Legacy of the Deceased - Part 3

A few minutes earlier…

Twitch. Sniff. Sniff.

"Hmm...?" Osiris said as it was awoken from its slumber by the scent of an old friend and a new guest after they entered his territory, 'Just what has Alister done now, hopefully, those two idiots didn't get swindled by that scammer again?' 

Thought Osiris as it swiped its claw and glanced at the holographic screen that appeared before it. Which began replaying everything that happened in the last ten minutes from when Alister and Rin appeared in trial three until now.

2 minutes later…

"Tsk, Master truly this can't be Alister Walton the greatest seer and strategist of our generation? Sigh, just what is going through that old man's mind for him to think a puny Demonic Cultivator is worthy of your legacy, my Lord." Osiris muttered as he stood up and disappeared after getting a gist of the situation at hand.


15 minutes later...

Swoosh! Click! BOOM! 

"How dare a lousy mongrel such as yourself, kick me from my rightful acquisition? Hmph, only a coward would resort to such shameless tactics!" Rin shouted moments after the legacy transfer began and a dog of massive portions suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Canceling the process and kicking him out of this God-given opportunity, following Alister's death. Resulting in Rin only being able to receive about 10% of the legacy of some person named Sparrow. 

However, from Osiris perspective, he was just doing what any loyal guard dog would upon sensing a cheater had appeared in his territory. Who for one did not gain the acknowledgement of Blue and Red nor even complete segment one of trial three White Heart.

So, why would he let a freeloader, who had not undergone all the trials set by his Master acquire his legacy without an ounce of effort? Which resulted in Osiris banishing Rin from the Legacy Trial at the expense of suffering a few disrespectful comments through a vortex. 

'You better hope, I will never come here again, Hmph! Or else I promise you; I will turn you into a succulent dog stew the day I return.' Rin thought with an evil grin as he plummeted to the ground while sticking a middle finger at Osiris who just shook his head and closed the vortex.


Meanwhile, back in the pocket world…

"How dare a weakling call this Majestic King a half-breed… you are lucky, I am in a good mood today," Osiris said as it sauntered back to its resting place, "Or else, you would have received a far more dreadful punishment than just being temporarily blacklisted from my Master's legacy." 

He said before stopping as he sensed someone bad mouth him, 'Oh, what is this... I guess I have gotten a bit lenient these past few eons, let us see how you manage fire kiddo.' 

Osiris thought with a smile as he had to coincidentally burp.



"Fuck! Truly it could not have been a bit gentler," asked Rin as he fell to the ground face down and picked himself up before taking a glance at where exactly that mongrel sent him.

'So how was your first Legacy Dive, kiddo?' asked Pharoah with a chuckle. 

'Horrible not going to lie, but I guess it could have been worse.' Rin replied as he used this opportunity to find somewhere to lay low.

'Hmm, so are you up for another one?'

'Nope, not by a longshot, however, I do plan to use the rest of our time here to consolidate my cultivation and cultivate.'

'If you say so, Haha!'


In a village nearby not too far away from Rin's descent…

"I... I... I... have sinned, O Great Mother of Jupiter! Forgive me for failing to protect your sacred shrine," The village chief of Aku wailed as he collapsed to the ground with a thud.

As snot and crocodile tears flew everywhere, as he repeatedly begged for forgiveness and mercy, after watching a flood of grayish-green flames fall from the sky and burn their ancestral shrine to cinders.

Yet while it was not his fault, he only had himself to blame for failing to accomplish such a simple task to the point he started shedding tears of blood. 

However, all this was for naught as in the end all the sacrifices he made to the Goddess of Jupiter were meaningless as the once clear skies above them.

Darkened suddenly as a thundering voice sounded from the firmament, while the grayish flames around him whispered in his ears. Enticing him to kill himself and give his life to the cause.


"NO NUMBER OF WORDS WILL EVER SUFFICE FOR THE CRIME YOU COMMITTED TODAY!" The Grand Marshall of Jupiter shouted as he appeared before the chief, decked in a suit of golden-plated armor.

That had white rotating glyphs scattered across it along with a broad sword holstered on his back with the signature stamp of Jupiter plastered on his left shoulder.

"Huh..." The chief said after lifting his head and seeing a Guardian of Jupiter with a medal of six blackish-blue rings strung to his armor standing in front of him.

"You shall pay for your indolence mortal! Now give your life to Her Majesty and go to rest, knowing you achieved something insect," The Grand Marshall shouted with disgust and disappointment.

"M... M-My apologies, my Lord, I did not realize the Queen sent down a person of such high standing to relay a verdict to poor old me? Please give my deepest apologies to Her Majesty," The chief said as he wiped his tears away and sobered up quickly upon realizing Her Majesty sent a Grand Marshall to read out his judgment. 

But he could not shake off the feeling that the person before him felt familiar.

"Um, do I know you by any chance? Sorry, your posture just seems like someone I used to know in the past," The chief of Aku asked as the Grand Marshall figure slowly merged with the person he had in mind (Derrick King from Storm Academy, Sector 12 - Planet Winter in Multiverse Y).

"Enough with the idle chit-chat as Aku but our friendship can't save you today! However, on account of our past, I'll help you accomplish one wish."

"Derrick is it... I… I-I thought, sigh, thank you," The chief muttered with a smile, "But if that's the Queen's verdict then so be it but please enact vengeance on my behalf and allow my son to live the life, I could not..." 

Aku said after thinking about it as he finally came to terms with fate, 'This is it, huh? I just hope William will not be too mad considering I will not be able to attend his thirteenth birthday.' 

The chief thought as he shook his head and shortly began muttering, the mantra of Death every citizen of Jupiter must recite before they depart, "Nkwa yɛ Owu na Owu yɛ Nkwa. Saa ara na m'akwantuo no bɛba awieeɛ na asetena akɔ so bio. Na Jupiter yɛ me koma na ɔno, mede me kra ma sɛ ɔnkora so."

"I've said it so please do the honors and remember, if you can't kill the perpetrator then just allow my son to live a life without any regrets."

'Sigh... This line of work never gets easy, no matter how many times I have done it, but I guess that's how cultivation is. The farther we go the further we distance ourselves from our true selves and slowly fall into the rat race with everyone else.' Derrick thought as he signed before speaking, 

"May you bear witness to his prosecution, O Great Mother of Jupiter, Enja Griva! May his body, soul, and blood reclaim what was lost and curse the foul heathen! That dare desecrate your sacred presence, O Great Mother of Jupiter!"

"No, Father!!!" Willaim shouted upon noticing his dad was about to die as a man in golden armor raised his sword and sentenced him to death.

"Bye… Willaim and may your future be prosperous," Aku whispered as he glanced at his son one last time before his head was chopped off with one swift slash.

Swoosh. Splat. Thud.

"Father! J… J-Just why of all days must you die… did not you promise you would reserve this day for us?" Willam shouted as he fell to his knees and shouted to the sky in anger as tears began to swell in his eyes. 

After, witnessing his father be killed before him in cold blood on his thirteenth birthday. Just as his father's head fell to the ground and rolled toward him before stopping at his feet.

Displaying a peaceful yet sad facial expression as his eyes were closed and he had neither a frown nor a smile. But just contentedness as if he were ready for this moment all along.