Returning to Kyoto

Simultaneously, upon Rin and John's departure an ancient beast that dwelled within the depths of the Jade Wind Forest abruptly awoke, startling countless beasts within the forest who were unaware of its presence.

"So, it's finally time, huh… for the Demon Hunter, John Haymaker to leave this accursed world and enter the shift?" A Jade Moon Dragon smirked as she unleashed her Draconic prestige, a unique type of pressure that only gifted dragons could cultivate.

"Sigh, but it seems he already left… what a pity, and here I thought I could tell him the glorious news," The dragon whispered as she returned to her slumber, not aware of the panic she caused in the forest.


After, a greenish-yellow aura that smelled of cherry blossoms and honey shrouded the entire forest, immobilizing everything within a three-million-mile radius. Bewildering the various clan leaders within the forest, who could not pinpoint where the smell came from as it disappeared just as swiftly as it appeared, not giving them even a chance to investigate its origins.


Swoosh. Pop.

"Aww, now this is what I call the ultimate bliss, wouldn't you say so Rin?" Uncle John shouted just as they appeared back in his old apartment which, to be honest, was exactly how they left it. Yet just to be sure he ran a quick scan to make sure none of his belongings were missing.

'Man, do those cleaners know how to take care of a place and they did not even steal the five hundred Zi, I kept hidden under my mattress! Surely, this calls for a five-star rating on Yelp.'

"Yeah... but I think I'm just head to my room and take a quick shower, before ordering some food," Rin replied as he glanced around the apartment and walked into the guest room.

"Okay, well once you take that well-deserved shower, do please inform me what you'll be ordering."

"Will do," Rin replied before closing the door.


"Thanks, kiddo… now just what should I do?" John pondered before proceeding to walk into his room and watch some TV.


25 minutes later…

"Now this is heaven," Rin muttered after taking a quick shower and changing into some new clothes as jumped into bed.

Before sighing as he realized this would be the last time, he would be able to see his uncle for a while, "Two days, huh, and it just had to be before my 15th birthday as well, what a coincidence."

[Rin, you should have already known a day like this would be coming, so why the sad face?]

'… I am not sad, Rose, it is just that I wish he could not have stayed a day more so that he could have seen my birthday. However, I know he cannot delay his Transcendence any longer, or else he will incur the wrath of the World Spirit.'

[Oh, so is this your way of saying you will miss him then Rin?]

'Rose, please don't put words in my mouth as I never said I would miss my uncle, that buffoon of a man who doesn't know right from wrong and acts like an idiot when he's truly just a misunderstood genius.'

[Sigh, and this is why I do not talk to emotionless men as you all say one thing yet do another. Plus, you do know it is fine to sometimes drop the tough guy and act like a regular person with feelings.]

'Forget it, believe whatever you want to…'


Later that day…

"So, would Chinese food be alright?" asked Rin after walking out of his room in a black Dior T-shirt with black cut-up jeans and a pair of crisp black cats as he glanced at the menu of a nearby Chinese spot.

"While I would love some Chow Mein right now, nephew… something came up and I have to leave sooner than expected, kiddo," John whispered from behind Rin as he hugged him one last before suddenly striking his carotid sinus syncope and causing him to fall unconscious.

"Huh, what do~" Rin tried to say before everything just went dark, and his body collapsed into his uncle's arms who effortlessly picked him up and placed him on the couch.

Before tapping his forehead three times and transferring a glowing white cubic glyph into Rin's consciousness, which carried the necessary information needed for him to unlock his Seven Celestial Stars and form a star body.

'Sigh… truly, no rest for the weary, hopefully, Crystal picks up and Adam can come to pick up his son. Before the arrival of that nuisance,' John thought as he took out his phone and dialed Crystal's number.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

'Come on, come on Crystal… please just pick up the phone as this is an emergency!'

"What do you, John?" Crystal asked curiously after noticing her maniac of a cousin was calling her.

"Hey, cousin is there any chance you could tell Adam to come to Los Angeles to pick him up, Rin? As I have somewhere I need to be in the next couple of hours..."

"John, you are aware that our country is currently on lockdown, due to someone trying to assassinate the president. Also, cannot you jump between worlds, so just how hard can it be for you to drop off a teen?" Crystal asked with a hint of confusion as she raised her eyebrow.

"Crystal, I don't have time for this... so, could you please just ask Adam to come pick up his son," John asked once again as he tried to stay calm and act civil for once.

"Even if I wanted to tell him, I could not as he's currently on a top-secret mission, so just follow the coordinates, I am about to send you and drop off Rin at the mansion," said Crystal before hanging up the phone.

'Fuck, so it's finally time to return to where it all began, huh?' Thought John before sighing as he picked up Rin and glanced at his apartment one last time.

Before snapping his fingers and vanishing with a sleeping Rin; causing a hidden mechanism within the apartment to begin beeping, followed by a flash of bright light that spread throughout the apartment. Destroying all traces he ever lived there as it returned the apartment to how it was 20 years ago, empty, and dull without a trace of life...