Orientation - Part 1

30 minutes later…

Knock. Knock.

"Tsk, what is it now…" muttered Rin a bit annoyed his nap was disturbed as he glanced at his door, 'Hmm, just what could Maze possibly want now?' 

He thought considering, he still had 15 more minutes until they departed with Felicia, but then again Maze was not the type to annoy him unless it was for something important.

"Sigh let's just see what she wants," Rin grumbled as he got out of bed and walked toward the door.

'It's most probably to tell you we're about to leave, Rin but we won't know until she says it.'

'And that's why I just want to sleep because considering how she has been acting recently and my luck… this year is bound to be hectic and annoying.' Rin replied as he opened the door and saw Maze about to knock again, "So what can I do for you, Maze?"

"Oh, so the young master has finally awoken, huh? Who would have thought I would finally be able to achieve the impossible and disrupt your beauty sleep?" Maze said sarcastically with a smile.

"And who would have thought the great witch, could not send a text to save her life like everyone else? But anywho what is it as the land of dreams is currently much better than talking with you." Rin chuckled as he knew he struck a nerve, making this his first win in the new year.

"Tsk, I just wanted to inform you that we are leaving in five minutes, so finish packing, and let's head off to FB as this place is already starting to irritate me!" Maze said sourly as she let Rin have this time.

"Thanks for the heads up, and I'll be outside shorty," Rin said as Maze dashed back to her room and got her things before walking outside as an idea popped into her mind, 'Sigh, please O Lord have mercy on me for I just want to relax and live life peacefully and quietly.'

'Haha, if you were not a Forsaken and the chosen one such a life would be appropriate for you Rin. But now you can only hope once you ascend, that the Heaven's, Origin, and the Eldritch, do not just outright kill you. However, on the plus side with the help of "Rewrite and Shadow," personal favorites of mine, you might just have the chance to grow stronger than what Origin even deemed possible and finally destroy this accursed prison.' Pharoah said as he could only imagine the day Rin defeated Elizabeth, took ownership of the Cosmos, and became eligible for a seat on the throne.

'When you put it like that all that I've attained means nothing, if I can just be erased from existence, the moment I ascend into Multiverse Y.'

'True, however, that is the beauty of your situation because, with the use of Shadow, Heaven will not even be able to discover you. Giving you ample time to recast your cultivation and strengthen your comprehension of various Laws while under a secret identity, until it is time for us to ascend once again and repeat.'

'This sounds great and all but you do know, that means in four years, I must recultivate to the Peak of True God three times and undergo a cleansing of mind, body, and soul. While trying not to be caught by the Heavens or be expelled by the World Spirit, who governs Earth.'

'You'll be fine, so let's finish packing and get on the road as time waits for no one,' Pharaoh smiled as he returned to what he was doing earlier, while Rin walked toward his closet to pick out some more clothes to wear. Along with any other stuff he might have forgotten to pack earlier.

Meanwhile, as that occurred Maze could be seen walking happily toward Felicia, a distant cousin of theirs who was born and raised in America and only came to Japan.

After she was accepted into FB during her second year at Millennial, following her and another student's name getting mixed up, surely this couldn't have been a coincidence, right?

But here is where the story gets weird as in this moment, when most would have tried in all their power to not lose their admission into Millennial. The most prestigious and widely claimed best academy in the world, which some of the biggest names on the planet had attended. 

She did not frown or make a fuss and even smiled happily, once she heard the news from the principal with her only reply being, "Thank you for your hospitality and I'll see you at the Annual Academy Tournament!"

Before she left and got accepted into Forbidden Blood and became the proclaimed Queen of the school, but enough about the Caucasian lady...

Tip. Tap. Tip. Tap.

"Cousin Felicia! Who would have never guessed, what I just overheard from our cousin?!" Maze exclaimed as she looked around to make sure the coast was clear as if she were about to tell an earth-shattering secret.

"And what would that be, my dear little cousin?" Felicia asked calmly with a hint of interest in her tone as she looked up from her phone.

'Damn, she's prettier than I thought,' Maze gasped as she swiftly examined the mixed white and Asian lady in front of her who was five feet and seven inches tall with blackish brown hair, phoenix eyes, a small nose, and full lips with cherry lipstick on. 

As she wore a simple blue puffer jacket with a white T-shirt, gray sweats, and some White Air Forces.

 "Earth to Maze, so what's the tea?" Felica giggled as she brought Maze back to Earth from Saturn

"Sorry about that… but before, I tell you must promise never to tell soul, what I'm about to tell you," Maze smiled mischievously as she winked after taking a glance at Rin's room, "Also, you must promise me if I tell you this secret you must grant me one wish, regardless of how weird or dramatic is it. Plus, I will even tell you some classified top-secret information about Rin, how does that sound?"

"Hmm… alright, I Felicia Volusia Monroe, swear never to tell a living soul about the contents of what I'm about to hear," Felicia replied with one hand in the air while her other hand was behind her back with two fingers crossed.

'Hmm, who would have thought the Student President of FB, would have trust issues but then again who doesn't… welp, Rin you brought this upon yourself so good luck,' Maze thought with a sigh before smiling as she leaned over and began whispering something into Felicia's ear.

This caused her face to undergo numerous facial expressions from disgust to astonishment, shock, greed, worry, and even doubt as some of the things Maze told just could not be real. As there is no way a Demonic Cultivator could attract a tribulation, or could they? 

The world may never know so as Maze continued adding a bit of spice here and there to sweeten the pot, Felicia realized that while Maze painted Rin as this quiet but obnoxious piece of shit of a person.

Something did not sit right with her for some weird reason, just like the incident back home before she transferred, 'Just what are you playing at Maze? Sigh, it is not only Rin, I must take care of but also this little mischievous maker.' Felicia thought with a frown even though she took all the things Maze told her to heart as it was better to know something rather than nothing about the enemy.