Awaken - Part 2


"Hmm, so you must be Dime's disciple, I presume," Morpheus asked as he stopped hiding and appeared before Claire, startling the young lady.

"Yes, sir, now can we please enter before someone or something else sneaks into the rupture," Claire said as she swiftly walked into the ark rupture with Morpheus behind her, who just shrugged his shoulders and went along with it.

Leaving the two guards shocked at the audacity of this young lady to dare speak to the Dream King with such disrespect.

 "Oh, and do inform Mark that if he doesn't want to lose his position, he had better secure the area properly until we return. As something tells there's more at play here than what the eye can see." Morpheus said just before he disappeared into the ark rupture.

"Will do, sir," E and Hugo shouted simultaneously as they bowed and began restating everything the Dream King said to their captain.


Meanwhile, as Hugo followed the orders of Morpheus, an undercover goblin spy who was originally dozing off nearby suddenly perked his ears...

After overhearing some interesting info before sitting up and surveying his surroundings to ensure his cover wasn't blown. Following the end of Hugo's report to Captain Mark, which allowed the goblin to get a picture of the situation.

"Welp, it seems that's my cue to leave," The goblin spy chuckled as it glanced at the E and Hugo with a sly smile, who resumed their previous positions and awaited the arrival of their captain and comrades.

Just as it took this time to escape from the scene before it was caught in the crossfire of whatever was about to go down. Even though it was quite curious if this was why the goblin princess begged her father to allow her to visit Dreamworld on such short notice.

Plus, the moment they arrived she specifically instructed him to spy on the area surrounding the new ark rupture, which led to the death of a family of fairies. 

The goblin wondered as it dashed through the alleys of the outer ring while trying to understand the significance of this incident. That in one way or another caught the attention of the 15th Dream King Morpheus, the one person in the Cosmos who could care less even about the death of his mother if he saw it as a hassle to handle.

Who now apparently doesn't want anyone else to enter the ark rupture, which would mean someone managed to sneak in before I arrived.

'Hmm, while strange... could it be due to the appearance of a new treasure, that he is acting this way?' The goblin thought before shaking his head and discarding such a thought, "While possible that wouldn't make any sense, so just what could move one of the three leaders of Dreamworld to act?"

The goblin said before stopping and remembering a strange energy signature, it sensed a while back that resembled the aura of a primordial evil. Beings of darkness, which have either forsaken their race or committed countless intergalactic crimes at the federal level.

"Is it possible these two events are in some way connected?" It wondered even though it knew such a thing was impossible if you consider the hatred both sides hold for each other.

That stemmed from the near death of Sofia during a tournament 5,000 thousand years ago held by the Ten Deities of Forever Quin, where Noctis thought it would be fun to disguise himself as a disciple of an unknown sect.

However, things didn't go as expected, and just as it reached the semi-finals, Noctis had to blow his cover as he nearly lost to a brat.

That he later learned was the to-be-appointed Empress of Dreams, Sofia Von Harlem, a petite but authoritative figure within the Dreamworld. Who had everything one could dream of... yet still, she couldn't forget the culprit who nearly killed her that day all those years ago. 


Simultaneously as the goblin spy left to report his findings to the goblin princess... 

An uproar was happening at Terminal 1, following the arrival of Noctis who had forgotten he was banned from Dreamworld, due to an incident in the past.

"So, um sir, what is your reason for coming to Dreamworld today?" The terminal receptionist asked politely while gazing briefly at the flashing red pop-ups.

That kept appearing on her interface causing her to swiftly send out a distress signal and call for security as she kept the individual occupied in the meantime.

"Well, if I'm being honest, I'm just here to collect my disciple before he does anything drastic," Noctis replied with a sigh as he sensed numerous guards quickly approaching the area.

"And why exactly is that sir?" she asked curiously as she began to relax after, noticing that security had arrived.

"Well... if I were to say his actions could throw the Cosmos into mayhem would you believe me?" He stated with a smile as he glanced at the armored guards surrounding him with loaded anti-matter weaponry.

"Pfft! Sorry, to laugh sir, but that's impossible as the Empress of Heaven would never allow such a thing to occur under her supervision. But if something like that was to occur just what could you do to prevent it, Oh Great Scourge of the Apocalypse?"