Gather as much as possible! Moonrose's power is too fluffy and good! Spread the fluffiness wide, my dragon!

"Some kind of giant race used to inhabit this world."

It was easy to guess as the castle and whole ruined town was as if made for big humans. The fresh air that was filled with nature energy caused Xue Ren to relax, but also brought with itself the taste of yearning...

Since Xue Ren doesn't know where his parents landed after leaving Earth, or even whether they are alive, he has huge yearning to go to Seven Divine Weapons Alliance and find his family he had created with his wife...

"Too many things to do..."

Xue Ren also believes that his brother will help him with swords as he arrives above. But not knowing exactly how much time has passed, the reincarnator also has a few worries. What if they are already dead? What if the Sword God divinity changed its user?

However, since it's higher world, they all should be still alive! Anyway, now, it's not time to reminisce.

"Childish traps."