Rescue III

"Not sure... however, my senses are telling me you have something that could help me immensely. So, considering that I'm just here to collect what is mine while having some fun," Ghali asked with a devilish smile as he unleashed his aura.

Kaboom! Swoosh!

Creating a ring of reddish-black flames that swept through the area like a tornado, which scorched the earth while dyeing the sky red for miles without end as ash fell from the firmament like rain.

Yet, that was not the end of it, as in the center of it all stood Ghali valiantly with a spear in hand and a ring of fire that floated behind him and rotated slowly causing a white lava-like substance within it to surge and create four tokens.

That orbited around the fiery ring like the moons of Jupiter and resembled Taiko Drums which referred to Life, Death, Reincarnation, and Order separately.

"Sorry to disappoint you, pal but it seems today isn't your day, so could you all please escort my friend to safety as I take care of the overgrown buffoon," Rin said as he jumped down from a nearby tree and glanced at the trio.

"Hmph! While I commend your bravery young one, this is not your fight so, I would recommend you run back to your mommy. While I'm coolheaded or else you can kiss goodbye to that old life of yours, kid." Ghali chuckled as he did not spare Rin another glance and walked toward the trio.

Without a care in the world, whether Rin heeded his words or not as in the end, he will be just another puny egotistical human he killed. Who believed they had the power to save everyone when they barely even had the strength to save themselves.

"Sorry, but I don't take orders from those weaker than me," Rin stated as he stepped in front of Ghali and blocked his path forward before walking toward the trio in his stead.

"Sorry, but I believe you may have us confused with someone else, my friend so, I'd advise you to worry about your situation than us insignificant brothers." Zero uttered politely as he tried to diverge Rin's attention.

"HAHAHAH!!! Ahh, I have not laughed like that in a while, kid! Well, well since you have a death sentence, I will fill in for your father for a while. Since your parents never taught you to be respectful to those older than you." Ghali said after bursting into a fit of laughter as he rubbed his hands together joyfully and lowered his body.

Crack. Whoosh.

Crossing the distance of a few meters in a matter of seconds causing a crater to form as he instantly appeared beside Rin and threw a punch toward his face.

"Sigh, truly it can't be this hard to rescue a student… welp, I guess I can only deal with you all afterward so please don't make this harder than it needs to be," Rin muttered as he parried Ghali's punch with one of his own.

Followed by a roundhouse kick to the stomach that caused Ghali to spit out a mouthful of blood as he shot through the air like a cannonball.

Boom! Crack! Whoosh!

Destroying everything in his path as he crashed into trees, boulders, and eventually a mountain, where he got buried beneath the rubble and dust. Before clawing his way out and falling into a river.

Splash. Plop.

"Nice combo, kid but it's going to take more than that to take me down." Ghali grinned as he stood up and licked his lips, "So I'd advise you to lose that attitude, kid!"

He stated as he summoned his trusty spear, a Quasi-Hell tier weapon called Vengence that was made entirely out of crystal wood. Which had a silver nun spearhead that had three leaves wrapped around its shaft.

After, putting it up briefly to get a read of Rin's capabilities; before dashing toward Rin like a bolt of lightning with his spear in hand who just sighed and summoned Scarlet.

Crack! Zap!

'And this why you do not fight battle junkies, especially an Ifrit… the personification of battle and war, beings whose entire purpose is to seek battle and grow stronger with each foe defeated.' 

Rin thought with a smile as he dashed toward Ghali and went for a head-on collision instead of playing it safe and waiting for him to create an opening.


Creating a mushroom cloud as two opposing colors clashed for supremacy, followed by a constant clashing sound echoing throughout their surroundings as both parties tried to get the upper hand.

While moving from one place to another, terraforming the environment into a suitable battlefield and destroying the natural flora of this place causing it to become a barren wasteland.

Yet, as time went on both slowly realized that this would not end anytime soon if they kept the same pace.


"Sir, um I think he may be talking about..." Shadow whispered to Zero as he kept glancing back and forth between Cloak and Rin.

"Sigh... so you are saying he's a friend of the student we took earlier?" Zero questioned after being filled in on the possibility that someone might have followed them to retrieve the kid, they took from the resort earlier.

Clash! BOOM!

"Yes, so could you please hand him over to me?" Rin asked as he appeared beside Zero like an apparition yet kept his gaze focused on Cloak. After, purposefully creating an opening in his defense and managing to get away from that battle maniac Ghali.

"I'd love to kid but this is our reputation we're talking about, and to a professional that's worth more than my life. So-"

"You can't be serious! So, what's reputation going to do for you once you are dead?" asked Rin with a frown as he looked at Zero as if he was a fool.

"Nothing really, but I'd rather die honorably than live a life of dishonor, knowing that I betrayed those who helped me reach where I am today."

"Fair point but still-"

Clomp! Clomp! Clomp!

"FUCK!!! Can't a brother get a breather for a few minutes?" Rin shouted as he glanced at the moving bulldozer coming his way, "Sigh… forget it, let's just end it here as I already wasted plenty of time playing around with this idiot."