Awaken - Part 3

"Well... if I were to say his actions could throw the Cosmos into mayhem would you believe me?" He stated with a smile as he glanced at the armored guards surrounding him with loaded anti-matter weaponry.

An invention of the Federation crafted to specifically deal with cultivators that have undergone their third evolution, a term used to refer to an entity or person that has become a Creator or Empyrean.

{After reaching a certain power level, cultivators are separated into three camps known as mortal (Below King), elite (Between King and Divine Overlord), and God (Above Divine Overlord).}

But anyhow as Noctis devised a way to escape before all his efforts went to waste, everyone else who was only here for sightseeing and business, suddenly moved out of the way and stayed quiet. So that the guards could do their job as no one wanted to be entangled with whatever was going on. 

"Pfft! Sorry to laugh sir, but that is impossible as the Empress of Heaven would never allow such a thing to occur under her supervision. But if something like that were to occur, what could you do to prevent it, Oh Great Scourge of the Apocalypse?"

The once-scared receptionist of terminal one stated with newfound confidence as she smirked.

"Not sure, however, I surely wouldn't want to be on the bad side of the person who could prevent it. So could you please tell your colleagues to back down?" Noctis asked nicely even though he was starting to get pissed off by the receptionist's attitude.

'Hopefully, by the time this is over Rin will have already regained most of his memories and I can return to my domain,' Noctis thought as with every minute that passed Rin's and Elizabeth's fate changed as the future became unreadable and unrecognizable to both the sages above and below.

Who once thought they had everything within their control, yet with how things were moving they had better luck managing their fate than others. For while Fate might be weak, not just anyone Tom, Dick, or Harry can control her, even though someone once did... {Wink}

Subsequently, with these recent changes, everything could change from pawns becoming kings and vice versa to even the outcome now becoming something of discussion. As with the emergence of a new game came the reshuffling of old and new cards, so be prepared for the unexpected for not even I know where this might go...

"Sorry, but I can't do that, sir... now we can either do this the easy way or the hard way. What will it be, Noctis as I am sure you would not want your only disciple to die, right?" She asked with a glint in her eye as she stepped toward Noctis and looked him in the eye.

'To be honest, I wouldn't mind if he died as it would save me the hassle of raising another brat… however, while great it would kill the only worthy candidate I have to inherit my legacy.' Noctis thought as he paused to consider that maybe this wasn't worth it 

Yet, the only thing she could perceive from his heterochromatic eyes, which were bluish-orange with a hint of green was her death. As if his eyes contained the power to write her ending in this very moment, but while unsettling it could not hide the slight worry his eyes tried to conceal desperately.

'Hmm while revolting… even monsters still carry emotions, even though it may be just an ember. It was still something we could use to our advantage to turn even the most dangerous animals into docile creatures.' Sarah thought as she stepped back and returned to her previous position, but this time with a twisted sense of victory. 

"Are you threatening me?" He asked with genuine curiosity mixed with concern as if this was the first time he had ever spoken to an idiot before.

Considering, no one in their right mind would ever dare question an Ancient Empyrean especially, one that follows their whims and could care less about what others thought of him.

"Um, Sarah while this might seem fun and all to you, I wouldn't recommend antagonizing an entity that could kill you before you could even blink." The head security guard and ex-boyfriend of the receptionist said as he kept his gaze focused on Noctis.

"I would advise you to listen to your boyfriend as I don't think you truly understand how dangerous the game you are playing is," Noctis chuckled before frowning and gazing into the distance, 'Hmm, while slower than expected... it seems my time here is up.'

He thought as he glanced at his watch and calculated how much time he had left before they arrived at checkpoint three.

"Tsk, and while it may be dangerous," She replied with a smile as she ignored Chris, "Shouldn't you be more concerned about whether your disciple will ever witness the light of day again? For with every minute, I stand here wasting your time your disciple's life hangs by a delicate thread so once again, what will be your decision?"

Sarah asked once again as she stared at Noctis, hoping it would be one that would satisfy the power rush she was feeling as she savored the taste of having someone's life in the palm of her hand.

"Welp, while I would love to continue our little game... it seems, I'll have to choose the hard way! However, it would seem we have a bigger issue on our hands, so toddles and if you ever dare try that again death will be least of your concern."

He said with a creepy smile as he began to count down to ten, "So goodbye and good riddance, Oh fool of Dreams, Sarah Vandella. For life is but a dream and yours is soon to end."

Noctis whispered into Sarah's ear after suddenly disappearing from where he was standing and lifting her into the air. Before slamming her onto the polished stone floor causing the entire building of terminal one to tremble as a crater appeared where he was once as dust clouded the scene.

While the gunshots of an AR-15 could be heard through the building as Chris ordered some of his men to chase after the culprit. Meanwhile, the rest stayed behind to help anyone who may have gotten hurt in the process.