Rescue IV

Clomp! Clomp! Clomp!

"FUCK!!! Can't a brother catch his breath for a minute or two?" Rin shouted as he glanced at the moving bulldozer coming his way. "Sigh… forget it, let's just end it here as I already wasted plenty of time playing around with this idiot."

He muttered as he gripped Scarlet and spun it around twice, creating two rotating disks that shot toward Ghali like a laser leaving behind a trail of red glitter. Which burnt the air and anything that obstructed their path to a crisp.

Swoosh! Zoom! Sizzle!

"Haha! Now that is what I am talking about!" Ghali laughed as he marveled at the mastery Rin held over Qi while getting serious as well as he caused one of the tokens.

Swirling around the ring to stop causing a Dharma wheel to appear on the surface of the token which signified Reincarnation. Causing a yellowish mist to appear momentarily before it was quickly absorbed by Ghali.

Strengthen him in all aspects, especially energy-wise considering the massive amount of energy wasted to keep the Ring of Nirvana activated. A self-created technique that allows someone to use specific traits of different Laws to empower themselves.

And that is with a demon's enhanced recovery rate being two times faster than a typical human as Ring of Nirvana drains a whopping 50% of his reserves by itself. So, you could only manage how he managed to survive so long yet that is beside the point, as after the yellowish mist was absorbed into Ghali's body. 

A portion of the white lava-like substance within the ring vanished as well and combined with Astro, the name of the spear Ghali wields. Altering its appearance, it is in the process and its inherent element the spear initially had which was wither, a form of corrosion but more potent which could lead to the decay of time and space.

So, with the addition of fire and ice, it now became a unique but chaotic amalgamation that transcends the barrier of what is known to be possible. Considering the white lava was already a combination of fire and wither with ice just being a nice addition to the duo.

Since silver nun is a rare ice elemental metal type, that surprisingly allowed for the fusion to go easier than expected while lessening the likelihood of an explosion.

"Hmm, just what is this knucklehead planning?" wondered Rin as kept his eyes focused on Ghali as he maneuvered through the forest, following closely behind the two rotating disks which were slowly nearing Ghali's position.

Who could be seen standing still with his eyes closed and a new spear rotating around him, which radiated an ominous and bloodthirsty aura like a starving ghoul that had not eaten in 12 years. Along with a ring of fire hovering above his head like a crown.

Whoosh! Boom!

Like an arrow released from its bow, Ghali suddenly opened his eyes and smiled, disappearing from where he was like a vampire once the sun rose as he slipped past both disks and appeared in front of Rin instantly.

"What! How when-" Rin shouted with shock as he completely lost sight of Ghali, who magically appeared before him from nowhere and suddenly punched him in the stomach without mercy.

Before he could dodge yet that was not the end of it as he followed up with a sidekick to the rib and an uppercut.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Thud.

That left Rin a bit discombobulated as he leaned from side to side before falling to the ground with a thud.

"Hmm… tsk, it seems someone isn't having a good day," muttered Rin with a chuckle as he picked himself up as if he did not get thrashed around by Ghali. After managing to recover from the almost surefire knockout.

"And who wouldn't after being disrespected by their opponent mid-fight?!" Ghali retorted as he walked slowly toward Rin until he reached a meter.

"Fair point but you wasted your only opportunity to kill me, so please do not disappoint me," Rin stated kindly with a gentle smile as his eyes took on a baby blue light.

Welcoming back the fearsome God Eye, which once killed an Immortal, terrorized an entire eon, and led to the deaths of a whole squadron of Peak Gods.

"Well, I guess we'll just have to find out won't we," Ghali replied as he glanced at Rin with ridicule before suddenly grabbing Astro and stabbing him in his stomach.

"I guess so..." Rin muttered as he retrieved Scarlet and rolled to the side avoiding the strike.

'I'd try and finish this in three moves kid as you've gained the attention of the World Spirit.' Ezekiel said after being silent the entire fight and watching Rin play around the entire time.

'Sigh… just why couldn't I have been born a normal person.' Rin pondered as he kept dodging Ghali's stabs which were getting faster with each swing of his spear.

Swoosh! Roll! Swoosh! Roll! Swoosh! Roll!

'Who knows but I'd advise you to stop playing and take this fight seriously for once, Rin."

'Tsk, if you say so, sir.' Rin thought as he stopped dodging and kicked Ghali in the knee, popping his kneecap as he stumbled backward awkwardly almost dropping Astro.

"Tsk, was that necessary?" Ghali asked as he gritted his teeth.

"Yes, how else would I get you to stop?" Rin asked as he stood up and dusted himself off before taking one step forward and vanishing as he appeared behind Ghali with Scarlet held right to his neck.

For a clean and quick death as a thin line started forming where the blade's edge was located, leading to a few droplets of blood smearing the blade and sliding down his body.

"So, any final words before I kill you?" Rin asked just to be nice as he held the life and death of an ancient demon in his hands.

"None, I'm just glad I got to live the last moments of my life fighting an annoying but worthy opponent," Ghali uttered as he lowered his weapon but raised his head to the sky with unbridled arrogance.

"Hmm, well it was fun fighting you…"

"Ghali, the Betrayer and 10th King of Day Bright."

"… Ghali, huh? Well, goodbye and I hope in the next life, you manage not to become my enemy." Rin stated as Ghali laughed before closing his eyes and awaiting the inevitable.

Which arrived briefly afterward with a single clean and precise slash to the neck as his head fell to the ground with a soft thud. Followed by a fountain of blood that shot into the sky, signifying the end of Ghali, the Betrayer, and the reign of the 10th King of Day Bright's life.

'Sigh, life truly is something precious… welp, that was fun, so I had better return to the resort before another troublesome matter arises.' Rin thought as he glanced at Ghali one last time before snapping his fingers and causing his corpse to be engulfed in flames.

"Well, now that this is over with, onto the next matter at hand, Billy's rescue," Rin muttered as he walked toward the trio of flabbergasted individuals.

"Hey! Hey! S… S-Stop right there friend there is no need for violence, here is what you were asking for earlier. Sorry for the hassle but if you could just let bygones be bygones, I would deeply appreciate that, sir."

Zero shouted as he, Cloak, and Shadow took two steps backward with each step Rin took forward until Rin stopped a distance of three years away from them. During this, they threw a glass prism toward Rin, which contained a sleeping Billy inside.

"Thank you! But um, that deal has already left the table, so bye…" Rin said as he shook his head and swiped his hand causing three headless bodies to fall to the ground.

Before turning around and picking up Astro, 'Nice weapon. Truly a disappointment he could not witness you reach your full potential.' Rin commented as he placed Astro within his multi-K and teleported away, returning to where it all began.

But this time with a new purpose in mind and his true self, a playful but cold-hearted teen, who deems the Cosmos a game worthy of a player unlike any other.