Beast capable of fighting above its rank and killing a Demigod. Within the periphery of this ancient forest, Rin fought against the horde of Jade Elephants and its King who functioned as an orchestrator.

His uncle was taking his leisurely time rummaging through their treasury with a grin as he stuffed his multi-K with elemental fruits, weapons, extraordinary materials, and anything that glimmered in this dimly lit cave. 

Boom! Boom! Boom!

'Sigh, just when will this stop?' Rin wondered as he killed one Jade Elephant after another with a swing of his scythe. 

[Shortly, Rin just have patience and do please keep check of your energy expenditure.]

'I'll try…' Rin replied as he snapped his finger causing an elephant that tried to trample him to be engulfed in flames.

Meanwhile, on a nearby cliff... 

"Sigh… just why must it be so hard for young kids nowadays to follow orders?" John muttered as he watched Rin completely disregard what he told him earlier, 'Then again he has been quite stressed so maybe I should let him let loose for once.'

He thought as he began to watch Rin slowly dwindle the horde of Jade Elephants, not aware of the plotting king in the distance who watched everything with a cold and calculative eye.

Roar!!! Swoosh!

'Fuck this is harder than expected… luckily, if I manage to kill them, I'll finally have all the necessary material required to open my first Celestial Star.' Rin thought as he side-stepped an attack before spinning around and slicing an elephant in half just before it could collide with him.

However, just as Rin was about to dash toward another elephant, the King finally made a move and entered the mix causing the rest of the elephants to enter a frenzy as he unleashed a mighty roar.

Boom! Roar!

"So, you finally couldn't wait any longer, huh big guy?" Rin chuckled as he glanced at the King Jade Elephant with a smirk as small fire orbs began to appear around him.

"Don't make me laugh as you can barely even hold a candle to this King if I were to take you seriously human?!" The King Elephant said with a grin as his subordinates surrounded Rin.

"While that may be true to some degree, don't you think you're underestimating me a little too much," Rin questioned as he surveyed his surroundings and conjured a plan to end this game of charades.

"While there exists a possibility I am, I don't think the stars are in your favor, little tiger," The elephant stated as it slammed its feet upon the ground causing a burst of energy to ripple through the forest as the bodies of the remaining Jade Elephants took on a blood-red hue.

Just as Rin released the small fire orbs surrounding him and marked each Jade Elephant with a tiny red dot on their stomach before a bust of elemental energy was released from cores.

Which dispersed into the air and created a killing array that entrapped both Rin and the pack of Jade Elephants within its confines.

[Rin, I would advise you to end this fight immediately!]

'Why? It is not like this would be the first time I have been put in such a life-threatening situation.'


'Fine, I'll remove Scarlet's Limiter,' Rin replied as he stopped joking around and took the fight seriously for once just as the killing array began to release a grayish mist.

That drained Rin of his energy and weakened his body the longer he remained within the barrier yet while it weakened him, it empowered the elephants granting them limitless power.

"Sigh, it seems I underestimated my opponents yet again," Rin smiled as he suddenly grabbed ahold of Scarlet and broke the limiter John placed upon it.

Allowing him to use one of the skills he gained from breaking the sixth seal within Mythical called Domain, which uses another skill called imprint to mark all enemies within twenty meters of the user as a whitish flame begins to engulf the blade of the scythe.

Before proceeding to twirl Scarlet three times and create three revolving rings of flames that zoomed toward the pack of Jade elephants killing them before they could even blink as they were reduced to ashes.

In a matter of moments followed by an explosion of flames that decimated a good quarter of the forest and made it into barren land.

"Sigh, no matter how much I tell him to rely on his own strength to overcome life's hurdles… it seems old habits just can't be broken," John said as he shook his head and teleported next to Rin who was still in a state of shock.

Before he swiftly grabbed him and fled the crime scene, following the awakening of a very irritating being.


10 minutes later...

In a random cave near the outskirts of the forest...

"Rin it's been five years... and I know you may want to continue traveling the world with me. But it is finally time you returned to society as I have already taught you everything, I know so... please do not~"

"How much time do you have left?" Rin asked as he knew this was bound to happen one day, plus while it was fun, he wanted to see what his family was up to and eat Cherry's food again.

"A little less than two days, I'd say… why?"

"Just curious also does this mean you'll finally gift me the technique to unlock my Seven Celestial Stars?"

"Tsk, damn kid is that all you think about!"

"No, but it is a birthday gift, I am most looking forward to receiving," replied Rin with a smile as his uncle could only chuckle in disbelief. 

"Forget it, let's just get you home, champ as I am sure your parents will be proud of the man you have become Rin!" stated John as he snapped his finger and teleported them back to his apartment in Los Angeles.