Awaken - Part 1

Simultaneously, as this went on the faint sound of something falling into water rang throughout the alley like the chime of a bell. Causing a unique soundwave to spread throughout the city, alerting the higher-ups of Dreamworld, someone stepped into one of the few danger zones scattered throughout the realm.

Swoosh. Swoosh.

"So, what should we do now, Hugo?" One of the guards from earlier, assigned to guard the ark rupture asked, after allowing Charlie and Shadow to waltz right in.

"E, did you lose a few brain cells in these last few minutes to be asking, me such a dumb question? What else do you think we should do, if not report this incident to the captain and ask for further orders!" The other guard said with irritation.

"Sorry, Hugo it's just that... what if it was by accident, that they entered the ark rupture?" E asked curiously as he gazed at the ark rupture with concern as he couldn't imagine what could have driven those two to do such a dangerous thing.

"Sigh, I'm sure they'll be fine just call, the captain and ask what we should do moving forward," Hugo replied even though anyone with 20/20 vision could see that they entered at their own free will with a plan in mind.


Meanwhile, within the central ring of Dreamworld known as Kaiser…

"Tsk… which idiot thought, it would be funny to go snooping around the recently discovered ark rupture in Zone 5 of the Outer Ring?" Morpheus muttered with a yawn as he sat up and stretched after being rudely awakened from his slumber.

Before disappearing from his bedroom and reappearing in the alleyway, where the bell sound originated. 

Unknown to the two guards, who were engaged in a lengthy conversation with the captain of Zone 5, Mark Julius. Following Charlie and Shadow's entry into the recently discovered ark rupture not too long ago.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

'Tsk, just what does Dime want now?' thought Morpheus as he stopped and took out his phone, just as he was about to reveal himself and enter the rupture.

[Hey, Morpheus, how have you been, brother!]

"Dime, what do you want, especially, at such a sensitive time as this?" Morpheus asked with a sigh as he glanced at a particular location with a frown, 'Truly, my luck cannot be this bad, right? Sigh, why must today be the day I run into a headache and deal with such a troublesome situation?'

He thought as he sensed an old foe appear within Dreamworld, following his brother's untimely call. 

[Sigh, why must you always be so cold, Morpheus? Can't I ever call and see how you are doing for once? It's not as if every time, I call you I want something...]

"Dime, you only have a minute before I hang up! Also, what is Noctis doing here?"

[Wait, wait I just wanted to check up on you and ask, if you could take my disciple with you into the ark rupture to collect samples. Oh, and it seems he's here to collect his disciple, or so one of my spies informed me.]

"Hmm, sure but please do hurry as wherever Noctis appears it is usually followed by a massacre or robbery, also, when did he get a disciple?" Morpheus asked curiously as this was news to him, considering out of all the people he knew Noctis was the last person he would have ever thought would get a disciple.

 [I'd say a while back, however, no one really knows when exactly but that is most definitely his disciple. So, while you wait for my disciple to arrive, I'll take care of our guest so please do make this quick, Morpheus and~]


"Phew, finally the parrot has shut up at last, now just what shall I do when I find those two rascals?" Morpheus muttered as he leaned on the wall and waited for Dime's disciple to arrive.


A few minutes earlier...

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"What is it?!" Captain Mark shouted as he stopped and waited for whoever was disturbing his peace to answer.

"Sir, the two guards stationed near Zone 5, seem to have something they must urgently tell you!" His assistant shouted from behind the doors of his training room.

"Tsk, patch them though... let's see what news these two overgrown kids have for me," Mark said as he changed out of his workout clothes and donned his uniform, before grabbing something to drink.

"Will do, sir! Give me a minute to connect them to the server." His assistant replied as she quickly began typing away on a tablet.

Whoosh. Ding.

"Thank you, Chelsea," Mark shouted, before focusing on what the two guards had to tell him urgently.

"No problem, sir," Chelsea said as she left soon afterward to take care of something else.

"Now then what is it you two wanted to tell me?" Mark asked sternly.

"Um... sir, shortly after we left for lunch, the two suspects sneaked into the ark rupture and triggered the alarm mechanism. Before we could stop them also, it would appear we may have a slight problem," Hugo said as he sensed numerous individuals swiftly approaching this area.

"Hugo, did you just say the two suspects, who have been snooping around the ark rupture, since morning which you two are supposed to guard? Somehow found a way to enter the rupture after, you two were strictly ordered not to move from your post?! Plus, when did two Mythical Xero's need to eat; it's not as if you two idiots have a tough job to do anyway!" Mark yelled as he couldn't believe what he was hearing right now.

"Sorry sir, however, E really wanted some sprinkled donuts, so I thought it wouldn't be a problem to leave and come right back," explained Hugo as E kept silent and held his head down as he realized the gravity of his blunder. 

"Tsk, truly I don't get paid enough for this," Mark muttered, "But anywho what problem have we run into, Officer Hugo?"

"Um, it's quite hard to say... exactly sir, however, it seems the situation might have escalated into~," Hugo said before he was interrupted by a delicate tap on his shoulder. 

"Sorry, to disturb you, officer, but have you seen a tall lanky person wearing all black around here?" A short blasian lady asked as she surveyed the alleyway in search of her teacher's brother, Morpheus.

"No, ma'am, also, I would advise you to leave as you are trespassing on private property," Hugo stated before ignoring the woman and resuming his conversation with the captain, "Sorry about that captain, but it would appear their entry might have caused a bigger reaction than expected."

"... okay, so just how bad is it, Officer Hugo? Because to me it seems you're just rambling on about everything BUT THE SITUATION AT HAND!" Mark shouted as he was starting to get irritated by Hugo's attitude.

"Sorry, it's just that-"


"Hmm, so you must be Dime's disciple, I presume," Morpheus asked as he stopped hiding and appeared before Claire, startling the young lady.

"Yes, sir, now can we a get move on before someone or something else sneaks into the rupture," Claire said as she swiftly walked into the rupture with Morpheus right behind her, who just shrugged his shoulders and went along with it.

Leaving the two guards shocked at the audacity of this young lady to dare speak to the Dream King with such disrespect.

 "Oh and do please inform, Mark that if he doesn't want to lose his position, he better come down here with his team and secure the area. As something tells there's more at play here than what the eye can see." Morpheus said just before he disappeared into the ark rupture.

"Will do, sir," E and Hugo shouted simultaneously as they bowed and restated everything the Dream King said to their captain.