Sajal was in the farm cutting wheat crop, usually people have to move their stone cutter two and fro in order to cut ta single slice but sajal with his enormous strength and extra large stone cutter is able to cut a large slice of crop in a single move , sajal mind was not on the crop he was thinking about unfatefull chains of event which has changed his life he could visualize each and every event so much clearly like it had happened a day before suddenly someone started shouting "battle is coming tree is on fire" sajal eyes shot up on the tree on the check post it was indeed on fire. Out of nowhere sazal shouted I would kill those dehoolians and started running toward the village with other two eighty people which is 90 percent army of Harkod while running sajal was doing quick calculation he thought that it would atleast take an hour to reach the village and another half an hour to reach battle field from there but it will take only 20 minutes for army of dehool to reach battle field and another half hour to reach village from there ,sajal only hope is that new dethargu would show some courage and try to stop the enemies army from entering the village ,because if army of dehool entered Harkod then in order to sort out years of anger and frustration they might not even show mercy to woman and child then in a inaudible whisper sajal said may Lord Shri Shakti give power and strength it our leader RINDRA.
Rindhra was standing in front of a chowara , chowora is a place situated in middle of village it is called chowara because it has four road ,each road leading to four direction, all women ,children and elders were assembled at chowora during battle because if in any unfaithful battle forces of harkod are not able to defeat enemy forces and enemy forces enter in the village then people of harkod would be able to run in other three direction in doing so they would be able to divide enemy forces in three part thus making enemy army weak ,this idea of chowora was devised by "Simha" one of the most appreciated dethargu of harkod while making of chowora Simha also said that "If you can't kill your opponent as a whole then try to kill it in parts" .
From a population of five hundred and fifty Rindhra had only chosen seventy men to fight ,Rindhra could have choosen more people from the village but he knows that people are not toys and they could not be taken to battlefield and played with on reaching the boder of harkod Rindhra was joined by five more solders from the check post Rindhra then arranged all the soldiers in 16 lines with each line having five solders .Rindhra can see atleast 250 dheoolians soldiers advancing towards them and Rindhra could also sense fear in his own people suddenly Rindhra shouted "they are 250 men running towards as thinking that they could kill us and then destroy our village ,but they don't know that we are people of harkod ,in our body not only the blood of our brave ancestor run but also the divine water of gangot , today we will not fight for our lives, but for harkod ,we will fight for harkod ,we will fight for gangot ,we will fight for our right and honour ,JAI SHREE SHAKTI a loud voice came back from his soldier JAI SHEE SHAKTI ,Rindhra could feel the flow of energy from his soldier ,Rindhra was some what satisfied that if they would not win this battle then neither can people Dheool can win it .
If god is real and is watching the battle then it would seem like that hundred of people are fighting for a piece of bread,both the forces were fighting like mad elephants ,due to large number, dheeolians were circling the harkod army ,but Rindra was very calm the only thought in his mind was to find the dethargu of dheool .