Revealing his Identity

Oh shit, how can I be so unlucky? Thinking this I entered the hall with nervous steps.

Hearing my footsteps of arrival, Ryan turned towards me and had a soft smile adorning his features. But his eyes said otherwise.

Besides him, Vampireee had that devious smirk fixated on his face. I'm so dead, so sooo dead.

"You are finally here ", said Ryan in a soothing tone with a tender look in eyes.

Nodding my head I move a little closer towards him, trying to hide from the eyes of a certain vampire.

Seeing this Ryan doesn't object and places a hand around my shoulders which shocks me a little, but eventually, I familiarize with that feel.

Meanwhile, Ralph observes all of this keenly. A fire ignites within him but his face doesn't show anything except a cold blank look.

Turning towards Ralph, Ryan says," This is Anuja, Anuja this is Ralph."

A hand came into my eyesight making me look up towards him. Thinking for a moment I shake hands with him, but he seems unwilling to let go.

I make eye contact with him silently pleading for forgiveness.

"It's an honour to meet you Miss Anuja", said Ralph sarcastically but no one noticed.As Ryan was busy talking with his generals and maids busy with the dinner preparations.

I decided to confront him.


But before I could start my rambling of questions and allegations, he gave me a stern look quieting down my voice seeking justice.

After a short while dinner was served I sat besides Ryan and in front of me was Vampireee.

We had our dinner quietly with some occasional talks between both the men about a treaty. From what I can understand they were going to sign a peace treaty.

Soon after the dinner ended I decided to return to my room ,saying my goodbyes to everyone. During this whole afternoon I could feel a set of prying eyes till the point of my departure. The uneasiness that I felt in my heart during this time didn't make the things any easier.

Passing through the maze of corridors I reach my destination, the place which has become my home now.

Opening the door to my room I get only one feeling ,"HOME SWEET HOME"

With this I move directly to lay on the bed without even switching on the lights.

I fall on it with a thump but instead of pillows and blankets I feel the warmth of someone's chest.

Shocked by this sudden feel I try to move away and get up from there ,but a pair of arms stop me from doing so.

I feel a hot breath near my ears making me blush.

"I didn't you were so unabashed and presumptuous in nature princess"

Hearing that voice at such a close distance and in such a seductive way ,made me go weak in the knees for a second. But what brought my senses back to place was the recognition of that person.

Getting angry on his such rude behaviour I push his arms away and get up from the bed ,followed by the culprit behind ,And before he could respond, I gave him a kick on his bum.

Making him destabilise for a moment. Taking this opportunity I switch on the lights.

The face that comes into my view doesn't surprise me a bit, it is none other than vampireee.

"What the hell!!! Don't you have any manners ,entering a lady's room without her permission.", said I an angry and stern tone.

" What lady ,huh!!!! I don't see any, you are a devil!!! Who kicks a man on the butt like that ,huh!!!", said Ralph in an equally angry tone with a childish pout.

After staring daggers at each other for sometime they started laughing uncontrollably.

"Ok let's start with all this Vampire King business . Couldn't you tell me from the start???", said I in a annoyed tone with a sweet dagger like smile.

" That way it wouldn't be any fun?!?!"

"Now I don't regret a least bit kicking your ass. You know what maybe I should do it again."

"I didn't knew you were such a tyrant .Don't forget that I'm a vampire .I'm much more stronger than you. Plus I'm King of all vampires."

"Pffft, Vampire King my ass you are going to do no such thing or I shall tell the whole world how I kicked your ass. Right Vampireee!!!"

Seeing his face fall to the depths of hell as I said this made me laugh internally and externally, but I tried to control it not wanting to make him angry anymore. Well at least I don't need to take tension anymore. Now, I know that he can't punish me , not until he wants his little secret to go out.

Seeing this he said arrogantly," Now can you stop with your nonsense already ,My Princess"

Hearing this a frown appeared between my brows," Don't call me that , it sounds so cliche and plus I'm no princess..."

"Oh, but I like it's sound you know Princessssss"

Teasing Anuja on the surface but inwardly he had already considered her, his princess for eternity. Now, he must win her heart and take care of his rival in love , and a newly made friend.

This isn't that difficult just chances of death of a whole race in case of some minor mistakes.

"Well now that we know each other so well why don't you help me with my magic training till the time you are here, you know like a..."

"Like a..???"


"Does Ryan know about this..?!?!"

"No no no ,he doesn't know about and he doesn't needs to I mean this can be our little secret. You know like the one between friends.."

"But we aren't friends "

" Aren't we, but this kind of interaction takes place between friends only. "

"I'm not accustomed with much of outer world customs"

Thinking about this ,I got a great idea.

"Fine ,then I will teach you outer world customs and you teach me how to control my magic powers in return. "

"Hmmm, sure why not this sounds a good deal"

"So... Deal!!"


Said the two shaking hands with each other .

Both of them with evil glints in their eyes and conspiracies brewing in their minds.

Where one wanted to learn magic only ,other wanted take away her heart along with the bond of friendship.

"Let's meet tomorrow at the same time and same place, as today"