

[Rin just what fuck is wrong with you?! Do you have any idea, what you just did?]

"Huh?" Rin replied a bit confused about what was going on, "Wait, just what are you talking about, Rose I did nothing~" 

He exclaimed as he noticed his hand was bleeding and that the sky above him resembled shattered glass as a bolt of lightning was speedily rushing toward him.

[Run R… R-Rin! Run...]

[Fuck it is too late… my only option would be to... WAIT, STOP… DON'T! YOU CAN'T @#2232456@#$$%^&^%$#]

[System Shut Down Initiated!]

[Good Luck Host!]

"Wait, wait this cannot be happening! Just what is going on today, first I meet some stranger then I somehow manage to piss off the Heavens and now this happens!! Truly this must be a lie?" Rin muttered as he sat back down and sighed, "So, this it… who would have thought my story would end so soon before it began."

He smiled as he accepted whatever fate had in store for him and watched as death gradually approached him.


Simultaneously as Rin waited for his death; a mechanical girl of an unknown age was shouting at her father for his recent actions...

"Dad! Are you crazy? Do you have any idea of the danger you just put Rin in? Remember he is but a child for God's sake and even you should know, the consequences of your actions if he survives!" Rose shouted after rushing into her father's office. 

"What consequences my dear daughter as I only did what any father would do for his family! Also, if even I, a Creator, was affected by its power, what could a Demonic Cultivator do in the face of such power?!"

"Dad… that Demonic Cultivator, you just sentenced to death is my friend and future husband!" Rose blushed, "So please watch your tone when you speak about him." 

She said before swaying left and right and falling to the ground with a thud and muttering, "While we are still connected, please... wake… me… when... he… wins."

Rose said as her voice grew softer and softer until it was, but a whisper and she fell asleep.

"I shall my darling, however, this was bound to happen, so we can only hope he survived and grows stronger through this process," Takashi said as he kneeled and kissed his daughter's forehead before picking her up and passing her to her grandfather. 

Who magically appeared, moments after she fell, "Dad is this truly necessary, she's only a..." Takashi tried to say before his father interrupted him and took his daughter away.

"Enough, child! Are you questioning my orders now, Takashi?" His father asked as he glanced at him provocatively with a smile.

"Tsk, no father," replied Takashi weakly.

"Pathetic," muttered Rose's older sister, Twilight as she eavesdropped on the interaction happening between her father and grandfather. Before quickly dashing away, since she was still too weak to go against her grandfather who was a Peak Tier 5 Creator. 

"What did you say, Twilight?" George smiled as he gazed at his granddaughter who was trying to scurry away. 

"Ahh, n... n-nothing Grandpa, it must have been one of the servants," Twilight replied meekly as she dared not to meet his gaze head-on.

"Hmph! As I thought," George chuckled, "So now that she's gone now… how about I show you, what you should have done the day she blossomed feelings for that frog?"

He sneered as he snapped his fingers and teleported them to a hallway where a chained door could be seen at the end of the hall. That had a sign above it that said, "System Laboratory," plastered above it written in black ink. 


'What a pity… who would have thought her own family, could be so ruthless," A strange voice muttered from the depths of Rin's Soul Palace.

"Um, hello is anybody there?" Rin asked with confusion as he could have sworn, he heard someone speak just now.

'…' The strange voice.

"Um, hello? I do not know who or what you are, but could you please show yourself?" Rin asked again just to make sure he was not going crazy.

A few minutes later… 

"Sigh, I guess I was overthinking…"


Concurrently after entering the chained door...

"Hey, could you flip that switch over there?" Takashi's father asked as he gently placed Rose's mechanical body on an obsidian gray operating table, in the center of the room, surrounded by a bunch of strange tools and a multitude of panels.

"Sure," replied Takashi as he pressed a button to the left of him, bringing life to this once dim and murky room. That was about the size of a small gym which held spare parts, energy cores, and designs scattered around the room.

"Now that, that's settled let's get this party started," exclaimed George as he tapped the air, conjuring a system panel that was packed with unique and ancient glyphs from a forgotten time.

Which sprung to life like fireflies as they surrounded Rose, scanning her from head to toe in a matter of seconds. Generating a detailed holographic 3-D image of both her internal and external framework.

Which held a strong resemblance to the likes of a human's anatomy, however, during this process all of Roses' defensive protocols and safety mechanisms were disabled. Granting him complete access to all her most sensitive data like memories, knowledge, and even emotions.

"D... D-Dad, just what are doing, as I do not remember giving you access to my daughter's mainframe?" Takashi shouted as he began to regret agreeing to his father's suggestion that Rose needed an update. 

"As I said earlier… I am doing what you should have done, the moment your daughter started having feelings for that boy. Who holds no sort of status or power within our world." George said as he sat down and began to input a series of codes into the system panel. 

"Okay, I can understand that Father, but this could permanently damage her mainframe and lead to her having to undergo a system purge and reboot," Takashi said considering this could potentially erase Rose's persona, memories, and cultivation.

"I know that idiot! Why do you think, I went through the trouble to bring her here, Takashi since even you should know how complicated it is to change a Gen 5 Cyborg's memories? Without leaving any structural damage behind, so please just shut up and let me do my job!"

George shouted at his son even though his gaze did not leave the panel for one second as he tapped a few tabs. That popped up here and there before he proceeded to touch Rose's head, heart, and stomach.

The three most vital components of what sustain and make a Cyborg's life beautiful: Head (memories), Heart (emotions), and Stomach (core). However, before George could go any further, a palm suddenly obstructed his path.

"Dad, I might be a useless son… but I cannot just let you delete, a precious piece of my daughter's life like that, so please stop and let nature take its course."

"Oh, has my son finally grown a pair of balls now? After, all these years yet when your wife died, you did not do anything to stop it! But the moment your daughter is about to undergo a reboot for the betterment of her future… is when you finally choose to be a man, make it make sense, Takashi!" 

George shouted as he took his eyes off the panel and stood up, "Sigh, who would have thought in the end, even you would start to believe in the delusions of your daughter."

"They are not delusions, Father but the truth as even you should be aware that the System Prototype that resides within Rin is~"

"Enough! That is but a failed project, which should have been recycled the moment, I retrieved it from Saul!" George claimed as he imbued his voice with authority, "But that's a discussion for another time, so could please get out of my way and allow me to complete the procedure!"

Causing a bit of his aura to leak out as a majestic and suppressive force surged toward Takashi.

"Dad, I know we don't always see eye to eye but today you must hear me out!" Takashi shouted as he released his aura as well which was not as strong as his father's but could still contend with it.