Final Battle - Part 2

A few minutes later within the stands…

"Sigh, it seems in the end, Master I'm still too prideful and shortsighted," Jack lamented after failing to win against Wendell and earn a chance to conclude his fight with Rin.

"It was bound to happen, my disciple, plus failure isn't necessarily a bad thing… as one must first suffer a loss to understand their shortcomings so that they can succeed if a similar situation arises again." The scholarly man from earlier informed Jake with a smile, "So stop worrying about your loss and focus on what you did accomplish, my disciple as many tried but only and others rose to be among the top three!" 

His master congratulated him as a smile finally surfaced on Jake's face, upon remembering out of 150 contestants that participated only he, Rin, and Wendell were the strongest. If you disregard Franz, Cory, John, and Tyler who were eliminated along with the other seventy-four contestants before the competition officially started.

But that is beside the point, as it seems there will have to be finished another time as Rin and Wendell could be seen standing across from each other as the announcer now referee. Stood in between them with a smile after managing to win his bet against Rin.


Within the arena…

'Life is good, now I just have to wait for Rin to start Forbidden Blood and everything should go as planned,' Roderick thought as his heart could finally rest in peace knowing his son's life will not be filled with suffering and discrimination, due to a health problem he contracted at birth.

"So, with the recent defeat of Jack are you Wendell Stone, and Rin Kurama, ready to begin the final battle of the evening!" Roderick shouted as the audience descended into a clamor of shouts and applause as the most important segment of the competition before the fated spar of love and union was about to commence. 

Yes!" Rin and Wendell said simultaneously as they glanced at each other with hostility and excitement hidden within their eyes. Behind bright smiles and mellow gazes that flickered with plans to end this fight in the shortest time possible.

Since no one knows what schemes the Shinobi Clan might employ during the spar to secure Gabriella's victory.

"Ahem, well then good luck and I hope, we can have a clean and fair fight as we aren't savages but civilized gentlemen at the end," Roderick commented as a joke to ease the tension, however, it would appear his words fell on deaf ears as both Rin and Wendell just looked at him impatient, "Tsk, forget it, just have fun and don't destroy the arena!"

He said afterward before leaping into the sky and sitting on a cloud, so he could get a more immersive and perfect view of their fight. 

"Well, it was fun while it lasted," Rin said as a small chuckle escaped his mouth as summoned Scarlet and swung it around a couple of times, "Man does this bring back memories!"

"You can say that again, however, as I told your friend earlier give up… but knowing you that seems impossible so will you fight, or shall we stand here and catch up like old friends?" Wendell asked as she put on her gauntlets once again which resembled the armed gloves worn by knights, except hers were made of Elemental Black Iron rather than Bronze Silver Tear.

As she took on a boxer pose with her legs spread apart and her arms placed a few inches away from her face.

"You should already know the answer, so considering the time let's go out with a bang," Rin replied as he used Immortal once again and shot toward Wendell as orbs of blackish fire appeared around him and merged into one big fireball. 

That collided with Wendell, obscuring her vision momentarily as Rin used this chance to appear behind and dish out two consecutive slashes with Scarle that formed an X. Catching her off-guard briefly as she quickly spun around like a ballerina and slammed her fist into the ground creating a wall of made of Earth elemental energy. 

That blocked the attack for a few seconds before collapsing, weakening it in the process but she was already prepared for such an outcome as she smiled and threw out two punches neutralizing the attack.

Before she dashed toward Rin like the reincarnation of a Lighting Deity, following the appearance of a thundercloud above her. Which immediately began to unleash a storm of lightning bolts at Rin like an automatic machine gun.

Whoosh! Zap! Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Tsk, I guess I might just have to use that technique… sorry, uncle but I cannot afford to lose not now or later," Rin muttered as he evaded one bolt after another with the most minuscule of movements while trying to deflect Wendell's sneak attacks.

Considering she used the thunderstorm to both distract Rin and move across the arena like a specter by appearing for one moment and then disappearing the next after unleashing an attack. 

"You talk about me, aren't you doing the same thing, Wendell?!" Rin asked as he could sense the blood pearl within his body shrinking at an alarming rate the longer, he prolonged the battle.

"Oh, so that fear I hear in your voice, Rin?" Wendell giggled as she appeared before Rin causing the thunderstorm to disperse as she as well was beginning to feel the strain.

"I don't fear nothing but death and even death dares to not claim my soul," Rin boldly claimed as he began to whisper a mantra of an unknown technique, he and John stumbled upon during the raid of a deceased Warlock King's tomb.

[R… R-Rin... RIN OKUMURA JASPER! Just what do you think your~]

'… sorry, but if I plan to walk the Path of a Conqueror, I can't afford to lose if it may kill me,' Rin replied as he ignored whatever Rose tried to say as he silenced her momentarily before continuing to repeat the mantra. 

Which sounded like gibberish to both Wendell and everyone else who tried to decipher his words, "Ab aethere voco edax mundi, fabulosus fatorum eversor, notus ut daemon Ruin... Oblitus sed semper memor, Infinitus Goliath!!!"




[System Failure Imminent...]

"Rin, while I may think highly of you… death is not someone I would so casually dare disrespect. But as they say, 'the young lion knows no fear' and while you may think you can win, you're a bit too young to claim you can defeat a former Goddess," Wendell stated as her eyes turned gold as four rings of varying colors manifested behind her that combined and created a circular disk.

That mended into her body allowing her to summon the Four Elements into existence as fire roared, water surged, wind howled, and earth whispered conjuring the projection of a majestic woman made of starlight.

Which began to gradually become more life-like as time passed causing Wendell's side of the arena to be dyed in a multitude of colors as Rin swayed left and right like a drunken fool as a foreign energy.

Seeped into his body as the space around him collapsed revealing a void of darkness behind him, which released bits of reddish-black energy. That merged with his body, granting him a power forsaken and exiled by Origin after the destruction of the Spark.

A once weak insignificant tribe that stumbled upon the tomb of a forgotten entity, which helped cultivate their Multiverse to Tier 5 and create Arcane technology. The peak combination of magic and technology with their greatest invention being the Spark, a sentient mechanical lifeform that most call Systems nowadays due to the Silveria family and the help of Elizabeth.