Xavier Asterisk - Part 2

[Wait, no that would mean your...]



[Rin, I have no time to explain... but whatever happens next please do not~]


'Wait, Rose, what is going on and why is Xavier Asterix considering a threat?!' Rin asked before he was tackled by Xavier and pinned to the ground.


"Bro, just what is your problem!" Rin shouted as he tried to free himself from Xavier's grip.

"Oh, so now I'm the one with the problem, however, didn't you just decline the opportunity of a lifetime, kid!"

"That wasn't an opportunity, Xavier! That was a slave contract and only a fool would agree to such terms," Rin replied as he glared at Xavier before kicking him in the nuts and scurrying away.

"… Tsk, why must all brats, be such a hassle to deal with," Xavier groaned as he slumped to the ground and watched as Rin ran away into the resting place of Silver and Stygian.

A couple of minutes later…

Pant. Pant. Pant.

"This should be far enough," Rin muttered as he stopped to rest for a bit after escaping from Xavier's clutches, "Sigh, just why can't my life ever just be normal?"

"Because you're without destiny, human and the world hates things it can't control." A dim glowing ball of light said as they approached Rin.

"Maybe… but what even are you?" Rin asked curiously as he glanced at the flying orb before him which radiated a silver light.

"That I cannot say, child, however, if thou wish to leave…"

"Sigh, just say it already as my once greatest backup is nothing when shit hits the fan," Rin muttered as he could only shake his head at the blind trust he once had for the almighty System.

"Forget it, just promise me you will take care of my two kids, Silver and Stygian, once you depart from here," The orb stated as it sensed Xavier was quickly nearing them.

"Sure, as it's the least I could do to repay you for helping me, escape a life of captivity in my own body," Rin replied as the orb suddenly shot into his astral body before retreating as it placed two eggs within his Soul Palace.

"Um… okay," Rin could only say after feeling as if someone dumped him into a freezing lake.

"Sorry about that, however, it was a necessary precaution to protect them from their father," The orb apologized before exploding into a multitude of particles that created a tear in the pocket world, "Oh, and before you ascend to the higher realms, do please seek the guidance of the Guardian and don't~"

"And don't what?!" Rin shouted before his soul was ejected from the pocket world and sent back to his body.

However, while Rin was conversing with the orb a great fight had taken place within the core of the Five Season Forest that transformed this once beautiful forest into a desert wasteland. Which was filled with the bodies of both young and old cultivators alike as they fought for a chance to acquire the fabled treasure within its depths like a pack of hyenas who have smelled blood. 

As they painted this once great forest blood red as tarnished cherry blossom leaves could be seen scattered across the ground. Just a couple of meters away from a crater, where a beam of light had pierced the sky just moments ago.

Following the forced ascension of a half-step Godking, who was just minding his business before the World Spirit arrived and pressured him to depart. 


"Tsk… just at a time when everything was about to align perfectly… why must you of all people intervene," Xavier muttered as he pondered why Gaia's dying fragment would entrust that kid with her grandkids.

After he managed to escape from the pocket world and evade the detection of the World Spirit by devouring the soul of a baby white hognose snake and taking over its body.

'Welp, it seems I can only go with plan B… hopefully, by the time the war starts I'll be strong enough to finally take possession of what's rightful mine.' Xavier thought as his eyes glowed menacingly with a fiendish light.




"Sigh, just what are you planning father… to make even the Heavens angry?" James wondered as he glanced at the darkening sky outside as a malevolent thundercloud formed above heads.


"Father! Just what is the meaning of this?!" Rose shouted after forcefully disconnecting from Rin yet again.

"I know you are mad, sweetheart, however, that rage of yours will get you nowhere as I wasn't the one who called for the shutdown."

"Then who did, Father?!"

"You should already know the answer but do be warned if your little boyfriend does not become an Emperor in the next 15 years. You could kiss goodbye to that delusion, my daughter as by then neither you nor I can interfere in a planetary tribulation." 

"But Father can't you just descend to the Lower Realms and kill Xavier before he devours Rin's soul and takes his body to reclaim his past glory," asked Rose with a hint of hope as she looked at her father who just shook his head before sighing.

"Sorry, Rose, but the Heavens are unjust... so for the next few years or even months, spend as much time as you can with him before eventually saying goodbye and marrying Charles."

Takashi said as he stared into the distance with a frown before disappearing leaving Rose all by herself to decide on her next course of action. Which could potentially lead her to death or triumph if she allows her emotions to cloud her judgment. 

"Argh! Why me... w... w-why, *snob* have not I been through enough already, Lord?!" Rose shouted as stopped acting as if everything was okay and just let it all out.

Allowing the emotions, she kept within her to just burst out as tears ran down her face, producing a pitter-patter sound as they hit the floor while making a mess of her clothes and face.

Three minutes later...

"Just why can't *sniff* I enjoy the happiness mortals get to experience?" asked Rose with puffy eyes as she wiped the snot and tears away and proceeded to get up and return to her room.


"Hmm, it seems someone's thinking about me, Hehe." laughed Rose as Rin's smile popped into her mind causing a small yet genuine smile to surface on her face.

Briefly before vanishing as in the end, she knew the future she hoped and longed for was, but a pipe dream as there is no such thing as happy ever after for someone of the Silveira family.