Heaven's Paradise - First Cloud

"Heaven's Paradise - First Cloud."

The angel leader spoke such words and the world slightly changed. The clouds of the cloud goddess halted, seeming to lose to the power of the holy race. His words forced the rest of his pals to let out the same 'ability'.

The moment Cloud Goddess felt this, her heart sunk.

The lady realized that the only reason she has gotten this divinity was because of an angel race being sealed up in their own world. They were a race that lives along the fluffy clouds and their prison is likewise world full of holy clouds.

If that's the case, then is it really fine for her to go with them?

They might be nice and supportive. Their powers are also have the pleasant vibes and can heal the wounds along with mental state. But this is in the end power, the so called 'forced effect'. It can be used to kill, destroy and influence many.