

Meanwhile, during the moment Rin was assimilating with the residue of Goliath's Divinity, a goldish white bolt of lightning suddenly fell from the sky.

Destroying the arena's barrier instantaneously as it struck Rin electrocuted him in the process before he could react as a blinding light, blinded by the sight of the audience, and prevented Maze from moving for a few seconds. 

During this time, Orion retrieved an umbrella from his multi-K, that immediately opened and protected both from Heaven's Wrath just as another lightning strike fell from the sky.

Engulfed the duo in a beam of pure holy destruction, which cracked the already damaged arena and sent waves of electricity throughout the coliseum. That threw the already injured Wendell out of the arena into the stands adding more salt to her injuries as she coughed out a litter of blood.

Swoosh! Thud! Cough!

"Tsk, just my luck-" Wendell muttered as she tried to get away from the scene and find somewhere safe to heal her injuries, after suffering the aftereffects of a Heaven's Wrath. 

Which broke two of her ribs, dislocated her shoulder, and led to a multitude of internal injuries, resulting from the excess electricity that seeped into her body rampantly and injured her meridians.

"Sigh, I guess I can only do that… sorry, Cory but it seems I might not be able to make it to your trial," Wendell whispered to herself as she said, "Ripple," and disappeared from the arena as everyone was still trying to make head or tails of what happened.

'Master… please grant me some of your power, so that I may~'

'Sorry, but while I may love you, my disciple, Rin's life is not in our hands anymore,' Her master replied with a sigh before she returned to her slumber, ignoring all her pleas and cries for help.

'Wait, but Master didn't you promise me that if I was willing to sacrifice the last of my humanity and embrace my true calling, you'd be willing to answer any of my wishes?!' Maze pleaded as tears welled up in her eyes as a blackish gold aura began to leak out from her eyes.

Yet, before she could stand up and run toward Rin to see if he was okay, her mother suddenly stood up and blocked her path.

"Sorry, but he brought this upon himself, my daughter," Maze's mother said with a helpless smile as she shook her head.

"But Mom, what if~"

"Enough! Maze, there is only so much we can do as his family members, so just have fate that your cousin will survive to see tomorrow," Her father said as he glanced at Adam and Crystal who were also fighting the urge to intervene and save their one and only son.

"Tsk, okay," muttered Maze as she glanced in Rin's direction and hoped for the best as she sat back down.


Coincidentally during this time, the audience and even Rin's family could be seen sitting on the edge of their seats, hoping and praying for the survival of their descendant.

Compared to the majority of the crowd who yearned for the death of this nuisance with the gradual disappearance of the ash-gray thundercloud.

Which began to dissipate little by little as it was sucked back into a spatial crack that manifested in the firmament, following the death of its target who dared to use an exiled power in its presence.

Without fear or concern, it might incur its ire yet, before Orion could breathe out a sigh of relief and take down the umbrella. An intense feeling of foreboding crept into his heart forcing him to use the authority granted to him by his bloodline and heritage to shield himself, Rin, and even his disciple, Jack from Heaven's Gaze as the projection of an eye.

Appeared from the spatial crack following the disappearance of the thundercloud and the brief emergence of a familiar energy. That it once thought had vanished from this world, leading to the projection opening its eye and scanning the land beneath it.

Causing everything to be immersed in darkness for a minute or so as if someone had flipped an illusionary switch on as a mysterious wave of energy spread throughout the world from the spatial crack. 

Providing the eye with a detailed report on everything, anything, and everyone, currently occurring on this planet in the future, present, and past. Which made its investigation increasingly easier yet even with all that it still could not find even a trace of Rin's ashes or his soul as if he had never existed in the first place.

However, that did not stop it as shortly after a minute or so passed it suddenly squinted its eye and glanced downwards at a peculiar location. That blocked its senses hindering it from completing its inspection as it almost blinked and transfigured into its second form. 

Luckily before that could happen, it suddenly looked elsewhere before dematerializing, allowing light to return to the world as the spatial crack vanished with a poof. 


A few minutes later…

"Damn kid, are you by any chance the reincarnation of the Child of Misfortune for Elizabeth to even use a Projection of Heaven's Gaze to make sure you died?!" Orion asked as he closed the umbrella and placed it back in his multi-K.

"Not to my knowledge, sir," Rin replied, 'Hey, Rose… I know you could care less about me, b… b-but am I truly a bad luck charm?'



[… I should not even… sigh, but no you are not Rin… so please before we go any further... promise me you will never do something so... unless you are strong enough to wield such a power as I thought you…]

'I promise,' Rin replied softly as he knew at any moment he could have died or worse been completely possessed by Goliath if it was not for Orion's timely assistance and protection.

"… I don't usually do this, but thank you and if there is any way, I could repay you for saving my life, please do tell me?" Rin said as he bowed.

"It's alright, kid so lift your head and stand proud for you survived your first ever Heavenly Calamity!" Orion exclaimed as he patted Rin's shoulder and glanced at his disciple, signaling him to get ready to leave.

'Sigh… if only you were not an Angel Rin and a descendant of Chaos, I would have loved to be your master. But it seems while our fates are intertwined, our paths vary so good luck, kid, and may the stars aid you on your path to Supreme.' Orion thought as he glanced at the north and chuckled before shaking his head.

"Um, sir is there a chance, I could get your..." 

"The name's Orion, so good luck and please stay vigilant for the future is bound to be rocky for you, Rin Jasper Kurama," Orion said as Jack appeared next to him, "Oh, and this rascal here is my disciple, so please do take care of him when school starts."

"Will do, sir and I hope in due time we can meet again," Rin said as he bowed once again and winked at Jake.

"Haha, if fate allows it then so shall it be," Orion stated as he lightly tapped against the space in front of him shattering it in the process as he and his disciple stepped in and disappeared, "Oh, and do tell the Shinobi Clan, I'll be visiting them in a few days to collect my disciples' rewards!"

"Will do," Rin shouted before the spatial tear closed and the space mended itself back together as if nothing happened. 

"Fuck! I forgot to get Jake's number… sigh, I guess that will have to wait until January," Rin exclaimed before yawning, "Bt ight no, I nee som rst-" 

He muttered as his body swayed left and right while his vision began to worsen before he just collapsed and fell into a deep slumber.

"Rin… Rin… RINNN!!!" His father and mother shouted as they quickly dashed toward the arena upon sensing something was wrong as Rin began to fall to the ground.