Escape and Disposal - Part 3

"Come on guys there's no reason to get so rowdy, so why don't we sit down and-" Dime was saying before he was interrupted as things were starting to get out of hand.

"Shut up!" Both Morpheus and Noctis shouted as they glanced at Dime.

"While true I think my strength could allow me to take a few more bites, plus who's to say you don't have a connection to Rin? Since the way you were acting earlier, I would think you knew something about him that we didn't Noctis." Morpheus claimed as he stared at Noctis questioningly.

"Tsk, at the end of the day, those are just speculations, Morpheus. So, unless you have concrete evidence to prove my association; we are done here, right Rin?" Noctis smirked.

"Yup," I replied unconsciously even though my mind was elsewhere, 'Hey, Artemis what would happen, if I agreed to you eliminating all current threats?'

[Nothing seriously just the destruction of Dreamworld, Master Rin.]

"What?!" I shouted with shock and astonishment as I sat up since this could not be true.

'What happened to him?' They all wondered as they gazed at Rin suspiciously before ignoring him and returning their attention to the drama between Noctis and Morpheus.

[Relax Master Rin as while possible sadly you have yet to upgrade the system or achieve one hundred merits to make such an option feasible. However, considering our predicament it would be in your best interest to take such an option than escaping with Simon to ensure your safety.]

'Whose Simon?' I wondered as I glanced at everyone in the room with curiosity and vigilance.

[Sigh, there is still much you do not know, Rin... for now, I cannot tell you, Master Rin. However, if we manage to survive whatever questions you may have, I will try my best to answer them without garnishing the attention of my brothers and sisters.]

'Hmm, well then Artemis, I'll hold you to that; for something tells me, I won't be dying anytime soon, so get ready to spill some tea, pal.'

[Hopefully, that stands true but for now, I would advise you to stay still as I try to disconnect you from the orb.]

'Okay.' I replied as I took the time to close my eyes and doze off.


Meanwhile, as Artemis tried to discreetly help Rin, a goblin spy finally reached his destination after taking numerous detours to make sure no one was following him.

Knock. Knock. Knock.


"What can I do for you, sir?" A short-snout brat wearing baggy cargo pants and a white beater asked as he adjusted his broken goggles while peeking from behind the door.

"Issac, shouldn't you be asleep at this hour?" the goblin asked with surprise evident in his voice as he widened the door just enough to slip through with ease.

However, before he could step in the door was swiftly shut in his face by Isaac.

Blink. Blink.

'... I swear to the Heavens above if this kid was not the child of a friend of the princess's, humph,' Thought the goblin as he restrained himself from breaking the door and creating a scene.

"Sniff, no entry for smelly goblins that can't adhere to basic etiquette," Issac muttered with a satisfied grin after shutting the door in the goblin's face, "That's what you get Carl for messing with the all-powerful Issac."

"Isaac, honey what was that sound?" His mother shouted from upstairs.

"Nothing, Mom I think a stray might have knocked over a trashcan outside."

"Okay, honey remember you have school in the morning, so don't stay up too late, Isaac."

"Yawn, I won't Mom," He replied as he walked over to the couch and turned on the TV.

"So, I'm stray, huh?" The goblin asked with a menacing grin as he gripped Isacc's shoulder and placed a silent spell upon him, following the use of shadow magic to sneak in after adhering to the princess's order.

'Gulp, Mommy I think I may have provoked the Devil,' Isaac shivered as he turned his head sideways and saw the smile plastered on Carl's face.

"Relax, kid while human flesh is a delicacy, I prefer sweets instead. So next time I knock on the door allow me entry and we won't have to resolve to any violence got that?"

"Y... Y-yes, Sir Carl."

"Good to know, now go inform your big sister that I'm here, and that I need to speak to Irene urgently," Carl smiled as he let go of Isaac and walked over to the refrigerator to get something to eat while he waited for the princess to summon him.


"Hopefully, by the time we arrive, all the fun won't be gone," muttered Carl after making a sandwich and pouring himself a cup of lemonade, "Aww, now this is how life should be."

A few minutes later...

"Sir Carl, Irene said, 'She will meet with you now.' Oh, and do not forget to bring her a pack of sugar cookies," Isaac quickly told Carl as he remembered she wanted something to eat before he could head upstairs.

"Tsk, thanks kid," Carl replied as he grabbed a box of cookies and teleported upstairs.

"You're welcome, sir." Isaac smiled before quickly heading to his room.

Zap. Knock.

"Enter Soldier 1234." Someone from behind the door said as Carl rolled his eyes in annoyance, just as the door opened with a click.

"So, what's so important that it required me to interrupt my cultivation, Soldier 1234 aka [Silent Viper]?" A woman wearing a white floral dress and a silver mask asked as she sipped tea.

"Sorry for the disturbance Your Highness, however, I think I found the person you were looking for, and here are the cookies you asked for," Carl stated as he took out a box of cookies from his storage ring and some photos.

Before handing them over to the guard, who opened the door earlier and inspected them briefly before giving them to the princess.

"Hmm, so the wheels of Fate have already begun to spin, huh? Just what will be the outcome this time when they finally reunite?" The princess muttered with a smile as she gazed curiously at the burning photo in her hand while munching on a cookie.

"Shall I ready the troops, Your Highness?" A cloaked figure asked as he appeared behind the princess from her shadow.

"Yes, Arthor, and do please hurry as time isn't on our side at the moment," The princess said mysteriously as she finished her cookie and prepared for war as this was bound to be a sleepless night.