Past or Future: Truly Unknown - III

"What did just happen??"

"It was a beautiful day.

The day when she, Rose, decided to visit her only family her sister Maya.

She expected a warm welcome.

But what she got was quite unexpected for her...

But not surprising for me."

That's strange, how does wavvy know so much about Rose if she was in mortal realm.

Wasnt he supposed to be in Amar realm at that time?

"How do you know this all???

It feels as if you were with her all throughout her journey..."

"Well, you can say that.

As I told you before, I promised to myself that I shall protect all the future witch queens.

Same goes for Rose.

During her stay in the mortal realm, I stayed with her too."

"Now, Rose was returning back home or shall I say soon to be her hell.....


"Yes, soon to be her hell..."

"Hey, I was joking.

Don't be so serious. "

"But it is true.

On her return, she got a death sentence instead of a warm welcome. "


"You heard it right, a death sentence.

During her absence, Maya convinced everyone she betrayed witches for a mere greedy human.

She took her place as the new witch queen.

I was with Rose in the mortal realm during this time period, so I didn't know anything.

Rose asked me to reach their a little prior to their arrival to inform everyone about their arrival.

Going back to our world back after 10 long years was an emotional moment for both Rose and me."

I could see a few stranded tears in waavy's eyes.

Such a powerful dragon, such an adult man like him was on the verge of crying.

This is too serious.

Well anyone would be sad to lose the person, whom they spent half their life caring for.

If I was in their position, I wouldn't have been able to handle it.

Ryan hasn't been in my life for that long, so I can recover from his loss, probably.

Why do I feel this unbearable, unexplainable pain within me?

I know I felt a little attraction towards him from the day I saw him in that little garden of ours.

It had become like a secret unexpected meeting place for us.

Huh, a meeting place or a lovers spot.

But it all happened so fast, so easily.

Maybe, it was my infatuation, nothing else.

Anyways, why am I thinking about him?

He is gone and he is never coming back in my life.

Or maybe it's because I want him back.

I want him to seek my forgiveness.

Even if he does coming seeking my forgiveness, I won't absolve him.

I won't forgive him, even if he says he will leave his throne for me.

Even, if he forsakes everything for me.




Hearing wavvy's voice I come back to reality.

"Are you fine?!?!

If you are feeling ill, I can leave you back to Ralph's castle.

We can continue this talk some other time."

"No no!!!

I want to know what happened?!?!

And plus I'm absolutely fine.

I'm not feeling ill.

Just spaced out for a moment there. "

Shit, Anuja!!!

What are you doing concentrate on the thing that is happening in front of you!!

Stop thinking about that shitty person, Ryan.

Feeling wavvy's doubtful and penetrating gaze on me, I say, " Please continue "

"Are you sure, you feeling fine...."

"Yes, I'm absolutely fine.

Please continue", I said with my best reassuring smile that I could muster up.

" Ol, if you say so..."

"So when I reached to the witch castle I came to know about what Maya had done.

I tried to make people understand that what she was saying was wrong, but they were not ready to listen to me.

Thinking that Rose had done something to me.

I decided to return to the mortal realm and stop Rose from coming.

But I was too late.

They had already left.

And there in the witch castle in my absence, Maya slaughtered Rose and her husband with the help of a few other witches."

Now, those few stranded tears had converted into a waterfall.

"Since Maya was the new witch queen, I was supposed to protect her according to the promise that I made to myself and the elder witch"

Seeing him in such a bad state, I couldn't stop a motherly instinct from rising within me.

Taking his head into my lap, I started petting his hair.

"It's ok.

You tried your best, we can't change what happened nor can we control natures way of things.

Everyone must go one day or another.

But what matters is how you handle those things.

And you did a fantastic job of staying true to your word.

You can still change the future.

So don't worry everything shall be fine. "

I tried to soothe him, by saying some encouraging words.

But the rising pin and tornado of emotions were getting better of me, my voice cracking.

Why do I feel so sad for a person I don't even know?!?!

Maybe, because her story is so sad...

To prevent it from being visible to savvy, I started singing a song...

"In those dreadful nights and sad days.

I seek you.

I wander around searching for youuu...

Oh my lord, shower me in rains of mercyyyy.

I shall remember this gratitude of yours forever.

Why can't I see them again?!?!

Why can't I feel them again?!?!

Why did I lose that love of mine?!?!

Why is it so difficult to fall for him?!?!

Why?!?! Oh, Whyyyyyy

Let me drown in your rain of blessings, ONCE AGAINNNN

Oh, my Lorddddd."

(These lyrics are created by me. You can imagine any tune that seems appropriate to you. )

With this, I try to let out all my sad emotions.

Trying to convert them into a tornado of blessings and goodwill for the future to some.

"Thank you, Anuja. I feel much better as of now.

I have made a decision...."

"What decision???"

"I'm gonna help Rose's daughter to have her revenge and make her the new Witch Queen.

I may not have been able to control my past, but I shall change mine and her future, definitely!!!"

"Good luck for that!!!

But do you know where that girl is???

And one more thing I forgot to ask what is your real name??

I can't keep on calling you wavvy forever.

After all, that is not your real name."

Giving him a curious look I wait for his reply.

"Well, my real name is a secret.

I can't tell it to you.

Because names of certain powerful people holds great magic...."



I was joking...

My real name is Ashguard Blue.

Just like my blue flames that burn everything in their way..."

"If they are this great, then why couldn't you defeat these vampires....."


"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that...."

"It's ok.

I understand you are curious but let me tell you not everyone plays fair.

And not everyone plays false.

Some are too trusting.

Some are too betraying.

Everyone has a different nature.

Like the winds that change their direction.

There is no guarantee.

There is no surety.

Just a hope that it will be so.....

This isn't my part to say

For I can't break a friendship of yours"

"I think I will ask vampireee himself..."

"So what about my other question???

Do you know where that girl is???"

"Yes, I know where that girl is and who she is....

She is...."