The ways of world

"Once upon a time" these are the word which are usually used to write about the period which is unknown to human being but we are not talking about any one period ,we are talking about the time ,when most of the world is unknown to human being  there is no king or queen in any part of world ,only leaders are there that also of very small population ,there is no caste or creed present in any part of world ,there is no god present in anybody heart or mind leaving one that is "God of strength " also called Shri Shakti  meaning power the first god to whom human civilization bowed .villages were small having a very small population of 500-700 people and the leaders of the village were not the sharpest and political correct people but they were strongest, bulkiest and scariest of all the people living in that village .people of every village called there leader by many names but most frequently used name was "dethargu" this name was used because people believed that anyone having any argument with dethargu would meet his death shortly after that unfateful argument .If there is more than one type of dethargu type person in the village then dethargu is chosen by the test of his skill of making swords ,at that time iron was not yet discovered and swords were made by hard river bed stone ,these swords were very heavy and require great deal of strength and skills to make them as well as to use them .It is also believed that dethargu share a bond with Shri Shakti the divine god . There were no rules and regulation the word of dethargu were taken as word of Shri Shakti but there was one rule which was to be followed by dethargu that is that he could not marry because it is belived that if dethargu marries than he will share his love and respect for shri shakti with his wife and children and in doing so he would upset  shree shakti and a terrible disaster would come on their village ,and if dethargu wants to marry then he would have to leave the village and had to find his livelihood else where  .

In this newly webbed human civilization there was a village named "Harkod" harkod was one of the most prosperous village of that region, having population of about 600-800 people in which two third population know how to do farm work as well as to fight with sword which was itself a very good achievement for a village. This prosperity of Harkod village was due to "Gangot" a very large river present on the outskirts of Harkod . Gangot was also the reason of frequent battle fought mainly between Harkod and Dehool, dehool was a neighbouring village which mainly depend upon rainy season for good harvest on the other hand Harkod has a very vast fertile land and unlimited supply of fresh water for good harvest of there crops, and one of the major loss that both the sides had to suffer because of battle was death of dethargu .

Sun was shining brightly and almost half of the population of Harkod was sitting outside the wooden shade house ,these wooden shade houses were one of the common things between every village in these region, these wooden shades were made by big rocks carved into big and thin rectangular wall which surround these houses all the sides and top of the houses were made by cutting the bark of trees in two equal part an tying them by strong and thick vines ,only a small portion of top of the house is left uncovered  by the tree bark and this uncovered portion is used as gate by the people the space at top of the house is designed such that any men women and children would be able to pass through opening but any predator such as tiger ,lion cheetah would not be able to pass through it, these predator are main cause of death of people after battles in these region infact the only animal which work in cooperation with these people were horses, horses helped the people of the villages in their farm ,and also in carrying their crops from farm to market where they can exchange their crop for other useful items and nowdays women of the Harkod are feeding their horses the best grass available as it is month of april and wheat crop is being and in week or two horses would be needed to carry the crop from the farm.