Field Trip: Part 8 - Back to School

Meanwhile, on the utmost floor of the resort, a man could be seen walking back and forth in his office with a frown and black circles under his eyes as he pondered something of utmost importance. 

While stopping every two minutes or so, to write something down on a holographic screen, that floated around him like a hula hoop radiating a dim yet bright light. Which helped illuminate the interior of the dark office highlighting the takeout boxes, soda cans, energy drinks, and dirty plates scattered throughout the office.

A testament to how long he has been up trying to solve this mystery that seemed to have plagued his mind to the point where he even gave up on taking a shower or a brief nap. Yet, that was the least of his concerns as he kept his eyes glued to a tablet that kept replaying the events that occurred yesterday at his establishment.

During his trip to the mayor's office, which gradually got shorter as he dismissed irrelevant segments while only keeping the footage of everything that happened after he left to when he returned.

That began to slowly be crafted into the perfect scenario of what could have occurred as new information was constantly sent to him, consisting of photos, satellite imaging, and unnatural disturbances around the time of the incident.

Which spanned from around 10:30 in the morning to 6:30 in that afternoon, starting from when Rin and Nathan talked to them arriving at the dining hall. This is followed by the abrupt break-in and the brief appearance of a demon momentarily before its disappearance and finally the mysterious disappearance and reappearance of Rin.

Who was gone for a couple of hours after, Niko said something to him, and he jumped into a spatial tear to who God knows where, and the rest was history…

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Sorry for the disturbance, sir but the guests you told us to keep a close eye on, disappeared not too ago after assembling downstairs in a flash of light." One of the employees said after watching the course of events and promptly rushed upstairs to report the news.

Before leaving afterward since he was still on the clock and money does not wait for no man.

"Tsk, didn't I already tell them not to disturb me, unless it's for something important?!" Boris shouted loud enough for the employee to hear as he completely ignored whatever he had to say.

"I know sir, but... sorry, it won't again, sir." The employee shouted with a sigh as he stopped momentarily, before rushing downstairs and continuing his work.

"Sigh... just what will happen once I leave," Boris muttered tiredly as he took his reddish eyes off the tablet and glanced at Joe, "Go see what Jimmy is blabbering about before I fire him."

"Your wish is my command." Joe nodded as he left and went downstairs to see Jimmy.

Click. Thud.

"Just why am I like this?" Boris muttered with a sigh as he placed the tablet within his storage ring and closed his eyes. Falling into a brief nap as he slumped into the couch like a drunken man after a night at the club.

30 minutes later…

"Yawn, damn now that was what I needed…" He said after waking up and taking a glance at the mess he made in his search for answers.

'It seems some things just never change, no matter how old you get,' thought Boris with a chuckle as he stood up and began cleaning his mess.

While reminiscing about the days he lived with his roommate, George, where every day felt like a rollercoaster of laughs and never-ending pizza. A time when life was simple and all they needed were video games, music, women, and alcohol. The four essentials of an ignorant young man's life before life comes crashing down and it is time to lock in.

Boris smiled before dismissing such thoughts, 'Yet, while life was truly wondering back then… times like that do not last forever, and now, I live a life filled with so much more than a blissful college dream.'

He thought as he smiled foolishly while standing proudly in the center of his office. After managing to bring his office back to its original pristine condition.

An achievement that called for a nice, warm, and soothing bath to end the day as he could always return to this puzzle later and complete it, and so ended the great search…

Yet, it was only the beginning of a string of events, which would later lead to the destruction of Forbidden Blood and the death of...


One week later…

"Sigh, just what is a person supposed to do when they've been given a day off? After, a tedious week of classes filled with pointless activities and annoying situations."

Rin muttered to himself as a yawn escaped his mouth as he watched the clock on the wall strike noon. As he lay comfortably on the bed absentmindedly without a thing to do, except idle around and maybe talk to himself like the lunatic, he knew he was.

"Well, since you are so bored why don't you have another duel with me then?" Kyrie shouted from his room as he paused the game he was playing.

"Fuck, no but thanks for the suggestion, pal!" Rin replied at once with a headshake as he burst into laughter, "Also, aren't you supposed to be getting ready for your date, with um..."

"Oh, well yes thanks for asking and her name is Christina by the way, Rin! So do please try and remember but considering your tendency to forget things, I would not count on it," Kyrie said blatantly as he got up and stretched a little.

"Wait, wait hold up just what are you trying to insinuate, Kyrie?" Rin asked as he had an amazing memory.

'I'd have to agree with him on that one, kid.' Pharaoh replied.

'What you too! Come on it cannot be that bad, right?'

'Okay, it is not that bad, however, you do tend to forget important and trivial things, if someone does not remind you about it, like the creation of your Star body, for example.'

'Oh... I did forget about that, huh?' Rin laughed nervously as he scratched his head, 'Luckily there's going to be a full moon this Wednesday, so I'll for sure get started on that this time around.'

"Sigh, if that incident didn't happen, we could have already unlocked the first 3 stars, but everything happens for a reason," Ezekiel muttered with a sigh as he held his head.

"Huh? You are starting to hear things, Rin, maybe you should go to the school nurse and get that checked out."

"Yeah, right." Rin said with an eye roll, "Well, hopefully, your date goes well."

"You too well, you get what I mean!" Kyrie laughed as he took a glance at the time and swiftly stepped into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Considering it was almost time for him to pick up Christina for their dinner date at a local Italian restaurant about a mile outside the school grounds.