New Development - Part 2

"Truly, a speculator piece of machinery, I wonder if they would allow me to meet Fred again to steal... no conduct an exchange of equivalent information. Yes, that is it," Master Saul muttered as he rubbed his hands evilly with blatant greed in his eyes.

Even though he tried to hide it behind layers of curiosity and wonder as he imagined. The prospects this technology could bring to his newest invention and life's work.

"Hey, what's up with that guy?" Someone nearby whispered to his friend as he tilted his head toward Master Saul.

"Oh, the lunatic... well to be honest, who knows but I think it would be better if we distanced ourselves from him before people get the wrong idea."

"Agreed." The friend replied as they walked away quickly to somewhere else.

"Hmm, did I just do something weird again?" Master Saul asked himself upon noticing two young fellows move more than ten meters away from him, 'Well, whatever it is, I hope I did not scare them away as I have recently been learning to control my facial expressions.' 

He thought with a smile before vanishing and returning to his workshop just in time to see Jarvis having a mental breakdown. 

"My day just keeps on getting better," Master Saul sighed as he tapped Jarvis allowing his systems to cool down before he walked away to see, what caused Jarvis's systems to overheat while he was gone.


"This should be enough... Oh, and he's now gone, what a relief! So, what were you asking again, Thomas as I didn't hear you the first time."

"Um, Alexander is everything all right?" asked Thomas with a bit of concern as his friend was acting a bit strange suddenly.

"Everything is just peachy, why do you ask? Do I seem off to you or something, or are you just jealous I look better than you?" Alexander replied with a nervous laugh as he dismissed what Thomas asked earlier.

"Okay, now that's just a lie as you know, I am the better looking between us. But that is beside the point, so why are you acting so paranoid as if that old were going to break our meridians and turn us into stew." Thomas wondered as he could see his friend was frightened about something.

"Well, to be honest, it wouldn't~" Alexander was about to say before he quickly replied to what Thomas asked earlier, "But any who he was probably thinking of something outrageous like robbing the Galactic Federation of its knowledge on spatial application and rune craving."

"Oh, and why would you say that as that sounds mad specific?" Thomas asked suspiciously.

"Because they don't call him, Master Saul of Lunacy for nothing."

"Hmm, and why do they call him that?"

"Well, legend has it that his only child Jarvis died during the War of the Divine, which led to him turning crazy and trying anything and everything to revive his dead son. Until he finally had enough and cursed the Heavens for its partiality as he made a Blood Vow, claiming he would one day bring his son back to life and reclaim what was rightfully his." Alexander said solemnly after making sure the coast was clear. 

"Dude that's badass! Who would have thought a crazed old man could be so cool?!" Thomas exclaimed with stars in his eyes after hearing the exploits of Master Saul.

Rumble. Rumble.

"…" Alexander.

"Sorry, about that it seems I'm a bit hungry so, do you want to catch a bite? As I heard, the Blue Moon restaurant opened a new spot within the main city of Planet Vega of Multiverse Y in Sector 2." Thomas asked his friend with a hint of embarrassment.

"Sure, why not but give me like two minutes as I need to set up a recording and alarm device. Before we leave, enabling us to be notified if something happens while we're gone."

"Damn, why didn't I think of that?"

"Because you're an idiot, Thomas?"

"So, it's like that, huh?"

"Yup," replied Alexander with a smile as he finished what he was doing.

"Well, then whenever you're ready just let me know."

"Oh, I'm ready, but are you ready mister?!" Alexander replied with a chuckle.

"Bro... do you want to bet as you are doing a little too much right now?"

"Sure, however, the loser has to the bill and buy something off their special menu for the winner."

"Well, then good luck! Oh, and I will be on the 3rd Floor, so you better hurry up loser!" Thomas said as he took off running, leaving Alexander in the dust.

Whoosh. Boom.

"Hey! Wait up man… okay, since you want to play dirty then let us play dirty, Thomas," Alexander said with a mischievous smile as he took off in hot pursuit of his friend, who had no sense of guilt or shame.

Swoosh. Zap.


'The younger generation will surely surpass the old; what a time to be alive! Maybe if I were not so serious when I was younger… my life would have more meaning to it than just my sword, magic, and cultivation.' Thought Zack even though he was but thirty-six and had plenty of time ahead of him after watching two Emperor's joking around like kids. 

Hum. Hum. Hum.

"Calm down, Ordis it was only a joke," Zack said telepathically with a smile as he gazed briefly at the sword sheathed on his waist.

Hum. Hum.

"Okay, okay I will ask Master if it's okay to allow you to absorb the Shard of a Fallen Vermilion Bird's Dark Ember. Now is that enough for you to forgive me, Ordis?" Zack asked as he enticed his sword with something it desperately wanted yet could not get.



Meanwhile, on a planet located near the outskirts of Multiverse X – Sector 1: Planet (???), a tired young man could be seen leaning on the wall of a dark yet lit cave.

'Hmm, now that, that is over… I wonder just how much time I have left before I am expelled from this accursed place,' Thought Pharaoh after managing to find a place to lie low for the time being before the start of his elaborate plan to increase Rin's chances of overcoming death.

"About roughly nine years and some change since only three seconds have gone by in Multiverse Z, my darling!" Fate said as she appeared before Pharaoh in the form of a fairy.

"Sigh, it seems time is moving faster than expected," Pharaoh frowned, 'So what brings you here, kiddo?'

"Tsk, still the same as always... but anyhow before I go, do not go ticking people off mister as I won't always be here to save you every time, Pharaoh."

"I don't need your protection, so please don't start acting like my mother now."

"Hmph! Pride will be your downfall; Pharaoh and you know what I am talking about."

"That wasn't even my~"

"Silence! Do not even speak for you knew you were in the wrong and still functioned as if what you were doing was justifiable right." 

"… okay, you got me there but that was the past and times have changed. So, there is no need to worry about me as I promise, I will not be stepping on anyone's shoes as long as they do not step on mine first though."

"Hmm, I'll hold you accountable for that statement."

"So, what did you need to warn me of as I don't have all the time in the world to be entertaining you, Fate?"