First System Mission

"So, Gabriella do you think he stands a chance at winning now that a month has passed?" The First Elder asked with curiosity as she gazed at her niece who had her eyes glued on the man of the hour.

"…" Gabriella.

"Sigh, I guess some things just can't be helped… so what do you think, Eveline?"

"To be honest, while his chances are still high, Cecilla at most Rin can secure a spot among the top ten. Now for the top three or even the overall winner that is hard to say as a lot of the younger generation has improved in this last month, whether it be mastering new techniques or gaining enlightenment upon a Law or even a Unique Concept." Eveline replied after thinking about it as she glanced at the First Elder.

"Hmm, while true… I guess only time can tell," Cecilla muttered with a smile as she began to observe the participants.


'So Rose, do you sense anyone who could be somewhat of a threat to me?' Rin wondered as he observed his surroundings and realized just how seriously the Shinobi Clan took this bet as this was not just your typical run-of-the-mill coliseum.

But a fortress crafted by the 3rd Patrich of the Shinobi Clan, Maverick Hill, during the invasion of the Demons 3000 years ago and one of the few still intact pieces left of its era. That had towering walls that stretched into the sky as cracks and markings ran across its surface like tree roots.

A testament to the number of battles, it survived as an ancient, yet overbearing aura radiated from the Coliseum yet now it was just an outdated relic that used to hold important occasions occasionally.

[From my observation, yes… however, it will not be until you step in the arena, Rin I will have a better read of your competition. But for now, I would pay special attention to that guy over there who had red eyes wearing a trench coat, and had a broad sword strapped to his back. But anywho that is beside the point as it seems, it's finally time to issue your First System Misson!]

"Wait, for real!" Rin exclaimed before apologizing to Maze who looked at him as if he were crazy, as everyone around them just chuckled at his antics.

Since most of the clan was already used to Rin's usual behavior. 

[Yes, Rin you are finally rising the totem pole, now just keep up the good work and everything should turn out how I've hoped and dreamed!]

'Thanks, but I can't grant you that, Rose, however, I will try my best to do better and strive for excellence!' Rin replied before a multitude of System Alerts attacked him. 

[Ding! Ding! Ding!]

[New System Feature added!] 

[Quest Panel Now Opened!]

[One Prerecorded Message from System Quest Manager!]

'Damn… okay, um let's first see the new quest feature, before hearing the prerecorded message,' Rin said as Rose brought a new panel that revealed a list of System features. However, most of them were grayed out except for Quest which when opened was divided into Main, Daily, and Special Missions.

But only special could be opened as the other two were locked which displayed the content of Rin's First System Mission -

[Defeat ten opponents and secure a spot among the top three before having a spar with Gabriella to win her heart! 

Rewards: Perfect control of body and technique execution.

Failure: Permanent 10% loss of all Main Attributes (Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Constitution and Vitality)!]

'… Rose, don't you think a permanent 10% loss is a bit crazy as a penalty for failing my first mission?' Rin asked while he waited for Rose to retrieve the audio for the prerecorded message.

[Not really as there have been Users, who have been reported to have a penalty of 100% loss of all Attributes including Luck, Charisma, and Divinity. So, I would say Amy is being quite easy on you for this being your first System Mission.]

'Well, when you put it like that, I was overreacting... but still 10% though? Also, whose Amy, and why are daily and main missions locked?'

[That Amy you are referring to Rin is the key to your future growth, so I would recommend you never get on her bad side or else you can say goodbye to a stress-free life. Also, they are only locked because this is still a prototype and you have yet to meet the requirements to lock them.]

'Come on, you cannot be serious right, Rose?! There is still more, I must do before I can even begin doing daily missions of all things?' Rin nearly shouted before remembering where he was causing him to just sigh and hope in time this would all be worth it.

[I know while crazy to believe, yes you still have more to do, and it will only continue to increase as not just anyone is given the chance to become a System Holder! But upon becoming one you will come to appreciate it as it is both an honor and a deterrent. Oh, and here is the prerecorded voice message – 

("Good morning User 7 as you have been notified, the Quest Panel has now officially opened, so you had better complete all the tasks assigned to you! Or else your head is mine and I hope you have a wonderful day from Vice Quest Manager and System Elder, Amy Drool!")]

"Noted… sigh, no rest weary, huh?" Rin muttered before closing his eyes and clearing his mind of any distracting thoughts before opening them and paying attention to his competition.

As it seemed the Annual Shinobi Clan Marriage Ceremony was about to finally begin...


A couple of minutes earlier before Rin's conversation with Rose...

Time seemed to stop as everyone took a glance at the infamous Rin Jasper Okumura who some even began to call Emperor. A title most believed he was not worthy of due to the fact, that the majority of people had never seen him fight before and only heard rumors of his might.

Yet regardless of what most people might think, none could deny his presence commanded the world's attention. 

Leading people who had never seen him or heard of him before to take notice of this rising star as people from all hierarchies and occupations. Began to whisper amongst themselves as they examined the enigma known as Rin.

"So that's the guy, everyone's been so curious about for the past 15 years, eh?" Someone in the audience said to his friend as if he stole the words right out of everyone's mind.

"I know right and supposedly, I heard he's here today to fight for Gabriella's heart and earn the right to marry her?" His friend replied before someone a couple of rows ahead of them refuted that ridiculous statement.

 said something with obvious ridicule laced in his voice. 

"Haha, while I won't downplay his talent, what can a puny Peak Angelic Cultivator amount to in front of a group of Demonic Cultivators and even Quasi-Demigods?" A young man with sky-blue eyes and glasses stated with ridicule.

"While true… cultivation isn't everything my friend, plus do you think someone who could fight nearly two stages above his cultivation would be scared of a Quasi-Demigod?" A person in all black with green eyes uttered with a creepy grin.

"Hmm, interesting… just what secrets are you hiding child?" The Grand elder of the Sparrow Family muttered with a smile after sensing someone glancing at him as he nodded toward Rin.

'Fuck! Just how did Rin manage to attract the attention of that old demon?!' Eveline panicked after noticing the first elder stare at Sullivan for a while before frowning.


"Finally, we've made it, and just in time, before the official competition began," said Dante after being the first to arrive at the Coliseum.

"Woah, now that was fun! Oh, and what is this I hear about an official fight? Is there still time to register before it begins, Dante?" asked Zake as if he could not wait to participate as he completely forgot all about the bet they had made earlier.

"Sigh, while you could try before that I believe you had promised to give me something if you lost a certain bet, Zack. Plus, it is already past noon so let us enjoy the competition," Dante said with a cheeky smile. 

"What bet? I never agreed to any bet, Dante?!"

"Oh, so now you have short-term memory loss, huh? Well since you cannot remember the bet, then I guess..."

"Wait, wait I was just kidding Dante! Haha, the bet still counts… so what is it I exactly owe you, Dante?" Zake asked as he could not remember what it was, he had promised to give Dante if he per se lost the bet.

"Tsk, well if I do recall it was a specific dagger that was handcrafted by a friend of your father using a trace of the Law of Decay & Space known as S.P.I.R.O!" Dante said slowly as he could see Zack's face scrunch up before, he just sighed and retrieved the dagger from his multi-K and threw it to Dante.

"Truly, for someone I see as a brother you surely are one persistent motherfucker, Dante," Zack muttered as he and Dante found a secluded spot within the clouds to observe the competition.