A Promise

After his departure , I went towards the window to get some fresh air.

Let hair ruffle with the on going winds from outside, I see a figure I seem to recognize.

Moving aside a little I let in. It's the same owl reason for that mark. But it still seems so cute and innocent ,that makes it difficult to drive it away. With these thoughts I let it in. It perches on a nearby table and stays there silently. Waiting for sometime I don't get a reaction from it

Feeling tired from all the things that happened today I decide to go to sleep keeping the window open in case it wants to leave on waking up.

During the midnight ,I feel a warm touch around my head. I lean against that pleasant touch unknown to the tender gaze of the person besides me.

Missing her touch, Ryan couldn't sleep so he decided to visit her. But going to a girls room at such a time seemed inappropriate.

So he decided to take a peek through her window, just a glimpse to satisfy himself and his wolf. Using his sewen powers he takes a flight into the night sky. Feeling a cool breeze against his fluttering wings, he reached her window.

But to his surprise it was already open. Taking the opportunity he entered the room with steps as light as a feather.

Looking around he saw a small curled up figure tangled among the sheets .She seemed too vulnerable ,too adorable, too dear to him in that moment.

Seeing this he couldn't control his emotions and decided to stay for sometime ,going against his better decision making mind.

He moved towards the bed and sat at it's edge.

Passing his long fingers through her silky silver flocks of hair. He saw her leaning to his touch, making him feel an immeasurable sense of relief, happiness.

Placing a kiss on her forehead ,he left for his abode with much difficulty. Making his heart wait for the day when she will come to his arms on her own accordance and be wouldn't need to move around like a thief ,just to get a glimpse of her.

Thinking this he left with a heavy heart, waiting for that days arrival.

To keep our promise vampireee made up a lie of about being ill and extended his stay.

In return ,I also kept my promise to Ralph and went to the secret garden next day at the designated time.

But he wasn't there yet. So I observe the scenery around me sitting on a nearby rock, waiting for his arrival.

Ryan had gone out to level four to meet the elven king. He shall be returning after 2 weeks. I had heard from Liz that this world was made up of total five levels/ islands and on fourth level lived elves and witches.

Before leaving he told me to be careful of Ralph ,even though he is now an ally but situation can change anytime. Personally I think Ralph is not that much of a bad person, well he didn't expose me. Not like I'm afraid of him anyway nor did I make such a big mistake. Anyways, my cutie Ryan would never scold me.

Leaving this all aside. I start to think about other things.

Witchessss, hmmm, would he meet Maya too.

Thinking about all those people who suffer because of her, I felt a tinge of anger ,regret and pain in my heart ,which confused me. Why do I feel so sad for some unknown people???

Just what nonsense am I thinking why would he meet Maya when has gone to meet Elven King.

And anyways Ryan is such a kind and honest person, he won't support a person like Maya who tortures her own people.

That's just too impossible.

Deep in my thoughts I don't notice the approaching footsteps. Until I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning around I see a dazzling smile which almost blinds.

"No need to give such a bright smile, I think I might go blind seeing this."

Hearing this he huffed and puffed his cheeks like a small kid. Seeing this I couldn't stop my laughter from emerging out, forgetting all my earlier brooding.

"Now that's the smile I wanted to see. You don't look good brooding around like an old lady...Right Princesssss!!!", said vampireee in a melodic sing-song way with concern evident in his eyes.

But none of us said a word and continued the work for which we came in first place.

In this manner, a day passed followed by some more until the of Ryan's arrival was close.

And the day of end of my training came too. But before saying my last goodbye' to my new best friend ,we had a little conversation.

"I don't even know how these days passed so quickly ,but here we are at the end of our days together.....I mean to say at the end of our training"

"I shall miss you these past were the most ones in my whole life. Thanks , for being my bestest friend Vampireeeee", said I with a little squeak, in the end, trying to lighten the saddened mood.

"Well, but I must say you are my best student ever. Provided that I don't have many students...."

"Hey!!! Why do I feel like that was more of a taunt than an appreciation....", said I giving a cute pout to prove my point.

"You know you can come with me if you want to..... But if you don't want to its still fine!!"

Feeling a little awkward in such a situation, I controlled my emotions and said, "Ralph I can't do this. I can't do this with Ryan, not after all the kindness he showed towards me, a total stranger. I can't leave him I lo...."

But before I could complete my sentence I paused myself trying to control my thoughts and words.

"You love him, don't you. I get it", said vampireee with a little disappointed look. Deep within his heart, he knew that winning his fair maidens heart was quite near to impossible, but he didn't want to give up. Not until he has tried all of his moves. And if this all fails, then he isn't afraid to use force. He didn't want to lose her not after all the time they spent together. Not after getting so close to each other.

"No, you getting it wrong I didn't mean that!!!"

"Fine if you say so. But if you ever want my help don't hesitate to ask for it. You can come to visit me whenever you want to, you know..."

"And keep this locket with you. If you are in any kind of trouble or need, just rub it once and I shall be there. And don't reject it...", said vampireee removing the jade necklace around his neck.

To this I couldn't interrupt and had to agree, giving him a head nod and taking his locket.

On further thought, I need to go back to that witch village before Ryan returns and I don't think so I would be allowed to go alone. So I decided to ask him for his help.

"Ummm, Vampireee could you may help me a little bit, you know ...."

"Of course, you can. Just say it and it will be done!!!", said Vampireee enthusiastically.

"Umm, I want to go somewhere tomorrow evening and I don't think I would be allowed to go alone. If you could help me in some way....

An...And Ryan shouldn't know about where I went?!?!"

"Fine, I will try to do my best. But would you like to tell me where are you going..."

"I....I'm Sorry I can't "

Letting out a sigh, he says," Fine....Meet me at the castle gate tomorrow morning"

"Thannnnks Vampireee, you are the best!!!",said I giving him a bear hug in my excitement.

Remaining in that situation for a few seconds I moved away, hearing an awkward cough.

But while moving away, I caught the glimpse of something red. Looking up, I saw his head turned away but his embarrassment couldn't be hidden as his red ears were visible.

"So let's meet tomorrow!!! Bye...!!!", said Vampireee in a hurried way and off he went to his room or god knows where in the speed of light, invisible to my eyes in a single second.

With the end of this day, I went to my room hoping for best to happen tomorrow.

I must finish this task before Ryan returns, day after tomorrow.

With those thoughts, sleep evaded my eyes and mind unknowingly, making me fall into a deep slumber.