
"Wait, but…" Rin could only shout before his vision darkened and he reappeared on top of the tree outside his balcony. Not aware that he was clenching his fist to the point where it started to bleed or that his head was raised firmly towards the sky.

As a nine-petaled flower was slowly blossoming within his pupils, allowing his gaze to pierce through the veil and gaze upon the true appearance of the Heavens. Which was a vortex composed of a multitude of stars that shimmered like a nebula, which had a closed eye in the center of it.

That was surrounded by arcs of black-goldish lighting; yet upon sensing someone was peeking at it, it suddenly opened its eye and glanced downward at the being that dared disrespect it. Yet after noticing it was just a lowly Demonic Cultivator, it only let out a "Hmph!," before returning to its slumber.

Causing one of the smaller bolts surrounding it to get agitated and zoom toward Rin for his disrespect.


Yet just that simple action blinded the Cosmos as a bolt of lightning flew toward Multiverse Z. Which forced every race regardless of how powerful they were to submit to its power as no one was prepared for what was about to happen.

Even Fate, Destiny, and Karma were looking at each other as if they had seen a ghost as this happened too fast for anyone to even try and shield their eyes. Or even teleport their descendants or disciples to somewhere else, so that they could use this opportunity to comprehend a smidge of the Heavenly Dao. 

Luckily, it was not directed at them or else a good portion of the Cosmos would have vanished that day.


"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!!! Just which idiot awoke that bitch?!" A primordial demon howled with rage as all his efforts from the past million years were wasted because an idiot disrespected Heaven.

"My liege, please stop shouting and tend to your wounds, or else you might have to start from scratch once again. Also, it is high time we left this place," A dark elf in a soldier's attire said as she looked around cautiously, ready at a moment's notice to spring into action and bring her liege to safety.

"Sigh, why should I? Would it not be better to just slowly be erased from reality… then die of old injuries and live another million years regretting my past choices?" The demon muttered with a somber tone as he collapsed to the ground in defeat.

"But master~"

"Enough Audrica! It is time I departed and atone for my sins, so please just allow me to experience the silence of death," The demon sighed as he closed his eyes and watched a billion years of his life flash before his eyes from the time he was an ignorant kid.

Who did not care whether the world loved or hated his race for their ancestor's actions to his first crush Sandy Candle Root. A princess of the light demon race who died at the hands of a human before he got the chance to tell her he loved her. 

Which led to him making a vow to kill the entire human race yet with time he realized that it was not a human that killed her. But his own family thought she was a distraction... and from there he became known as the Vampiric Lord of Carnage and Destruction, Helzberg.

"Hmm, you would've thought a person of my standing would one day... regret the past, a moment in time long forgotten, filled with memories of sadness, bliss, loneliness, and depressing joy." 

Helzberg chuckled as he glanced down at his hands and noticed they were leisurely being consumed by a white flame. That held no heat or presence yet contained the power to erase anything from reality.

Which caused his destiny, karma, fate, body, soul, mind, past, present, future, and even his bloodline to be wiped away as if he never existed in the first place. Meaning that anything that was associated with him was either killed or had their memories of him wiped clean. 

"I'm sorry, I can't be there to see you grow up, Audrica… but please do protect, my disciple Leo." Helzberg whispered as only his head was left and even that was about to vanish away in time, 'Even though you might not remember anything about me after I am gone.'

But regardless of that, luckily in the end he found someone who could one day continue his legacy. Or so he thought as he used the last of his power to retrieve a crystallized skeletal key sealed in his mind and gave it to Audrica.

And with that, the first Empyrean since the end of the Millenium War died…

"MASTER!!!!" Audrica shouted as tears ran down her face before she blinked twice and looked around confusingly as she held onto a key given to by… 

'Wait, just where am I and why am I holding onto a key? Forget it, Felicia might know a thing or two about what is going on with me.' Audrica thought before departing from this accursed world.


"So, it's finally began, huh?" A cyborg said with a sigh as he raised his head and glanced at the grayish-red thundercloud forming above the Cosmos, which usually occurs after an Empyrean dies. 

"Oh… an Empyrean died; I wonder if it was, they who disturbed Heaven's rest?" The cyborg muttered before his assistant came running towards him.

"Master Saul! Master Saul! One of the myriad races' top experts just died after failing to ascend!"

"I know, I can see the raindrops, Jarvis," Master Saul replied as he shook his head and glanced at the pile of scraps within his workshop. 

"But Master Saul, doesn't this mean that the war has begun?" Jarvis asked curiously.

"Who knows, Jarvis… and even if it did it would not concern us," Master Saul stated before disappearing, "Oh, and please continue searching for the location of that thing as I'm going to step out for a bit, so don't stay up too late."

"Affirmative!" shouted Jarvis as he looked at his master's silhouette for a moment before returning to work.


"So, the old man died, huh? What a relief, I guess the humans will soon be telling stories of how they killed the Dark Swordsman, Luis Valentino in Death's Canyon. During the battle of Gettysburg, Haha." An old minister laughed as glanced outside and saw the rain falling.


"What is it?" The old minister asked as he stopped laughing and looked seriously at the door as he sensed a strange presence behind it.

"It's I… your son from way yonder… the one you left to die under the peach tree," A stranger said before entering as fake tears ran down his face. 

"Oh, it's just you, Mackle, now what does a heathen look like you want on such an auspicious day?!"

"So feisty but I guess it can't be helped as your friend just died," Mackel said plainly without a shred of emotion as if an Empyrean's death was not something to take seriously.

"You better watch your words, Mackel as even you should know not just anyone could kill that cockroach..."

"Okay, okay I'll stop but for real, why are you all getting so moody about, Helzberg's death? As if this is the first time a Creator or Empyrean has died before."