New Development - Part 1


Clink. Shatter!

"Sigh, I guess it isn't all that bad… now that he's gone," George muttered, "As he was starting to get a bit too bratty for my liking."

He said upon managing to break his son's array, after receiving help from a friend who was a Grandmaster in both arrays and barriers.

"But anyhow thanks, Walter," George replied as he threw a scroll toward a wizened old man, dressed in all black like a cultist. 

"No problem, man, and thanks for the gift," Walter smiled as his eyes glowed briefly upon seeing the scroll.

"You're welcome, now scram Walter!"

"Tsk, no fun," Walter frowned as he placed the scroll in his inner world and vanished.

"Now that he's gone, I guess it's finally time to get this show on the road," George smiled as he walked past the shards of the destroyed array, 'Even though he was a brat, he truly was an unprecedented genius of this era.'

A few minutes later…

"This cannot be... did not I," stuttered George as he finally reached the resting place of Rose yet all he could see was an operating table with a voodoo doll on it. Which had a sticky note attached to it that said, "Sorry, but no can do, Papi!"

'So, you think you are funny, huh Takashi? Well then let the games begin as I swear upon my Title and Bloodline, that I will find Rose Evangel Woods and kill Rin Jasper Kurama, and if I do not let the Heavens by my witness and use my soul as a sacrifice to unleash Heaven's Glory!' 

George thought as a cold breeze swept through the laboratory just as his eyes became darker and more fiendish than blood. And a smile of madness crept upon his face as a pearl of wild laughter rang through the room.


Pop. Swoosh. Thud. 

"Just where did this blasted woman send me?!" Pharaoh exclaimed as he picked himself up and surveyed his surroundings, after being spat out of a portal and sent to some volcanic mountain range. 

'Tsk, just what sort of hellish place is this?' Pharoah wondered as he noticed the dead carcass of a Volcanic Wyvern right beside him, "Fuck! Just how cruel can you be, Fate?!"

He shouted at the portal that was beginning to shrink, scaring away the birds in the vicinity and alerting the slumbering beast in the distance and the predators on a prowl for some food.

Screech! Roar! Howl!

'Sigh… truly, misfortune favors the blessed,' Pharaoh thought as he took off in a random direction and did not look back before he became someone's lunch.


"Hmm, so this is the planet that dared to upset Heaven, and coincidentally caused the death of a top combatant," Mackle whispered as he stood before the boundary that separated Multiverse Y from Multiverse Z and used a pair of rhinestone binoculars to peek at Sector 13 – Planet 3 (Earth). 

'But still just what type of low-tier existence could piss off the Heavens to such an extent that merely gazing at her would incite such a reaction?' Though Mackle as from what he could see Earth #42 was nothing spectacular, so just what sort of being could have angered our aloof queen?

"Are you fucking blind heathen!? Do you not see how chaotic the destiny of this planet is!" The old minister shouted as he almost had the urge to knock some common sense into this fool's head.

"He's right for once Mackle, that planet is surely the cause of this interference," Master Saul said with a sigh as he appeared beside the duo.

"Oh, so now even the reclusive Master Saul, has something to say." Mackle frowned as he side-eyed Saul.

"..." Everyone else, 'Just what is your issue, dude?'

"You better shut up heathen, or else you'll be burned to a crisp just like your friend." A demihuman which was a mix between a man and a bird laughed as stepped out of a door of light made of feathers and appeared beside Master Saul.

"Shut up, Falcon before I turn you into a featherless pigeon without a head!" Mackle shouted as he glared at Falcon.

"Oh, so because you aligned yourself with that old geezer you think everyone is now afraid of you, Mackle! Spawn of~"


"Complete the sentence, Falcon and I promise you, you will never see the light of day again!"

"Sorry, but a half-breed cannot kill me… so, I would advise you to take a step back and not make a fool of yourself." Falcon smiled as Mackle kissed his teeth before squinting his eyes and taking a step back. 

Yet just as Mackle was about to uppercut this abomination of mother nature, a swordsman wearing a traditional kimono manifested between them. Momentarily de-escalating the situation before it reached the point of no return. 

"Come on guys, we didn't come here to fight but to investigate just what has been happening in the Lower Realms as of recently. So please calm down and think things through," The swordsman said as Mackle and Falcon looked at each other before gazing away and walking toward their respective circles. 

"Hmph, what a rowdy bunch of buffoons," A man young said as he stepped out of the void with an old man walking behind him, along with a legion of Galactic soldiers. 

"Fortunately, we arrived in time or else this would be a wonderful opportunity to exercise these old bones." The old man smiled causing everyone within a mile radius of the boundary zone to shut up and stay silent. 

Before outright ignoring him and continuing what they were doing as the 10th commander of the Federation was but a high-profile second-rate figure here. Not the feared and respected Butcher of Dan as most low-level cultivators would not dare offend lease they found themselves on his kill list.

"Now this surely is a surprise to see so many old friends gathered here today, so what brings you all here today on such a joyous occasion? As the last time something like this happened was the Divine War, 10,000 years ago, or have you all forgotten?" The old man said lightly causing a shift in the atmosphere. 

"Tsk…" Everybody said as they glanced at the old man who interrupted this joyous reunion between friends and colleagues.

To bring up something that most did not want to remember or even think of for it was an era in, which many gifted, righteous, and precious people died… so that, they could survive, thrive, and nurture a stronger generation of warriors.

"Grandpa, I don't think they heard you?" The young man whispered to the old man as he leaned over with a smirk plastered on his face.

"No shit Sherlock!" The old man replied before snapping his fingers, triggering the troops behind him to get into formation as he took out the newest creation of the Galactic Federation the X6-10Z battleship.

A mix between the USS Missouri (BB-63) and the Japanese Battleship Musashi. That was created for covert operations and espionage, considering it had the unique ability to conceal itself in the void and derive energy from it. 

"What the fuck is that?! You cannot be serious.?" An expert shouted as they saw a behemoth of a machine appear from the void unannounced. Sending ripples throughout its path as void energy swirled around embracing it like a loving mother.

'Just what has the federation been up to these last few years?' Various experts throughout the boundary zone thought collectively as they bore witness to a deadly yet elegant piece of machinery.

That will one day play a major part in the downfall of an ancient race yet before the 10th commander could use the battleship to send these ungrateful fools to the grave.

The swordman from earlier spoke, "Sigh, Carlos could you please calm down and act your age for once as there's no reason to be so hostile. Plus, you should not be mentioning such depressing topics openly, in the presence of old comrades you and I once fought side by side. So please take a step back and act civil as you are not just representing yourself but the organization behind you as well." 

"And who asked for your two cents, Zack?!" Carlos roared.

"Well, no one did... but someone needed to hear it before they crossed a bridge of no return as this is not their home turf. But the outlands of the Cosmos so, what will be your choice, Carlos?" 

Threatened Zack as he calmly glanced at the stubborn old man and awaited his response. While completely ignoring the soldiers who were about to attack him and the railguns locking onto his position.

"Tsk, I guess your master has taught you well, Zack Elliot, the infamous God of Magic & Swords. However, considering today has been good, I will heed your words but do pay attention to your surroundings for death is on the horizon so please tread lightly." Carlos chuckled as he raised his hand and clenched his fist causing the pack of hungry lions and tigers behind him to relax.

 While the battleship canceled its attack and disappeared concealing itself once again in the void as if it were never there in the first place.

"Wise choice, but please do not keep me waiting as I would love to exchange some moves with the notorious 10th Commander, Carlos Garcia," Zack replied with a smile.