The time has come to fight! / Excalibur! Come here! I must help as Fluffy King! Break the 4th wall!

Only Moonrose had found out about this 'secret'. Everyone, even Xue Ren, arrogantly went forward and destroyed every golem's hand without even looking at the cores. Sometimes, even the ground shook and moved by itself, but that was golem's bodies moving around, thus, no one truly cared about them...

It's not like slight disturbance on the ground can stop those experienced warriors. And just because of that, no one even thought about destroying golems... They were saving their energies for the upcoming skirmishes that are bound to happen.

"No wonder that librarian knew about Hell and Heaven Worlds even though he is from this shitty medium world."

Kuzan! He spoke as his mood brightened. Right now, he was outside throne's room as small dragon. He is of course known as one of the people under black devil's command, so that was the only way for him to leave the throne's room and feel the 'higher' world with his own body.

Even though it wasn't really his body...