
Meanwhile, as they were slowly approaching the Shinobi Clan's Coliseum… 

Maze took this opportunity to converse with her master briefly before she awoke her sleeping cousin who fell asleep mid-meditation like a newbie.

'Master, after a month of being around him, do you still believe Rin could be an anomaly similar to the Forsaken?' Maze asked upon sensing her Master leave her Soul Palace and sit beside her. 

Who resembled an Immortal Empress from those fairy tales as she had pure white hair tied in a messy bun and wore a cloak as pitch as the night sky that hid her voluptuous body. Yet it could not conceal the beauty she once used to be or still is as her facial features were a bit difficult to see due to the veil she wore.

"You'll know soon enough my child, as this is but the beginning of his journey… but for now just focus on comprehending what I taught you and stimulating that drop of Empress bloodline you inherited from the inheritance," The mysterious woman stated with a smile before vanishing and returning to Maze's Soul Palace before she could even ask a question.

'But Master… sigh, just when will she stop with these riddles and just tell me the truth?' Maze thought as she slumped into her seat and rested her head on the window.

10 minutes later…

"Wake up, sleepy head we reached our destination," Maze said as she lightly tapped Rin's shoulder, startling him as he opened his eyes and looked around curiously.

"… thanks, Maze," Rin replied with a yawn before getting up, stretching a bit, and following behind Maze as the Jet S7L Dock Cruiser had already landed a while ago. 

'Just why did I agree to this? Why did I have to involve myself in a fight between kids? If only...' Rin thought after exiting the jet which transformed into a key chain afterward and pocketed by his father.

[Rin, do not start complaining as you had the chance to decline the offer, but did not so do not bitch out now Mister Chicken! When you brought this upon yourself, plus, it is a good opportunity for exposure and a chance to find future allies.] 

'I know I cannot avoid it, but it is not the thought of battling them that is making me regret this situation, Rose. It's the fact, that after everything is said and done, my life will be filled with nothing but arrogant pricks who think they are better than me and older kids, believing I'm an easy target to manipulate,' Rin replied as they headed toward the east wind gate of the arena, one of the four gates of the Shinobi Clan's Coliseum each named after a different direction and element. 

Where each family was given a designated VIP area provided by the Shinobi clan that included a booth and three rows of vacant seats. That could hold a hundred to two hundred people and was exactly where Maze, his parents, and the rest of the family were sitting waiting for them.

However, it seemed before the main event even began someone planned to ruin the Kurama Clan's public image. As they approached the Clan's section, a Shinobi representative could be seen arguing with an elder over the last-minute changes to the previous arrangements.

"What do you mean because the main challenger arrived late, we must share our section with the Astro Family?! Who arrived not too long ago after us," An elder of the Kurama Clan asked as he tried to alleviate the situation and not let his anger cloud his judgment.

"Sir, I'm truly sorry for this inconvenience but as per the orders of the Shinobi Clan, due to Rin's apparent tardiness we are only eligible to give the Okumura Family half of the agreed-upon arrangement," The representative said with a mischievous smile as she took pleasure in embarrassing one of the Nine Supreme Clan's Elder's, who could do nothing about it except shut up and listen to her orders.

"And on what basis is this rule implemented if I may ask?" The elder questioned with a chilly tone as his patience was beginning to wane.

"It was implemented under the basis of strength and seniority, sir and that is something the Kurama Clan currently does not have so I'd advise you to just accept the situation and don't make a scene. As surely who wouldn't want the other Clans to see an elder of the prestigious Kurama Family become a cripple." The representative whispered as she let out a concealed giggle and gazed at the elder awaiting to see what he would do along with the audience.

As it was not every day someone managed to put the Kurama Clan in a pickle, however, contrary to what most expected to happen, she instead struck an iron wall and scurried away. 

"And what makes you think a puny Demigod like yourself has the right to challenge the Kurama Clan?! Tsk, the world truly has forgotten, the terror of the Kurama Clan so why do not I help jolt you all's memories," The Elder chuckled as the temperature within their surrounding began to increase to an absurd height as if the very Sun had descended on the planet.

Yet, before the Elder could even attack and kill this pawn that dared undermine their might, Adam flashed behind him and placed his right hand on his shoulder. Before circulating a faint trace of cold energy through his body to calm him down and return clarity to his mind.

Since now was not the time to reveal even a percentage of their strength to the other Clans as they say, 'play the role of a fool to fool the fool.' 

"Calm down Nicholas, this was only a scheme set up by the Shinobi Clan to anger us into revealing our cards. Unfortunately, by letting them get into your head and almost use one of our newer techniques, you allowed the enemy to gain a bit of intel on our true strength," whispered Adam to Nicholas with a sigh, 'To know one's enemy before a battle is to know thyself for every victory.'

Thought Adam as if he could already picture the scene in the future, before turning his focus to the representative who was as pale as a ghost.

"So, missy, could you please tell your elders that we are fine with the current arrangements and hope something like this will not happen again or the Shinobi Clam might face extinction," Adam said with a laugh to ease the mood yet if you could see the faces of those around them and the ones hidden in the shadows then you would notice no one was laughing.

Due to the fact, that if push comes to shove even if Adam does not manage to kill all the descendants of the Shinobi Clan more than 50% would die in the incident. And that is solely based on Adam himself leading the charge as he is not called the "Executioner" by other countries for nothing.

So even if it were but a joke and Adam did not mean what he said, no one in their right mind would dare disregard the words spoken by the Executioner himself. Considering if pushed to the edge even the impossible can become possible.

"Y... Y-Yes sir, I will inform the Shinobi Clan of your agreement with the new arrangements," The representative said hurriedly before zooming towards the Shinobi Clan's booth to relay the message which overlooked the entire arena.

A couple of minutes later…

"Oh, so it seems the Okumura Family has gotten stronger… I wonder if that has something to do with the disappearance of their Weapon Hall?" The first elder of the Shinobi clan muttered after sending away the representative and pondering upon what she just heard.

Before glancing at Rin and squinting her eyes as she sensed, a familiar energy radiating from his body, however, no matter how much she racked her brain she could not remember where she stumbled upon such a unique energy residue.

'Sigh, forget it… maybe once Madeleine recovers, she will be able to help me uncover the mystery behind Rin's aura and whatever secrets he might be hiding,' The first elder thought before glancing at her niece, Gabriella.