"She is..."
Oh shit!!!
Looking up towards the sky, I realised I spent a little too much time listening to wavvy.....urrr
I mean Ashguard's talks.
Oof, wavvy sounds better I will call him wavvy.
That's fixed.
Forget all this nonsense Anuja, wasn't that Vampireee's voice...
He would be so tensed looking for me everywhere, right?
Of course, he was tensed what a stupid question?!?!
Ok, ok
Stop panicking Anuja....
Aaaah (Screams Internally)
"Oh shit!!
oh shit!!
What should I do now, wavvy?!?!", said I in my ultimate panic mode.
" First of all, calm down.
And then listen to what I say...
You must do so if you want to survive...", said wavvy in a confident tone with a smug look.
Ehhh, I don't like that look on his face but I don't have much of a choice as of now.
Listening carefully to what he says, I make an internal note of the details.
After about 10 minutes:
I sit at the corner of an open area against a tree.
Making some sniffing noises as if I was crying a little.
With my legs folded in a way that my head is resting on it, in my lap.
A pure white owl sitting beside me, who is obviously wavvy.
But let's keep that a secret from Vampireee that I know this owl.
And that it is actually a dragon in disguise, using one of his many forms.
Let's not tell him this, otherwise, there will be a war to stop...
I remain in that position, waiting for vampireee to notice me and take a pity towards me thinking, I was lost.
Uhhhh, I know this is just a little too cliche.
Like all those old romance novels, heroine trying to get the male leads attention by making him feel pity towards her poor situation.
But let's not talk about that right now...
I hear a slight brushing noise, someone brushes off some bushes away from themselves.
I get into form and start making those slight sniffing noises. As if, I was crying from God knows when in the wait of my Prince Charming...
I hear vampireee's voice like a soft whisper being carried with the wind similar to petal across the wide calm lakes surface.
Feeling a cold hand on my shoulder with the warmth of familiarness, I look up.
Giving my best puppy dog look combined with a sad one.
Seeing this, his face contracts in sadness.
I call him in a broken voice as if he is my light in the darkness for whom I waited since eternity.
"Did anyone try to hurt you???
I will teach them if they did!!!
Are you fine???"
"No one hurt me.
I just lost my way.
And whe...when I tried t..to return, I couldn't find my w...way back.
And the...then I pan....panicked a little...", saying this I turn my face towards the right. Followed by some hiccups and a few more tears, the show must go on.
Trying to show my embarrassment on the topic.
Or so I was supposed to...
According to wavvy, men are supposed to feel a little...
Urrr....protective towards girls on seeing them in such a miserable state...
" Sssh.....
I'm here, princess.
No need to worry anymore.", said vampireee trying to soothe me.
That's when wavvy came towards me and jumped into my lap, snuggling up to me.
He's so soft, I can't help it...
I want to pet it...
And so I do.
Vampireee doesn't say anything for this whole while.
Maybe he is letting me calm down before taking me back.
Meanwhile, shoots daggers towards me.
If looks could kill, I would be long dead.
But they don't, so here I'm completely alive and wavvy trying to withstand this situation somehow.
Hehe (laughs internally)
For some time we remain like this in complete silence.
"We should be going back.
It will soon be night.
And I don't think you want to spend your night between forest creatures in search of prey...", said vampireee with a smirk trying to lighten the mood.
" Eeeh, I think we should leave!!!"
Seeing him laugh on me, I pout slightly.
"Sorry, but I couldn't control it.
You look so cute with that expression of fear"
"Yeah, and you will look much better with a print of my hand across your face."
"Eh, ok enough with jokes.
Now, let's go back.", said vampireee clearing his throat and bringing the seriousness back to the atmosphere.
Following his lead, I try to get up from my place with wavvy in my lap.
When vampireee stops me.
His one hand across my shoulders and another one below my legs.
He lifts me and wavvy so effortlessly as if a feather so light to touch that it is negligible in weight.
Adjusting me in his grip, he says, " Ready Princess!!!"
"Ready for what???"
"For this!!!"
And with that, we moved at lightning speed.
It was if we were talking to the wind, matching its speed when it's not even visible.
It feels so refreshing, so exciting.
And mind-blowing or should I say dizzying.
After some time, I feel a little oozy.
Maybe moving so fast was a bad idea after all.
We finally reach our destination...
"So how was your first speed flight???"
Feeling ill, I couldn't answer to vampireee's question.
And he gets the gist of it, probably.
"Looks like it wasn't that good for you.
Let's get you to your room and get some medicine for your ooziness..."
Sometimes I feel like vampireee can read my mind.
And at that time, I was thankful for that.
And that's how my first day in the kingdom of vampires passed.
Filled with surprises, unexpected encounters, past revelations, what not?!?!
And who else knows, what all is in store with Mr. Future for me??
Well, let's wait and watch. As I hoped it's not something that my heart wouldn't be able to handle.