Xavier Asterisk - Part 1

With the sunset in the distance and night soon approaching, it felt as if winter was coming sooner than expected as the autumn breeze held a slight chill to it, as the leaves of cherry blossom trees fluttered in the wind.


"Tsk, who would've thought… the last place, I'd visit before my departure would be Fukuchiyama, Kyoto," John muttered as he took in his surroundings after following the coordinates Crystal sent him which led him to a forest that was about a mile's distance from Kura town.

'Just what is your goal, Crystal?' John wondered as he stretched his hand out manifesting a mass of vines that wrapped around Rin's body, encasing him in a leaf-like orb that shrunk to the size of a bracelet.

That had the interior space of a college dorm, yet unbeknownst to John a strand of energy suddenly arose from the ground and quietly merged with the bracelet. Silently altering its appearance causing a hint of violet to appear upon the originally entirely green bracelet.

That latched onto his hand as if it had a life of its own returning his focus to the situation at hand. Following the appearance of an illusionary time stamp, above his multi-K that read: 2 hours / 10 minutes / 30 seconds and counting, which signified the amount of time he had left.

Before the World Spirit forces him to transcend or just outright kills him, depending on its mood.

"Wait... huh, wasn't it just green a while ago? Forget it as I already wasted enough time standing here." John muttered as he began making his way towards the Kurama estate.


Meanwhile, as John began his journey toward the Kurama estate, Rin's astral body was summoned to a strange plane where the laws of space and time did not coexist. 

Allowing his soul to escape the confines of his body and wander the outskirts of reality.

"Rose! Rose! ROSE!!!" Rin shouted upon waking up yet no matter how much he shouted Rose just could not hear him as if someone were purposely jamming the connection.

'Just where am I?' Rin thought after calming down and beginning to assess his surroundings as he recalled what occurred before he arrived here.

A couple of minutes later…

"Sigh… so after, coming out of the guest room and asking John if he would be fine with some Chinese food, he suddenly knocked me out, and poof, I appeared here." Rin narrated as he thought back to the events that led up to him waking up above a gigantic rift, that evenly separated this entire plane into black and white by a thin gray line.

[System Rebooting! Please wait a few minutes as the System Admin examines what the issue was!]




[Sorry, about that but it seems, due to the transfer of your soul by an unknown entity, the System's Connection was temporarily severed!]

[Damn, are you one lucky motherfucker…]

[Sigh... hopefully, this pocket world is not governed by a fragment of Xavier Asterix's soul.]

'Um, Rose what exactly is going on, also, who is Xavier Asterix?' Rin asked a bit surprised that there existed something that could interfere with the System's connection to the host.

[The self-proclaimed Godfather of Mankind and the only Immortal to ever die while having sex.]

"Wait, wait hold up, if you are immortal, how does one die while having sex?" Rin asked as now his curiosity was piqued since would not this go against what immortality stood for in the first place.

[While he might have had infinite life that did not mean he was invincible, Rin. Which goes to show you that no matter how strong you are there is always someone better.]

'Damn… so does that mean even Elizabeth Cross can die?' Rin thought to himself since if even an immortal could die, what about the Creator? 

"Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while…" Someone whispered from behind Rin as they gripped his shoulder causing him to jump backward in fright. After, not sensing anything or anyone appearing within his vicinity.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, kid. Oh, and milady, I did not die in the pussy... I killed it! And yes, it is I, Xavier Asterix, The Immortal King of Sex and Polygamy, Godfather of Mankind, and Creator of the Soul Palace at your service!" A middle-aged man exclaimed as he appeared before Rin wearing a tattered scarf and cracked blackish-purple armor which resembled the armor worn by medieval knights.

"But wait, shouldn't you~" Rin tried to say before Xavier interrupted him.

"Shh! While I would love to answer your questions, time is not on our side, however, I can tell you the shortened version of my tale," Xavier stated as he smiled.

"Okay..." replied Rin as he sat down and waited for Xavier to start.

'Okay, well that was easier than expected, hopefully, those two primitive beasts don't wake up any time soon.' Xavier thought as he was surprised by how easy it was to get Rin to cooperate.

"So, as you know already know I was killed due to having sex… however, that was only because her weirdo of a brother barged into the room and claimed I raped his little sister. Who was not little in any way if I do say so myself," Xavier chuckled as he winked at Rin.

[Please refrain from making unnecessary comments and polluting the minds of the innocent, sir.]

"Okay, okay but anyways one thing led to another and here, I stand but a fragment of my once magnificent self after that bitch Gaia found me and took advantage of my weakened state. During this, she placed a seal upon my soul and turned me into a guardian for her two pets, White and Black, concepts born from humanity who now wield unimaginable power. However, due to being shackled by the desires and ideals of humans, they cannot bypass the final barrier and become eternal. And this is where you come in, my child, so would you be so kind as to let me borrow your soul and body for 2,000 years, so I may be able to enact revenge and have some fun while at it?" Xavier said with a light smile upon finishing his tale.

[So that is what happened, huh? Who would have thought the great Xavier Asterix, would one day become the slave of a Goddess, Hehe?!]

"And who would've thought one day, Takashi would finish his research on the Nexus?" Xavier chuckled with a mysterious grin as he suddenly lunged at Rin.

[Wait, no that would mean your...]