A Minute Worth 10 Years - Part 5

Meanwhile, during the time William, the son of Aku mourned his father's death…

Rin suddenly stopped and frowned as he sensed someone or something quickly approaching him.

'I would put that up if I were you as you have a bigger problem heading your way.' Pharoah said with a yawn.

'Thanks for the reminder, Pharoah as I would have completely forgotten I had this,' Rin replied as he put the Moon Amethyst shard, he got from Alister in his multi-K, 'Also since it seems you are now in a good mood, would you mind giving a brother some intel on our uninvited enemy?'

'You'll find out... Hmm, that was faster than expected, well than good luck and don't die, kid.'

"Wait, wait huh? Sigh, just why cannot my life ever be peaceful?" Rin wondered as raised his head and saw a golden-plated figure standing in the sky, before him with a helmet held in his hand and his hair tied in a ponytail.

"Are you the one who had a hand in my friend's death, child?" The stranger asked as he eyed with Rin suspicion and curiosity.

Before William appeared out of nowhere and just pounced on Rin like a rabid beast and began attacking him.

5 minutes later...


"Bro, I swear upon the 12th star of Saturn, that I was not the one who destroyed your ancestral shrine!" Rin shouted with annoyance as he leaned sideways and evaded another one of Williams' deranged attacks. 

Who was fighting with no strategy or thought, just pure brawn and blind rage against who he believed to be the reason his father died.


'Sigh… now, that I think about it considering how half-breeds think, that hideous creature would do something so nonsensical as destroying a family's ancestral shrine to make my life miserable.'

Rin thought since that was the only way this whole situation would make sense just as a figure engulfed in a reddish haze fell from the sky with a sword wrapped in chains in his hand.

Swoosh! Crack! Boom!

That cut through the air like butter leaving a blue arc in its wake, luckily, Rin jumped backward just in time before William's attack could have touched him.

Or else, he would have had to deal with the Poison and Wither laws laced within Willams's attack and the force behind his crazy stunts. Which destroyed the ground as a cloud of grayish mist corrupted the earth.

"Tsk, as if I'd believe the words of the heathen such as you! How dare you utter such lies upon this sacred land!" Willam smirked as he gazed at Rin with madness in his eyes before sheathing his sword and bending his knees slightly.

As he placed his hand on the hilt of his blade and took a deep breath as he closed his eyes briefly before opening them and dashing toward Rin.

However, before he could unleash his greatest technique, Rin suddenly summoned Scarlet and slammed it into the ground as he muttered, "Dragon Burst."

A new technique he created after watching a volcano erupt, that absorbs the flame elemental energy buried beneath the earth and condenses it into a dragon made of lava. That later erupts from the ground and the rest is history, but considering how long it takes to execute, why not play a joke on our rabid friend?

'Sigh… while I normally wouldn't do this you brought this upon yourself, kid, so don't blame me for what is about to occur.' Rin smiled before frowning as his face got pale and he stumbled to the ground suddenly before picking himself up and leaning on his scythe.

'Bingo! Hmph, you thought you could just kill my dad and get away with it, Heathen! Now look at you,' William smiled victoriously as he shortened the distance between them and ducked his head downward before unsheathing and sheathing his sword in one fluid motion.

Causing a ray of sword energy that shimmered with a bluish-red tint to engulf Rin, as William stood up and turned around to see his masterpiece, however, just as that occurred the earth beneath him began to tremble as if something underground was awakening from its slumber.

Just as Rin quickly clutched his stomach in disbelief, as blood began to dye his clothes after he noticed his body was covered in lacerations that grew larger as time passed.

Forcing Rin to try and preserve his life to the best of his abilities, however, it would seem this was the end of his story.

"While you may have been strong and maybe not the person who killed my father, what's done is already done. So goodbye, heathen, and I hope in the next life you will change from your evil ways," Willaim whispered as he saw Rin try and face him as he wobbled from side to side.

Before falling to the ground with a thud yet instead of dying with anger and resentment on his face. This heathen smiled as if in the end, he would be the winner and not the loser.


A couple of minutes before Rin began his act…

"Just what was that?" Derrick frowned after sensing the earth tremble and quake before thinking back to the weapon Rin summoned, "Hmm, just where have I seen that scythe before?"

'Fuck… wait, that couldn't be~' Thought Derrick as he quickly activated Jupiter's Eye, a unique technique that all citizens of Jupiter are required to learn once they reach adolescents, "Tsk, truly only a heathen would think of such an elaborate plan," Derrick signed as he shook his head and disappeared from his position.


"Well, that was easy," commented Willam as he walked towards Rin's corpse and saw that he was smiling, 'Hmm, that is weird… is there a possibility, I have been tricked? But if I had why would he go through such lengths and suffer such injuries to do such a thing? Since would it not make more sense to just fight than do all this extra shit?'

Thought William before disregarding such thoughts and focusing on Rin's weapon, Scarlet, which began to vibrate as if it was trying to escape his clutches.

"Hmm, so it's sentient, huh? Well, then sorry to be disrespectful but your Master is dead, so either you will submit to me or, Hmph." William chuckled evilly as knew a couple of ways to make an unruly weapon submit. 

'While you're not bad, kid, it'll take more than the empty talk of a fool to make me submit to the wimps of an idiot.' Scarlet said telepathically to William with a sneer.

"You say that now but just wait~"

'Sorry, to interrupt but it was nice meeting you kid, so ciao!'

"Huh?" William could only say as Scarlet began to radiate an astronomical amount of heat which caused it to start glowing as the earth trembled once more.

Simultaneously just as Derrick zoomed toward William to save him yet it would seem he arrived a bit too late as chains suddenly erupted from the ground. Locking William in place as he finally awoke from his trance and realized what was happening. 

Crack! Roar! Kaboom!

"Wait, wait… NO THIS ISN'T HOW MY STORY IS SUPPOSED TO END!" Willaim shouted as the earth underneath him collapsed and he was swallowed whole by a dragon made of pure lava. 

That shot into the sky before falling back down and transforming the surrounding area into a volcanic paradise following William's death. Who did not even have a chance to scream or beg for mercy yet as they say, "History is written by the winner, not the loser." 

So as Willaim died his archenemy arose from the dead like Jesus three days later…