A Lost Soul in the Darkness - Part 3

'M... M-MOTHERFUCKER JUST WAIT UNTIL YOU RETURN! I GOT SOMETHING FOR YOU JOHNNY BOY!' The captain thought as he cracked his knuckles and stood up to get some fresh air, "Oh, and do keep a close eye on our two friends, I want a report on their every movement. Also, tell one of our undercover guards to approach the suspects and get a read on them."

He said as he walked out and teleported to his underground training room to blow off some steam.

"Yes, sir!" Everyone within the command room shouted as they stood up briefly, before sitting back down and returning to work.


Sometime later within the cafe...

"So, sir, what could I get you today?" A petite whitish brown cat wearing a white dress shirt and black pants asked Charlie with a purr as she took out a notepad.

"Um, I'm not sure exactly... is there anything you would recommend someone to try if this was their first time coming here?" Charlie asked politely with a smile.

"Hmm, for a first-timer, I'd recommend a serving of Moon Pie and a Black Honey latte with a side of Oreo cheesecake." She recommended with a smile, 'A first-timer, huh? Who immediately upon checking in headed to Zone 5 of Fantasia. Sigh, just who is trying to fool, kid?'

"Damn, well then since such a pretty lady as yourself suggested it, it must be good. So could I get two Moon Pies, a small Oreo cheesecake, and a medium Black Honey latte?" Charlie ordered after giving it some thought.

"Sure, so would you like to pay with cash or credit, sir?" The waiter asked.

"I'll pay with cash, beautiful," Charlie winked as he took out three blue crystals.

In some unique realms like the Dreamworld, for example instead of a unique currency that's specific to that world or state. These realms require people to pay with crystals, a rare cultivation resource, or credit which can be acquired by completing tasks or running errands specific to that realm.

"Well then that will be 25 crystals and do please give me 5~10 minutes as I get everything ready for you, sir," The waiter stated as she collected the payment and left to go collect the orders of the other customers. 


Back in Tera...

"Sigh... just what problem have you bought upon me now, my disciple?" Noctis muttered as he was awoken from his mediation by an envoy of Dream. 

Who left shortly after giving him an envelope with a few photos and a note, which summarized the things his disciple did once he arrived in Dreamworld and showed proof of him wandering around a restricted area.

'Charlie… Oh Charlie, just why must you be so inquisitive? Now, I have to make a trip back to the Dreamworld before my plan backfires and Sofia gains word of Leon's awakening. Sigh, just why cannot I get a beak, it is as if life constantly wants me on my toes.' 

Noctis thought before disappearing from his room and appearing at the entrance of Dreamworld. But this time as a 50-year-old human, who was wearing a plain white dress t-shirt with black pants and black leather shoes and had a head full of white hair with heterochromatic eyes.


20 minutes later…

"So, what would you rate the food?" Shadow asked after they departed from the café, following the disappearance of the two guards outside of the alleyway.

"I'd give it an eight for presentation, a seven for taste, and a ten for service, so how about you Shadow?" Charlie answered honestly as he surveyed their surroundings to make sure this was not a trap.

'Hmm, while strange surely those two guards wouldn't resort to playing dirty at a time like this?' Charlie wondered as while the coast seemed clear his intuition was saying otherwise.

"Um… besides the Oreo cheesecake being a tad bit too sweet for me, everything else was phenomenal," Shadow exclaimed as she licked her lips just thinking about the Moon Pie she had.

"Well at least one of us enjoyed the meal, so are you ready to embark into the unknown and uncover what our teacher was doing here?" Charlie chuckled as Shadow used one of her race's inherent skills, cloak to hide their presence as they sneakily approached the alleyway. 

"Of course, so come on let's hurry before they return, and our Master is notified of our little adventure!" Shadow shouted as she hopped off Charlie's shoulder and dashed toward the faint veil-like membrane that concealed the ark rupture.

"Hey, hey wait up!" Charlie shouted as he caught up with Snowball.

'So, are ready?' Snowball purred as she stopped and gazed at Charlie awaiting his response.

"Um… not really, however, what's life without the unexpected, so let's do this!" Charlie exclaimed as he could not wait to see what secrets resided in the veil.

'Well, well what are we waiting for let's get this show on the road.' Snowball said before taking her first step into the veil causing its starlight screen to fluctuate like the waves of the ocean as a spatial tear appeared before them. 

That split the world in half as what was once light became darkness, following their entry into the ark rupture as they disappeared from the alley. Arriving in a foreign plane, which had a half-faced white and black Sun in the sky surrounded by gray clouds and an ocean made of ink.

Which encompassed the island they stood on as speckles of light shined upon their faces and brought them out of their stupor.

"Charlie, surely this cannot be the right place?" Shadow asked as all she could see was a few other small islands and an ocean darker than the void.

"Who knows, but whatever this place is, Shadow… I feel I might just be able to find what I seek," Charlie claimed as he could sense that something extraordinary was about to occur.

"Sigh, hopefully, you do as this place gives me the creeps," replied Shadow with a frown.

"Same here, however, we already came this far so, why don't we at least try to discover whatever it is that couldn't have brought my Master to such a bleak place," Charlie said as they began to search for whatever could have attracted Noctis to Zone 5 of the Outer Ring of Dreamworld.

Simultaneously, as this went on the faint sound of something falling into water rang throughout the alley like the chime of a bell. Causing a unique sound wave to spread throughout the city, alerting the higher-ups of Dreamworld that someone stepped into one of the few danger zones of Dreamworld.