Abaddon and Evangeline

Meanwhile, as Rin lay on his bed daydreaming about the future...

The clock on his wall suddenly stopped as a dreamy hazy coated the entire room, in a transparent barrier as two fairy-like creatures appeared out of nowhere and used the ceiling fan as their temporary hideout.

"So, what do you think, Abaddon? Is he the one mother spoke of who has the potential to construct and establish a throne?" Evangeline whispered to her brother as she examined Rin.

"Tsk, not in a million years… but who knows maybe, he is as a mother loves to help the pitiful. So, coming on as we'll only know after we feel him out." Abaddon shrugged before smiling mischievously as he thought of the perfect way to greet their new friend.

"Abaddon! Remember Mother's watching, so if you do anything drastic that could lead to him not accepting to join our cause. Hmph, don't even call my name once we return to give our briefing."

"Tsk, I promise it won't harm him, plus what can that old hag, do to me?" Abaddon said before suddenly feeling the very air around him get heavier as a pristine finger with black nail polish, appeared from a whirlpool of swirling shards that gleamed menacingly in the light.

"Hmph, so I'm an old hag now, huh? Hopefully, your father shares that same sentiment?" A heavenly voice uttered with concealed rage from the whirlpool as she lightly flicked her son and retraced her finger before she caused this entire multiverse to crumble into dust due to her anger.

"Wait, wait Mother I was just~"

Swoosh! Boom! Boom! Boom! Plop. Thud.

"Hmm, just what the fuck is that?!" Rin shouted as he scrambled out of its way, after catching a glimpse of a ball of reddish light flying toward him. Yet, before it could collide with him, it suddenly changed direction midflight and collided with the floor. Before ricocheting into the ceiling then to the far left and right walls and eventually back to the floor.

A couple more times in rotation before, it finally stopped and fell onto Rin's bed. Gifting Rin the chance to see what it truly was.

"Wait, this isn't a ball… that's a demon! Well, a very small one, I'd say." Rin realized as he saw two stubs poking out from beneath its flame-like hair.

"See I told you so, now look at the mess you made," Evangeline could only say as she shook her head at the damage caused to the barrier by her brother's mouth. Which could collapse at any moment as it was riddled with holes and cracks.

'Sigh, well this was a failure… hopefully, next time things will turn out better.' Evangeline thought as she swiped her hand and retrieved her brother who was currently unconscious and being examined by Rin like a rare specimen.

"Hmm, where did it go," Rin muttered as he turned his head left and right to see where it might have gone. Before looking up and seeing another one of its kind hovering in the air.

"Sorry, for the intrusion, I wish we could have met under better circumstances, Rin." It said as it bowed its head, "However, our time is running short so goodbye, Rin Kurama Jasper and please do try and stay out of trouble. Oh, and I would recommend you get started on the creation of your Star body as you are going to~"


And like that, they were gone...

Wink. Wink.

"Well, if this wasn't the weirdest day of my life, I don't know what would have happened," Rin said with doubt as he scratched his head, confused at the events that happened, 'Forget it, surely this must all be a dream as there's no way-'

[This is not a dream Rin, and sorry for the haste departure but we only had five seconds before the barrier collapsed.]

"So, what exactly were y'all~"

[Sorry, but I do not have much time to talk, so just hear me out and the next time, I promise to answer all your questions, okay.]

"Okay, so just what exactly is going on."

[I would love to tell you in detail but just know you have been chosen to represent Oris, an organization that seeks to protect Origin and stop the nefarious plans of the End. Forsaken entities that were banished for causing the collapse of the Spark, but that is only the tip of the iceberg and you have been chosen to help stop them.]

"Okay… so just how do I fit into all this?" asked Rin curiously.

[That I cannot tell you, however, I assure you it will only bring benefits to you and your family. But that is only after you break free of your current reality and enter Origin, which only you should how to, or so our mother claims and that is about all I can tell~]

[Due to being outside of the current timeline no penalty will be issued. For first-time offenders, however, if you are caught again trying to hack, June. Hmph, death will be the lightest punishment you will receive, trespasser!]

[Connection with Origin Severed.]

"B... B-But I was just... forget it, it is about time I clocked out," Rin said as he deleted whatever was just said and went to bed as there is no way he could have died from just talking with someone; truly this had to be a crime somewhere!


Later that night...

Within the depths of Rin's Soul Palace, in an area closed off from both Rin & Pharaoh, that was about the size of a living room. A man in a lab coat with rimmed glasses could be seen running around frantically as he went from one place to another with a notepad in his left hand. 

That contained a list of things he had to check from the various illusionary devices and machinery, scattered around the room to the elixirs he had stored away in the closet and a few other things.

That pertained to the success or failure of Rin's pretrial code-named Union, or for better context reunion of Rin's past & present. Before the implementation of B.M.E short for Beginning, Middle, and End.

So, as Fred went around the room to make sure everything was in working condition, there were a few places he did not check or even touch. For some reason like the glass casing at the far end of the room, a monitor with a switch beside it, and a chair in the center of the room that was placed above an altar.

Which resembled those electric chairs seen in old prisons, which had leather straps wrapped around the arms and the legs and headgear that dangled slightly above the chair.

A nasty piece of equipment, if I do say so, that sadly sent numerous brothers to the Gulag.

{A moment of silence for our fallen brothers…}

But anywho as he bent down and traced his finger across the smooth edges of the altar, his mind seemed to flash back to the day Rin passed out the following morning of orientation. Due to the unexpected appearance of Noctis, who managed to trigger something within Rin's Soul Palace.

Leading to a suppressed memory resurfacing, which was initially sealed away by the combined efforts of Leon and Cloud. {Psst- Leon is the alias of Rin's first life...}

But as you can tell things did not go as planned and as always someone had to come to save the day. So as Fred stepped in and tried to get everything under control, Rin had to suffer through the pain of someone ripping his heart out.