New Horizon

After, the recent heavenly tribulation alongside numerous unknown events and changes made to our world from realms beyond the Cosmos. It was finally time, for the man of the hour to return home, as in time orientation shall begin, and Forbidden Blood will once again be known to all.

After, once being able to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Millennium, but now sigh… anywho, that is enough of my blabbering for today as the Cosmos returns to its usual schedule programming.

So, with the prophecy coming to fruition sooner than anticipated, following the death of an Empyrean it became clear to those who once thought of it to be a hoax that maybe the words spoken by that blind fool were not rubbish afterall but the actual truth.

Nonetheless, while it does make one wonder about the authenticity of his words, to others this was but the beginning of something greater and far more sinister.

Then most could ever manage or even dream for the secrets buried within his words do not just affect the Cosmos but even Origin, the place Elizabeth and Rin were once raised before...


Within a realm below Origin but above the Cosmos, a prison cell named Cell Zero resided…

"Sigh, maybe it's better to die ignorant than aware of the truth they try so desperately to hide...?" An old man signed as his eyes fluttered in the breeze that caressed his aged face.

"However, who wouldn't want to see that damnable Matrix collapse upon itself? Entering a period of r… r-renewal... forget it... forget it… I have spoken too much today," Another person grumbled before fear overtook her, and she grew silent as if her soul would be extinguished once again if she dared speak any further about the subject.

"Rin… Jasper… Kurama… just what will be your outcome? Oh, Prince of the Forsaken and God of @#$%^&*! Aww, so it seems by even saying it has now become a taboo, but what a more fitting name for a man… that could not resolve, his heart demon and attain Supremacy. Or even realize that maybe it's better to create than destroy; yet now you've just become a plague that now haunts our cells and the innocent." 

An old man who had one foot in and one foot out muttered lazily across from the woman who spoke earlier as he rocked back and forth rhythmically as he hummed a melody.

In his rocking chair which made squeaking sounds as it swung back and forth on his front porch, awaiting the day of his release or death's call home.

In a singular cell, that from the outside looking in resembled a four-by-four prison cell, however, once you stepped in you would realize it was a fully functional but restrictive pocket world. 

That adapted to the wishes of its prisoner and had a bronze nameplate above their cells which for the old man said, "Br001 – Prisoner YX277: Joker." Which was the same for everyone, except codenames and a few other miscellaneous details.

Swoosh. Chime.

"Hmm, now this is interesting…" A young man in his earlier thirties whispered after being awoken from his nap by the chime of a bell. Which rang two more times before everything returned to normalcy; announcing to the world that someone managed to inherit that witch's legacy and foul bloodline. 

Moments after Rin's proclamation which caused him to squint his eyes and try to sense where the chime came from. Which did not take long as his slightly gray and once lifeless eyes, snapped toward a distant Multiverse with newfound curiosity and happiness.


A few hours earlier after Ghali's brief appearance before his swift disappearance…

"Master, are you sure this is necessary? Did you not say I was~" Maze was saying before she was interrupted. 

"Enough! Just listen to my orders and do not fret; I promise this will all make sense in the future, my disciple." Luna said as she prepared everything Maze would need to pass on her ancestor's legacy. 

"If you say so... but shouldn't you at least recuperate first, before doing something so risky expert?"

"Maze, whether I do it now or later, the outcome will never change as you are destined to be the saint. That shall guide and protect your cousin from becoming the monster of a story, he never wished to partake in," Luna said slowly as she tried to stress the importance of Maze's task.

"But don't you think, I should~"

"Maze! The earlier it is done, the easier your job will be, so relax and focus on surviving and gaining the acknowledgment of my Ancestor's Spirit Beast. As this legacy contains the necessary skills and knowledge you are going to need in the future and as we speak." 

"Sigh, I guess I have my work cut out for me, huh? "Well then let's get started," Maze smiled as she stopped resisting and just let nature take its course as she sat down in a lotus position. 

In the center of a three-ringed arcane circle that was packed with obscure rotating glyphs, which were in a variety of colors and shapes.

"Now, before we begin Maze do be aware that there is a possibility of dying, so good luck and you got this," chuckled Luna as she snapped her finger resulting in the three-ringed arcane circle, to begin spinning quickly as the space around them fractured.

Before Maze could even realize what was going on was suddenly sucked into a wormhole and teleported to the Dark Banshee Land of Inheritance Trial.

Snap. Swoosh. Shatter. Thud.

"Tsk, the least you could have done was give me a countdown," Maze muttered as she dusted off her clothes and surveyed her surroundings. Before taking out a map from her multi-K and picking a direction to walk in after being sent to the periphery of a tropical island in the middle of nowhere.


A couple of months later…

"Sigh, so this is it, huh?" Rin muttered as he took one last glance at his room for the past 15 years and vaguely remembered the tad bits of memories attached to this place.

Before his inevitable departure to Forbidden Blood, the school of dreams for youths around the world and the next segment of Rin's new life as a first-year student in high school. 

In the next hour or so, he and Maze will be off to FB with their cousin, Felicia, a third-year student of Forbidden Blood who is majoring in combat and sword astronomy. An idiosyncratic cultivation route that fundamentally transforms a person's body, after succeeding in crafting a unique star chart. That is based on the principles of a person's zodiac or inherent birth star constellation and spirit sign.

'Relax, kiddo it is just high school, not the end of the world so there's no need to be so dramatic,' Pharoah chuckled, 'As we can always return here, whenever you feel homesick plus, you got me so cheer up buddy.'

'I know that Pharoah, but still I just feel nostalgic like even though I may have been cold-hearted and neglective, at times I still love her deep down inside.' Rin replied as he nearly began to fake cry. 

'Oh, shut up and return to packing as this sentiment shit isn't going to cut it!'

'Alright, alright I'll stop but damn I can't have feelings now even if they may be fake and a bit exaggerated?!' Rin smiled and with that, it was finally time for this chaotic chapter to end and for a new one to begin.

As this became another tale, lost in the sand, and buried beneath the shores of time, in a capsule of unforgettable memories and events that vanished in the blink of an eye.