Final Battle - Part 3

Simultaneously as Rin succeeded in summoning Goliath...

'Master just what is Rin trying to do?' Thought Maze worriedly as she could sense Rin's body was harboring a strange energy.

That seemed to be taking over his psyche as it caused the sky above the coliseum to darken as a menacing ash-gray thundercloud appeared out of nowhere.

Unbeknownst to Rin and Wendell, who were getting ready to end this battle in a single exchange using their strongest of skills. That trembled and rumbled like the bellows of a longhorn as goldish white lightning bolts with a hint of black cackled like the laugh of a lich.

As they swam within its ash-gray clouds, waiting for the perfect moment to strike as it shrouded the skies of Nakatsugawa, in a crimson shade of red that shined with a captivating yet demonic glow.

'To be honest, I do not know, however, at all costs you must protect him. Before the Heavens kill him and force those bastards from Heaven's Palace to send an agent down to oversee this world,' Maze's Master replied telepathically as she stayed within Maze's Soul palace and surveyed the situation as she could not afford to alert the World Spirit of her presence, who was quickly approaching this area.

'Well, that might be impossible as Rin's situation doesn't look too optimistic yet if it truly comes down to it, I might just have to make a move,' Maze sighed as she continued to observe Rin's situation along with the rest of the audience. 

Who were oddly quiet as if everyone were waiting for the decisive moment that would either make or break their day. While others just stayed silent and hoped either Wendell or Rin would win so that they could cash out and go home with a smile.


"Master, if Rin…"

"Do not say anymore, Jake for his fate does not lie with our cause, however, he will surely be a major help during the battle against the Ten Deities of Forever Quin. So do try and cultivate a good relationship with him."

"Will do, Master!" Jack replied, "However, Master did Rin truly manage to call upon Goliath, a former Deity of Quin who defected and nearly led to its destruction before he was banished to the Gateway by an Angel?"

"It would seem so, my disciple…" Jake's Master muttered before sighing and standing up causing the gazes of the various elders and patriarch of the Nine Clans to focus on him, 'Sigh, just why must every world I travel to have such irritating brats.'

Orion thought as could sense a few annoying and crazy bastards awakening from their coffins within both this world and the next, "Truly no rest for the weary, huh?"

He said as he began to walk briskly toward the arena as the ash-gray thundercloud got ready to strike.



Just as Wendell was about to clasp her hands together and end this childish game by using her ultimate technique, Chaotic Night: 7th Form - Elemental Descent, a legacy skill passed down since time immemorial to each chosen Elemental Goddess of an era.

Which calls upon the projection form of a Goddess, who is as beautiful as the midnight sky and has the power to decimate a universe, if cultivated to the peak that is.

Rin suddenly appeared before her without a sound and suddenly punched her in the stomach. After coating his hand in curse energy and sending her to the gulag peacefully.

"Wait, this isn't what we~" Wendell tried to say before an overwhelming force, knocked her out cold and negated her preparations. 

Whoosh! Thud!

"Hmm, no wonder Angelic Beings have always been such feared individuals," Goliath muttered as he took temporary control of Rin's body after he succeeded in summoning him, "Unfortunately while strong his physique can't withstand arcane energy, or else I would have loved to fight you, spawn of Eldritch."

He said as he gazed at Orion before shifting his focus to the thunderstorm and snorting. Yet before he could shatter the barrier and use Heaven's Wrath to baptize Rin's physique and unlock the second form of his bloodline.

As a token of appreciation for allowing him the opportunity to see daylight again; the girl from earlier who he thought was dead, suddenly stood up and retrieved a golden talisman from her multi-K.

"I would love that too, Goliath, however, time is of the essence so goodbye," Orion said as he disappeared from his position and appeared in front of Rin and tapped his forehead.

Before gazing at Wendell and shaking his head causing her to kiss her teeth and sigh as she put the talisman back in her multi-K. Before collapsing to the ground due to Rin's attack which was more serious than she initially thought.


"Sigh… sorry, but you brought this upon yourself," Orion whispered as he forcefully broke the connection between Rin and Goliath resulting in him suffering a backlash.

This brought clarity to Rin's eye as he abruptly awoke and realized he was still in the arena yet before he could ask what was going on. Orion quickly tapped Rin's body three times masking Rin's presence from the Heavens.

"Wait, just what are... ARHHHH!" Rin shouted as he felt every fiber within his body being stretched and torn apart without mercy as the foreign energy tried to resist Orion's power.

By trying to merge with Rin's body, resulting in one side of his body being cold while the other side was hot as both powers used his body as a battlefield to see who was superior.

Which lasted for what felt like hours yet only a few minutes passed in the real world as in the end the foreign power succeeded. After, managing to assimilate a trace of its might with Rin's constitution.

Strengthening his foundation even further and leading to him finally breaking through to Demonic Cultivator.